Side Hustles Vol. 2013

May 21, 2004
What are your plans for 2013 as far as a side venture from your normal 9-5, are you thinking outside of th box to make a buck in 2013. Are you planning on expanding on what worked for you in 2012 ? Who knows maybe some conections can be made here. Not trying to steal anyone niche obviously
Nice hustle you got going there op

keep it us updated on future hustle success. Your plan looks promising

:smokin and :pimp:
I'm thinkin of a master plan...

Me too!!

Thinking about getting a patent for something to protect me from never dropping my phone again...anyone want to pitch in $4 paypal me to get started :nerd:
On a serious note I will be starting my own shoe business starting with a website more details coming soon.
I might start selling weave and bags and stuff. Knowing Chinese and Korean :pimp: I'm just about to hack into that market completely. Got a bag of weave from China for 35$...sold it for 70$ and some of these clothes people are getting from these streetwear boutiques are straight from China I've seen 45$ boutique leggings 6$ at Chinese wholesale places.

don't judge me :lol: women be shopping
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^Lol. I had thought about the same thing when I heard that they pay $300 for the weave alone. Been doing my resarch. :nerd:
i have a japanese nishikigoi (koi) fish business on the side.

starting a property management business with my brother too.

money never sleeps.
I started working on putting GPS trackers in dogs microchips..

noone has made a gps tracker small enough, the only thing available as of now is tracking collars which could easily be removed..

the microchips now only have the dogs basic info such as home adress age and contact number..

im going to chip my self first and then hopefully move up to chipping humans..
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Selling shoes gets you no real money unless you have serious connects, get the shoes for significantly below retail, and sell for significantly more than retail.

Gonna be difficult considering shoes are approaching 200+ retail. What are you going to make, 40-50 bucks profit?

I want to get this YouTube money though, but I don't have anything to make videos about, and I don't wanna be a YouTube Comedian.

I'm about to find a way to get some of that Google AdSense money.

I have school, but would some NTers be willing to team up to start a shoe blog and split that Google Ad revenue. Some of y'all look at shoes all day anyway
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