Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

Give me something specfic that has proven to work.

The places in this country with the strictest gun laws aren’t safe and have some of the highest incidents of gun violence. That’s not my opinion that’s an objective statement of fact.

More laws aren’t going to work.

It's no easy task.

I've always said violence in this country is directly correlated to the disparity between the impoverished and the well to do. As long as the 99%/1% paradigm exists, we'll live in a divided country where violence will trump that of other developed countries. Buckle up.
Fatboy don finished 5 mins.....
So he could waste time talking nonsense about crap issues

Bet he was shocked it was a white guy
And that's the thing about it that I don't get. What exactly do current legal gun owners have to lose if the rules are made to be more stringent? Especially if we acknowledge that the government going door to door isn't going to happen.

What exactly is the fear of making it harder to get a gun threatening that people are so eager to shout it down before the conversation even starts?

Because there are places in America where it's very hard to purchase already and gun violence is still high.

You are only making it harder or legal owners to purchase.
And that's the thing about it that I don't get. What exactly do current legal gun owners have to lose if the rules are made to be more stringent? Especially if we acknowledge that the government going door to door isn't going to happen.

What exactly is making it harder to get a gun threatening that people are so eager to shout it down before the conversation even starts?


Plus the crap the NRA throws out there.

How many guns do people even need?
Because there are places in America where it's very hard to purchase already and gun violence is still high.

You are only making it harder or legal owners to purchase.

I live in CA. One of the states where we have the most laws. You can still buy parts legally online, make an illegal firearm, and no one would know.

Hell one of the handguns I own was brought into the state via a loophole(now closed though).
He used the woman's ID ... Explains why she was a suspect and her picture was plastered all over the news ...
Over here our government made very drastic changes to our loose gun laws roughly 3 weeks after some guy went on a shooting spree in Antwerp with a shotgun. This was back in 2006.
The requirements to get a firearm permit was made far more strict, certain gun types were outlawed for most people, a mass electronic database of firearms was established, ...
Many people voluntarily turned in their guns to the police and for quite some time there was no penalty on turning in banned or other illegal firearms. I believe ~700k guns or something were turned over to the police. Those who had existing permits simply needed to update them under the new requirements. Some decided to revoke their permit entirely.

That being said, I don't see that kind of change working in the US. People didn't care enough when Sandy Hook happened, doubt they'll care any time soon.
I don't think banning guns is the answer, Switzerland is up there as well in the top of guns per capita list and they have very little gun problems relatively speaking. I believe their healthy gun culture and education plays a big role in that. Especially when it comes to mass shootings.
This story is quickly evolving ... One angle being thrown out there - guy was going through a break-up and hated that Trump was elected president ... Potential motive = country loving, white concert goers somehow being linked to Trump supporters ...

Again, not confirming but information is flying around ... Could be all ******** ...
She was also his partner. She's since been released as they've determined she had no role or knowledge.
Yup, just trying to clarify for the race baiters saying the media is pushing blame to her ... He illegally used her ID so naturally she was a suspect through no doing of her own ... Now, the fact she was out of the country and linked to left-wing activists groups is for another time ...
This story is quickly evolving ... One angle being thrown out there - guy was going through a break-up and hated that Trump was elected president ... Potential motive = country loving, white concert goers somehow being linked to Trump supporters ...

Again, not confirming but information is flying around ... Could be all ******** ...
I think we should all chill until we have substantiated stories with links that we can all fact check.

This wouldn't be the first time that NTers were consciously or unknowingly spreading false news stories that were being perpetuated on far right reddit pages.
I think we should all chill until we have substantiated stories with links that we can all fact check.

This wouldn't be the first time that NTers were consciously or unknowingly spreading false news stories that were being perpetuated on far right reddit pages.
Agreed, sorry just thought this particular angle interesting given the rhetoric on NT and social media ... Flat out, this is what many people have stated unequivocally on social media about people who support Trump, hoping they die and all ...

I think in addition to doing something on gun laws, this van also serve as a lesson in stereotyping ...
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