Should we tax churches? (Not time to bash religion, we're talking about money)

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by JFDOOM


You guys sound really ignorant right now. The rich NEED to be taxed more. They have been getting taxcuts for the last decade. People think that only the wealthiest people can create jobs but thats a giant lie. The government is more than capable of creating new jobs. You can not expect people to look out for the better good of this country time and time again this philosiphy has failed in our country. Regulation is needed and the rich NEED to be taxed more. The country operated PERFECTLY with higher taxes throughout the 30s to the 70s. You guys are brainwashed with this reganomics thinking that lower taxes = good. Lower taxes = worse schools, worse social welfare programs, more unemployment, and lower living condition. I can tell most of you guys know nothing about the history of the US and how the economy worked when our economy was something worth talking about. You let these corporate fat cats take control of our country and ruin it. You guys protect these people in these tax brackets you will never be in and you wonder why you get the shaft of everything. Dont worry about the rich worry about yourself first.Their is more of us than there are them and you better believe they could care less about how your living.
The states in the worst fiscal state right now also happen to be the highest taxed (California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey).  Taxes are not the issue.  It's the expansion of the programs.  As stated before, the tax exemption is so that churches and other nonprofits can implement programs on a more efficient basis than the government can.  That's how we got along for the first 150 years of this nation's history.
I agree...Taxes won't solve ALL the problems...but they will help. I think taxing them will allow them to REALLY start implementing those programs better. When you know that the government is coming to get its cut, you'll damn sure be thinking more about fiscal responsibility and allocation knowing that there are more rules you have to follow. 
No one is denying the general good that some churches do but the fat needs to be trimmed. Reform IS needed in a lot of areas. 

The real reason this country is screwed is because we dont produce anything of value here anymore and our entire infrastructure is diminishing...but thats another story... 
I'm going to have to disagree with you again on both points.  Our governments, both federal and state, have not decreased their spending.  On the contrary, we have ratcheted it up quite a bit despite doubling unemployment.  I would have no problem paying a higher percentage of my income "to ceasar" if he proved to be a good steward of the money that was given.  However, much of it is wasted on programs that have no observable results.  Then when they fall short of funds, the first thing they want to cut are the programs that we hold dear (schools, fire, infrastructure, etc).  By giving more money, it only takes away from the productivity of the private sector in creating jobs and profits (that go towards most 401k's/IRA's).

Regarding no producing anything... we are still the biggest producer of goods in the world.  The only difference though is that we are able to do it much more efficiently than 3rd world countries so it doesn't require as many people to produce a product and thus the belief that we only produce toxic financial products and websites that help keep us occupied.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by JFDOOM


You guys sound really ignorant right now. The rich NEED to be taxed more. They have been getting taxcuts for the last decade. People think that only the wealthiest people can create jobs but thats a giant lie. The government is more than capable of creating new jobs. You can not expect people to look out for the better good of this country time and time again this philosiphy has failed in our country. Regulation is needed and the rich NEED to be taxed more. The country operated PERFECTLY with higher taxes throughout the 30s to the 70s. You guys are brainwashed with this reganomics thinking that lower taxes = good. Lower taxes = worse schools, worse social welfare programs, more unemployment, and lower living condition. I can tell most of you guys know nothing about the history of the US and how the economy worked when our economy was something worth talking about. You let these corporate fat cats take control of our country and ruin it. You guys protect these people in these tax brackets you will never be in and you wonder why you get the shaft of everything. Dont worry about the rich worry about yourself first.Their is more of us than there are them and you better believe they could care less about how your living.
The states in the worst fiscal state right now also happen to be the highest taxed (California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey).  Taxes are not the issue.  It's the expansion of the programs.  As stated before, the tax exemption is so that churches and other nonprofits can implement programs on a more efficient basis than the government can.  That's how we got along for the first 150 years of this nation's history.
I agree...Taxes won't solve ALL the problems...but they will help. I think taxing them will allow them to REALLY start implementing those programs better. When you know that the government is coming to get its cut, you'll damn sure be thinking more about fiscal responsibility and allocation knowing that there are more rules you have to follow. 
No one is denying the general good that some churches do but the fat needs to be trimmed. Reform IS needed in a lot of areas. 

The real reason this country is screwed is because we dont produce anything of value here anymore and our entire infrastructure is diminishing...but thats another story... 
I'm going to have to disagree with you again on both points.  Our governments, both federal and state, have not decreased their spending.  On the contrary, we have ratcheted it up quite a bit despite doubling unemployment.  I would have no problem paying a higher percentage of my income "to ceasar" if he proved to be a good steward of the money that was given.  However, much of it is wasted on programs that have no observable results.  Then when they fall short of funds, the first thing they want to cut are the programs that we hold dear (schools, fire, infrastructure, etc).  By giving more money, it only takes away from the productivity of the private sector in creating jobs and profits (that go towards most 401k's/IRA's).

