SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Hold on, guy! Let me get my pepper spray out!

Wait! Let me change my ammo real fast! I have my REAL bullets loaded right now!

You don't swing a crowbar on someone holding a gun. If you do, you deserve the consequences.
Originally Posted by odog24

they were literally a couple feet away and u guys defending the cop for shooting 10 times??????

he coulda shot the guy once in the arm and there situation woulda been handled

2 feet away with a sledge, but he had time to aim at his arm? His reaction time was literally 2 seconds...

The 10 shots was panic. You act like he had 10 shots planned and he was counting.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

awesome, so if your relatives get shot ten times whilst walking drunk or high and actin fools, its justified?

Alot of you guys deserve to be shot ten times based off the junk you share here.

Like the complete garbage you posted in the 1st sentence?

Walking drunk or high and actin fools? Really? You call this "walking around actin a fool?"

I'm sorry, but after that, I honestly can't take you serious...

He went into a place where families were enjoying their day with a sledge hammer and sent people screaming and running for their lives as started to destroy everything in his way, then proceeded to swing it at armed officers!! Actin a fool!?!?!
Guy was pretty much asking for it, Why go at a cop like that? We know what'll happen.

But 10 shots though?
Partner about to be clobbered, let me aim for his arm so he can drop the sledgehammer!

Let me shot him in the leg and wait and see if he pulls out something! Let me just shot once and risk missing. 

Or let me unload my whole clip so he doesn't hurt or kill anyone including the dog. 
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

awesome, so if your relatives get shot ten times whilst walking drunk or high and actin fools, its justified?

Alot of you guys deserve to be shot ten times based off the junk you share here.

Like the complete garbage you posted in the 1st sentence?

Walking drunk or high and actin fools? Really? You call this "walking around actin a fool?"

I'm sorry, but after that, I honestly can't take you serious...

He went into a place where families were enjoying their day with a sledge hammer and sent people screaming and running for their lives as started to destroy everything in his way, then proceeded to swing it at armed officers!! Actin a fool!?!?!
Dude Im not condoning the dude's action.  
But it's a known fact that some people go into drug induced psychosis bc their piff was laced with PCP.

Where in my post did i say what the fool did was kosher? It obviously wasnt

What I'm trying to say is people defending the cops need to chill.
Lol u tried to compare this to somone just being drunk or high acting a fool

How is it even close to the same thing? Where were u trying to go with that comparison? Dude was rushing at a cop with a sledge hammer
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by odog24

they were literally a couple feet away and u guys defending the cop for shooting 10 times??????

he coulda shot the guy once in the arm and there situation woulda been handled

2 feet away with a sledge, but he had time to aim at his arm? His reaction time was literally 2 seconds...

The 10 shots was panic. You act like he had 10 shots planned and he was counting.
if ur a cop u shouldnt panic thats why you go through training so you can handle these situations without panicking
cops shouldnt panic thats the whole point of a cop to control the situation and prevent other people from panicking, what good is a cop if he cant even control himself

so ur saying in two seconds a trained officer cannot aim at another part of a body two feet away??


Cmon son.
Originally Posted by odog24

they were literally a couple feet away and u guys defending the cop for shooting 10 times??????

he coulda shot the guy once in the arm and there situation woulda been handled

This isn't Hollywood.

You really think he should aim for his arm in this situation? Really? Not only could he have missed, have his friends face bashed in, and have the situation escalated, that bullet could kill an innocent bystander. I'm pretty sure cops are trained to shoot for the chest as it's the easiest target. You must be insane if you think "he coulda shot the guy once in the arm and there situation woulda been handled."
He wasn't JUST rushing.

Do u not understand mental health and drug abuse??????

Jesus, can someone explain to this guy cuz i thought i made it clear earlier.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by odog24

they were literally a couple feet away and u guys defending the cop for shooting 10 times??????

he coulda shot the guy once in the arm and there situation woulda been handled

This isn't Hollywood.

You really think he should aim for his arm in this situation? Really? Not only could he have missed, have his friends face bashed in, and have the situation escalated, that bullet could kill an innocent bystander. I'm pretty sure cops are trained to shoot for the chest as it's the easiest target. You must be insane if you think "he coulda shot the guy once in the arm and there situation woulda been handled."

then i am insane 
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

He wasn't JUST rushing.

Do u not understand mental health and drug abuse??????

Jesus, can someone explain to this guy cuz i thought i made it clear earlier.
do u know for a fact either of those were the reason, why would that even matter........
"o im sorry i didnt know if the guy was on drugs or not so i let him bash in my partners face"
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

That %@#% makes me mad.

Police dog, rubber bullets, tazer, pepper spray and that fat pig decided to just shoot a man dead in broad day light. WOW!
You my friend are a moron. You have no clue. seriously you don't. I am a cop and you don't understand this Officer did everything he was trained to do. He applied force reasonable and necessary to stop the threat. The guy had a weapon, intent, and delivery system. Please google Deadly Force if you have no clue. If the Officer would have been hit in the head with that crow bar he easily could be dead, lose an eye, etc. Not every shift or dept has a K-9, we don't have rubber bullets at my dept, and F* pepper spray no one uses it because it incapacitates officer most of the time. As far as the guy shooting him 10 times, it doesn't matter. We are the only state(Wisconsin) trained to stop the threat ( i.e "Shoot them in the central nervous system aka face")
If you think someone is trying to harm you its either fight or flight. Welp you can't bring a crow bar to a gun fight. If somebody charges you with a crow bar and you have a Glock .22 lets see what your actions are. You probably would allow dude to bang your head in... SunDoobie i pray you are like 12 years old and don't know any better. If not you are a lost cause.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

That %@#% makes me mad.

Police dog, rubber bullets, tazer, pepper spray and that fat pig decided to just shoot a man dead in broad day light. WOW!

The cop tried to taze him but he shook it off like it was nothing so pepper spray wouldn't do anything and trying to shoot someone in the leg is MUCH harder then what you think it is. Rubber bullets and he would have shrugged it off.

 He turned around to hit the cop. He was obviously on some kind of drug cause most humans don't just shrug off a taze. So therefore he wouldn't have stopped. Also if you shot at his leg and missed there is a chance of a ricochet and hitting a civilian.

 The police, army, air force ect are trained to shoot the center of mass. You shoot at the middle of whatever you see and are trying to hit. It is not fancy, it gets the job done.

You know how it goes, you take swing at a police officer and dont drop your weapon, you get shot. Thats how it works and if you dont want to get shot put the weapon  down and obey the law. Its not a hard concept to grasp.
y do u guys wanna be under martial law sooo badly?

its really mind bottling...

"follow the law or get shot to death... dummy" - cop stans
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

y do u guys wanna be under martial law sooo badly?

its really mind bottling...

"follow the law or get shot to death... dummy" - cop stans

 ur pretending like dude was caught j walking or somthing......he charged a cop with a deadly weapon......
A few shots directed at his thighs woulda brought him down, they seen him as a animal so they put him down like a animal

The wrong people.are being hired
Dude wasn't taking any chances, when nerves get involved all that training %!%@ goes out the window, at that point its kill or be killed.

Imagine dude trying to explain to his partners wife why her husband is in a coma because you tried to aim at the leg of some crazed fool with a pipe
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