Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

In this country banning things that were previously legal for everyone hasn’t really worked out.

There are enough in circulation now to were even if you banned New sales I don’t think it would matter.

You say greater good but for better or worse Americans take their guns seriously.

You try to take guns from legal gun owners and more people will die from that than mass shootings.

That's the issue. I am a legal gun owner in FAVOR of finding a way to fix this. But there's so many guns out there. Legal and illegal.

We have no computer database for gun purchases in this country. EVERYTHING is paper. Thank you NRA.

So if you buy a gun, a paper form is sent in to track it. So when a crime is committed and they go to trace it, it's not like on TV where they can look up a serial number. They serial number is sent out and someone PHYSICALLY searches for the sale.

It's a wonder any gun crime is solved in this nation.
Don't ya think there's a problem with people who love their guns enough to cause physical harm to protect them...expecially when the conversation is 'keeping guns out of the hands of criminals or mentally disturbed people' and not 'take guns away from everyone by force!'

I mean, really.

How are you going to keep guns or anything for that matter out of criminals hands?

They don’t exactly follow the law by definition.
That’s wild the lady wasn’t even in the country.... so now it’s even a bigger question on who the lady was at the concert telling people they’re going to die?
How are you going to keep guns or anything for that matter out of criminals hands?

They don’t exactly follow the law by definition.
Of course not, but you do the best you can do by making the process very detailed and stringent. I don't get why legal gun owners are against making the process more critical. What do you have to lose?

And the issue has more to do with the mentally ill than it does criminals. There is no doubt in my mind that this country has a mental health problem that we haven't done much to quell, and on top of that we're unwilling to take a closer look at how mentally ill people are getting their hands on guns.

You don't see how selfish and ridiculous that sounds. What exactly do you have to gain or lose, or are you afraid of some slippery slope concept where the government eventually goes home to home to forcefully take guns from individual citizens?

I would confuse her for Hispanic

Maybe she warned people at the event?!?!
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

LAS VEGAS—In the hours following a violent rampage in Las Vegas in which a lone attacker killed more than 50 individuals and seriously injured 400 others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Monday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said Iowa resident Kyle Rimmels, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep these individuals from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what they really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past eight years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”
We're talking about making it more difficult. We're not asking for Aladdin to snap his fingers and miraculously rid the country of every single firearm. It's about actually working towards a solution.

Give me something specfic that has proven to work.

The places in this country with the strictest gun laws aren’t safe and have some of the highest incidents of gun violence. That’s not my opinion that’s an objective statement of fact.

More laws aren’t going to work.
That’s wild the lady wasn’t even in the country.... so now it’s even a bigger question on who the lady was at the concert telling people they’re going to die?
I think we need to pump the brakes on connecting that story with the shooter ... I have been told on two occasions since Trump was elected that I am going to die or that my race will be exterminated ...

I was in Las Vegas when DACA was nixed and was surrounded by protesters who were yelling at me simply because I was white ... I did look like the ultimate bro, but given I have a mixed wife and my best man was Bolivian, I kind of got pissed off ...

Point being, people say the worst of things to one another when they are in a disagreement ... I could see these Hispanic people being yelled at by country white folk and them yelling back you're all going to die eventually ... plausible...
Good to hear your people are good nikekid6 nikekid6 . My heart and hopes go out to all of you effected by this. Sad.

And here we are debating whether or not to implement more strict gun laws. If we can't see the need to sure up the gun purchasing process in the face of this tragedy, I fear people's own individual selfishness reigns supreme even over the innocent loss of life.

That's wild.
This is precisely what they're afraid of :lol:

I am a gun owner. I will gladly give up that right if they can ensure they get them all.

They can't though. That's the problem. They MAY be able to find all the ones from legal sales. But only from those.

Think of how long people have been buying stripped lowers for AR's. not increase that number 100 fold. That's probably how many untraceable incomplete lowers have been sold.
What is the 'traditional profile' of a mass shooter?

I don't get the reasoning behind trying to pigeonhole what type of people could perform mass shootings. Anyone is capable.

Hard for me not to read that as 'white people can't commit terror.'
I am a gun owner. I will gladly give up that right if they can ensure they get them all.

They can't though. That's the problem. They MAY be able to find all the ones from legal sales. But only from those.

Think of how long people have been buying stripped lowers for AR's. not increase that number 100 fold. That's probably how many untraceable incomplete lowers have been sold.
And that's the thing about it that I don't get. What exactly do current legal gun owners have to lose if the rules are made to be more stringent? Especially if we acknowledge that the government going door to door isn't going to happen.

What exactly is making it harder to get a gun threatening that people are so eager to shout it down before the conversation even starts?
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