Regarding no producing anything... we are still the biggest producer of goods in the world.  The only difference though is that we are able to do it much more efficiently than 3rd world countries so it doesn't require as many people to produce a product and thus the belief that we only produce toxic financial products and websites that help keep us occupied.
we should only tax multi-national corporations and companies that transcend state lines....kinda like it was meant to be in the constitution 

no income tax at all. 
we should only tax multi-national corporations and companies that transcend state lines....kinda like it was meant to be in the constitution 

no income tax at all. 
Most churces are nonprofits. Im cool with taxing the megachurces. Most of these hood churches cant afford to be taxed
Most churces are nonprofits. Im cool with taxing the megachurces. Most of these hood churches cant afford to be taxed
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by JFDOOM


You guys sound really ignorant right now. The rich NEED to be taxed more. They have been getting taxcuts for the last decade. People think that only the wealthiest people can create jobs but thats a giant lie. The government is more than capable of creating new jobs. You can not expect people to look out for the better good of this country time and time again this philosiphy has failed in our country. Regulation is needed and the rich NEED to be taxed more. The country operated PERFECTLY with higher taxes throughout the 30s to the 70s. You guys are brainwashed with this reganomics thinking that lower taxes = good. Lower taxes = worse schools, worse social welfare programs, more unemployment, and lower living condition. I can tell most of you guys know nothing about the history of the US and how the economy worked when our economy was something worth talking about. You let these corporate fat cats take control of our country and ruin it. You guys protect these people in these tax brackets you will never be in and you wonder why you get the shaft of everything. Dont worry about the rich worry about yourself first.Their is more of us than there are them and you better believe they could care less about how your living.
The states in the worst fiscal state right now also happen to be the highest taxed (California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey).  Taxes are not the issue.  It's the expansion of the programs.  As stated before, the tax exemption is so that churches and other nonprofits can implement programs on a more efficient basis than the government can.  That's how we got along for the first 150 years of this nation's history.
Im talking about federal income tax I really dont live in a state with a state income tax so I was talking inregards of that more so federal. Giving Rich People more money does not mean they will create more jobs but giving the US government money usual does spur job creation. Of course there some fiscally stupid judgements by some of our elected officials but more tax revenue would improve our country more so than anything else, except maybe getting out of those wars but that will never happen.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by JFDOOM


You guys sound really ignorant right now. The rich NEED to be taxed more. They have been getting taxcuts for the last decade. People think that only the wealthiest people can create jobs but thats a giant lie. The government is more than capable of creating new jobs. You can not expect people to look out for the better good of this country time and time again this philosiphy has failed in our country. Regulation is needed and the rich NEED to be taxed more. The country operated PERFECTLY with higher taxes throughout the 30s to the 70s. You guys are brainwashed with this reganomics thinking that lower taxes = good. Lower taxes = worse schools, worse social welfare programs, more unemployment, and lower living condition. I can tell most of you guys know nothing about the history of the US and how the economy worked when our economy was something worth talking about. You let these corporate fat cats take control of our country and ruin it. You guys protect these people in these tax brackets you will never be in and you wonder why you get the shaft of everything. Dont worry about the rich worry about yourself first.Their is more of us than there are them and you better believe they could care less about how your living.
The states in the worst fiscal state right now also happen to be the highest taxed (California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey).  Taxes are not the issue.  It's the expansion of the programs.  As stated before, the tax exemption is so that churches and other nonprofits can implement programs on a more efficient basis than the government can.  That's how we got along for the first 150 years of this nation's history.
Im talking about federal income tax I really dont live in a state with a state income tax so I was talking inregards of that more so federal. Giving Rich People more money does not mean they will create more jobs but giving the US government money usual does spur job creation. Of course there some fiscally stupid judgements by some of our elected officials but more tax revenue would improve our country more so than anything else, except maybe getting out of those wars but that will never happen.
I think churches should have a tiered income tax or some kind of cap on how much individual salaries should be. There are some church's which are actually honest, but there are churches like Word of Faith in Michigan where the Bishop is riding around in a Rolls Royce Phantom.

Sundizzle - How can you even think that taxing people with over $130k at 73% is fair, and reasonable. 130k is like upper middle class.
I think churches should have a tiered income tax or some kind of cap on how much individual salaries should be. There are some church's which are actually honest, but there are churches like Word of Faith in Michigan where the Bishop is riding around in a Rolls Royce Phantom.

