should mary jane be legal? why or why not (Edit Barak Obama is cool with it)

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Do all you guys know that if its legalized your homeboy that sells pot is out of a job?

Exactly, and I aint trying to go broke

thats not true... i got homies that slang cigs too... no one going out of business...
But are they caking like drug dealers?
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Do all you guys know that if its legalized your homeboy that sells pot is out of a job?

Exactly, and I aint trying to go broke

thats not true... i got homies that slang cigs too... no one going out of business...
But are they caking like drug dealers?

Weed ain't the only drug out there
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Do all you guys know that if its legalized your homeboy that sells pot is out of a job?

Exactly, and I aint trying to go broke

thats not true... i got homies that slang cigs too... no one going out of business...
But are they caking like drug dealers?

No, They make slightly less then weed people.. but one thing i will say is no one caking off weed... a few extra hundred a week.. i dont know anyone makingalpo money off chronic...
Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Do all you guys know that if its legalized your homeboy that sells pot is out of a job?

Exactly, and I aint trying to go broke

thats not true... i got homies that slang cigs too... no one going out of business...
But are they caking like drug dealers?

Weed ain't the only drug out there

It's not easy to grow good weed. You need time, money, energy and an actual know how. You can't just plant some seeds and expect it to grow somegood weed...

And it is legal I'd be too damn lazy to grow my own...I'd go work, do my job, go home and smoke, eat, sleep...repeat process.
I don't even care. It is basically legal in Cali. I stay blowin many clouds of that purp. Cops don't care out here unless you get caught up with like aP and a scale. They have better things to do than F with people who blaze. Thank God I was born in the Bay....we have the best herb in the world. I been toB.C., Amsterdam, Morrocco and Columbia.....nothing compares. The rest of the U.S. needs to wake up and realize marijuana is safe to smoke. Hell, even if youare worried about your lungs, you can eat it, or vaporize it.

Anyways, I can care less if its legal, I just want the government to DECRIMINALIZE the plant. TOO MANY people getting screwed over and doing time and paying a**$% load of fines just for POSSESSION, not even slanging it. Punk +$# government lies to all of us, how the hell you going to tell ME ciggs and drank can belegal but not some buds? You think we're stupid?
Many Buddhist traditions, writings, and beliefs indicate that "Siddhartha" (the Buddha) himself, used and ate nothing but hemp and itsseeds for six years prior to announcing (discovering) his truths and becoming the Buddha (Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path)
I'm going to see if it works.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

I don't even care. It is basically legal in Cali. I stay blowin many clouds of that purp. Cops don't care out here unless you get caught up with like a P and a scale. They have better things to do than F with people who blaze. Thank God I was born in the Bay....we have the best herb in the world. I been to B.C., Amsterdam, Morrocco and Columbia.....nothing compares. The rest of the U.S. needs to wake up and realize marijuana is safe to smoke. Hell, even if you are worried about your lungs, you can eat it, or vaporize it.

Anyways, I can care less if its legal, I just want the government to DECRIMINALIZE the plant. TOO MANY people getting screwed over and doing time and paying a **$% load of fines just for POSSESSION, not even slanging it. Punk +$# government lies to all of us, how the hell you going to tell ME ciggs and drank can be legal but not some buds? You think we're stupid?

tobacco and alcohol only legal because the majority of the population wants it to be, I'm pretty sure that the majority of Americans don't want mjto be legal. If Americans already complaining about cigs and 2nd hand smoke imagine truth commercials about mj. And yes the Govt. sure does think were stupid.

I highly doubt it's basically legal in Cali maybe in the bay but wack *** cops in LA crack down on fools w/ mj any chance they get.
Originally Posted by w0odTactics

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

I don't even care. It is basically legal in Cali. I stay blowin many clouds of that purp. Cops don't care out here unless you get caught up with like a P and a scale. They have better things to do than F with people who blaze. Thank God I was born in the Bay....we have the best herb in the world. I been to B.C., Amsterdam, Morrocco and Columbia.....nothing compares. The rest of the U.S. needs to wake up and realize marijuana is safe to smoke. Hell, even if you are worried about your lungs, you can eat it, or vaporize it.

Anyways, I can care less if its legal, I just want the government to DECRIMINALIZE the plant. TOO MANY people getting screwed over and doing time and paying a **$% load of fines just for POSSESSION, not even slanging it. Punk +$# government lies to all of us, how the hell you going to tell ME ciggs and drank can be legal but not some buds? You think we're stupid?

tobacco and alcohol only legal because the majority of the population wants it to be, I'm pretty sure that the majority of Americans don't want mj to be legal. If Americans already complaining about cigs and 2nd hand smoke imagine truth commercials about mj. And yes the Govt. sure does think were stupid.

I highly doubt it's basically legal in Cali maybe in the bay but wack *** cops in LA crack down on fools w/ mj any chance they get.

we are....
Originally Posted by Ross Is Here

It's not easy to grow good weed. You need time, money, energy and an actual know how. You can't just plant some seeds and expect it to grow some good weed...

And it is legal I'd be too damn lazy to grow my own...I'd go work, do my job, go home and smoke, eat, sleep...repeat process.
Growing marijuana is a science and an art, no doubt about that. The last good hookup I had was full of knowledge, and let's just say itwas the best product I have ever come across. I could see, smell, and taste the love the grower had for his plants. His goal was to grow the best pot hecould and boy was he good at what he did . His focus was never on profits, profits came naturally. I just wish that all growers had the same love and desirefor growing. This dude grew more flavors than lifesavers and could tell you how each one was going to affect you, on some Dr. Greenthumb $%+. Unfortunatelyhe relocated to the pacific northwest.

There are many uses for mj as medicine, and if mj serves as medicine to someone, then so be it. After all it is a natural plant. I smoke regularly yet Irefuse to take pills. Even if its for a headache.

natural healer > man made "healer"
I just can't figure out how there are people who will fight against the legalization of weed, but say nothing about doing away with alcohol.

I also can't figure out why people think if weed was legal, the entire population would turn into some pothead junkies who never go to work and never doanything productive. Alcohol is the same concept and while it is a problem with some people, you don't see people drunk on a daily basis (unless you are incollege).

If weed was legal:

1. The government could make billions of taxes alone, and spark some life into the "ag" side of this country again.
2. The government could control production, making it SAFER to smoke than street 'dro which could be mixed with other chemicals
3. The government could put restrictions on it just like they do with alcohol (i.e. can't operate vehicles)
4. The government could save millions/billions on petty possession charges and focus on people using heroin and the likes.

I understand there are some other angles to look at with this, but it honestly does not make sense to me. I still can't fathom the "gateway" drugcrap that has been spread over the last decade or two. I guess in the end, I look at it in comparison to alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol, cigarettes, and weedall make people feel good when used in moderation. And all three can hurt the person if used extensively (I'd even contest weed to the least harmful of the3 possibly). Cigarettes cause more deaths than any other illness there is. Alcoholism and drunken driving has killed far too many people. Yet, in all of this,weed is the one thing that is against the law. The one thing that nobody can say has killed someone 100% by itself.

How can anyone not only say weed is a bad substance, but also not attack alcohol/cigarettes on a much higher level?

As I've said, there are dozens of other ways to look at this. I don't think weed should just be thrown out there and offered to anyone who wants it.But at the same time, I look at what alcoholism and cigarettes have done to my family over my short life, and I can't fathom how people are against weed ofall things.
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