Sundizzle - How can you even think that taxing people with over $130k at 73% is fair, and reasonable. 130k is like upper middle class.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by JFDOOM


You guys sound really ignorant right now. The rich NEED to be taxed more. They have been getting taxcuts for the last decade. People think that only the wealthiest people can create jobs but thats a giant lie. The government is more than capable of creating new jobs. You can not expect people to look out for the better good of this country time and time again this philosiphy has failed in our country. Regulation is needed and the rich NEED to be taxed more. The country operated PERFECTLY with higher taxes throughout the 30s to the 70s. You guys are brainwashed with this reganomics thinking that lower taxes = good. Lower taxes = worse schools, worse social welfare programs, more unemployment, and lower living condition. I can tell most of you guys know nothing about the history of the US and how the economy worked when our economy was something worth talking about. You let these corporate fat cats take control of our country and ruin it. You guys protect these people in these tax brackets you will never be in and you wonder why you get the shaft of everything. Dont worry about the rich worry about yourself first.Their is more of us than there are them and you better believe they could care less about how your living.
The states in the worst fiscal state right now also happen to be the highest taxed (California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey).  Taxes are not the issue.  It's the expansion of the programs.  As stated before, the tax exemption is so that churches and other nonprofits can implement programs on a more efficient basis than the government can.  That's how we got along for the first 150 years of this nation's history.
Im talking about federal income tax I really dont live in a state with a state income tax so I was talking inregards of that more so federal. Giving Rich People more money does not mean they will create more jobs but giving the US government money usual does spur job creation. Of course there some fiscally stupid judgements by some of our elected officials but more tax revenue would improve our country more so than anything else, except maybe getting out of those wars but that will never happen.
The tax cuts that Bush implemented in 2003 created more revenue for the Federal Government.  However, they deemed more revenue to mean that they could spend more.  As I stated before... I would not be opposed to paying more in taxes if they showed me that could responsibly spend the money that they already had.  However, as far as I'm concerned, I'm only enabling the addicts that were sent to Washington.  I'm PRAYING that the new congress along with the President can duplicate what they did in 1994 with Clinton.  If that were the case, and they could cut much of the waste, then maybe I would be more willing to pay more in taxes to help the situation.  However, until Social Security and Medicare are addressed, everything else is just a rounding error.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by JFDOOM


You guys sound really ignorant right now. The rich NEED to be taxed more. They have been getting taxcuts for the last decade. People think that only the wealthiest people can create jobs but thats a giant lie. The government is more than capable of creating new jobs. You can not expect people to look out for the better good of this country time and time again this philosiphy has failed in our country. Regulation is needed and the rich NEED to be taxed more. The country operated PERFECTLY with higher taxes throughout the 30s to the 70s. You guys are brainwashed with this reganomics thinking that lower taxes = good. Lower taxes = worse schools, worse social welfare programs, more unemployment, and lower living condition. I can tell most of you guys know nothing about the history of the US and how the economy worked when our economy was something worth talking about. You let these corporate fat cats take control of our country and ruin it. You guys protect these people in these tax brackets you will never be in and you wonder why you get the shaft of everything. Dont worry about the rich worry about yourself first.Their is more of us than there are them and you better believe they could care less about how your living.
The states in the worst fiscal state right now also happen to be the highest taxed (California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey).  Taxes are not the issue.  It's the expansion of the programs.  As stated before, the tax exemption is so that churches and other nonprofits can implement programs on a more efficient basis than the government can.  That's how we got along for the first 150 years of this nation's history.
Im talking about federal income tax I really dont live in a state with a state income tax so I was talking inregards of that more so federal. Giving Rich People more money does not mean they will create more jobs but giving the US government money usual does spur job creation. Of course there some fiscally stupid judgements by some of our elected officials but more tax revenue would improve our country more so than anything else, except maybe getting out of those wars but that will never happen.
The tax cuts that Bush implemented in 2003 created more revenue for the Federal Government.  However, they deemed more revenue to mean that they could spend more.  As I stated before... I would not be opposed to paying more in taxes if they showed me that could responsibly spend the money that they already had.  However, as far as I'm concerned, I'm only enabling the addicts that were sent to Washington.  I'm PRAYING that the new congress along with the President can duplicate what they did in 1994 with Clinton.  If that were the case, and they could cut much of the waste, then maybe I would be more willing to pay more in taxes to help the situation.  However, until Social Security and Medicare are addressed, everything else is just a rounding error.
YES we should. They make so much money. Serious.

Having a church is a business, businesses get taxed.
YES we should. They make so much money. Serious.

Having a church is a business, businesses get taxed.
Originally Posted by DEMIZE

YES we should. They make so much money. Serious.

Having a church is a business, businesses get taxed.
What about the Red Cross, Goodwill, and United Way?  They're all pretty successful too.
Originally Posted by DEMIZE

YES we should. They make so much money. Serious.

Having a church is a business, businesses get taxed.
What about the Red Cross, Goodwill, and United Way?  They're all pretty successful too.
How do you tax churches? They are a not for profit group meaning whatever they receive they pay out.  There is NO PROFIT to pay taxes on.  Do you guys even belong to a church and have a chance to review their annual budgets or financial statements?  They should all be readily available to members of the church. 
What I don't get is why do you want them to pay tax to this Govt so this Govt can spend more money?
How do you tax churches? They are a not for profit group meaning whatever they receive they pay out.  There is NO PROFIT to pay taxes on.  Do you guys even belong to a church and have a chance to review their annual budgets or financial statements?  They should all be readily available to members of the church. 
What I don't get is why do you want them to pay tax to this Govt so this Govt can spend more money?
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