Silver to $250 an oz...

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by 430AM

I'd rather sit on sneakers.... If you bought a pair of Diamond Dunks 5 years ago for $125 you could sell them today for $550-$600 easy.

That's like a 400% return on investment.... What's a better ROI than that?

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Originally Posted by andycrazn

yo chico its been a while! hows your investments going? im focusing on gold miners and i got out of ng after it hit 15.

Yo Andy! Wouldn't have done it different, man. Took my stock profits and made some good investments. What a ride with NG, though. Very nice call on that one. You looking to load up again?
thanks man. the only good calls i have so far was ng and dlm lol. ng did a nice pull back that i expected but im focusing on different miners. i really like arian silver so im holding that one and its cheap!!!!!! mneaf isnt doing what i wanted it to but im hoping it will be the next NG.

what are you investing in? im really nervous about this year in the stock market. the expectation of qe3 and all the black swans flying around all over the world is making me stock up on food for a few years. i got rice for years
lol. but if i got the capital right now i would go in on some oil plays and im not sure about food corporations right now cause of inflation playing a big role on profit margins.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Originally Posted by andycrazn

yo chico its been a while! hows your investments going? im focusing on gold miners and i got out of ng after it hit 15.

Yo Andy! Wouldn't have done it different, man. Took my stock profits and made some good investments. What a ride with NG, though. Very nice call on that one. You looking to load up again?
thanks man. the only good calls i have so far was ng and dlm lol. ng did a nice pull back that i expected but im focusing on different miners. i really like arian silver so im holding that one and its cheap!!!!!! mneaf isnt doing what i wanted it to but im hoping it will be the next NG.

what are you investing in? im really nervous about this year in the stock market. the expectation of qe3 and all the black swans flying around all over the world is making me stock up on food for a few years. i got rice for years
lol. but if i got the capital right now i would go in on some oil plays and im not sure about food corporations right now cause of inflation playing a big role on profit margins.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by 430AM

I'd rather sit on sneakers.... If you bought a pair of Diamond Dunks 5 years ago for $125 you could sell them today for $550-$600 easy.

That's like a 400% return on investment.... What's a better ROI than that?

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by 430AM

I'd rather sit on sneakers.... If you bought a pair of Diamond Dunks 5 years ago for $125 you could sell them today for $550-$600 easy.

That's like a 400% return on investment.... What's a better ROI than that?

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
Originally Posted by 430AM

I'd rather sit on sneakers.... If you bought a pair of Diamond Dunks 5 years ago for $125 you could sell them today for $550-$600 easy.

That's like a 400% return on investment.... What's a better ROI than that?

Originally Posted by 430AM

I'd rather sit on sneakers.... If you bought a pair of Diamond Dunks 5 years ago for $125 you could sell them today for $550-$600 easy.

That's like a 400% return on investment.... What's a better ROI than that?

My dude said "get rich slow."

I think he's missing the point but I don't care enough to explain.
My dude said "get rich slow."

I think he's missing the point but I don't care enough to explain.
Originally Posted by DieselG5

That's the whole point... Pretty soon it's going to reach a point where you can't "sell" your gold and silver for money because paper money will be worthless. Precious metals are what real money is. Dollars, Euros, JYP, etc. they're all just fiat money.

So what would you do with it?  You can't take it into the store and buy goods with it.  Are you are betting on silver being implemented as a currency?  If that ever happens, which it never will, silver prices will be set and it won't be anywhere near $250 an oz.  And the silver you are buying now will most likely be illegal while they make that transition.  What makes precious metals any more valuable than dollars or euros, how are metals real money?  What value does metal have?  If it weren't for the historic use of metals as money it would not have any value as money.  Metals have value by decree, just as fiat paper currency.  They are traded as commodities and therefore have speculative value which is overinflated imo. 

devildog1776 wrote:
more contribution than i intially thought....


dude who said gold is fiat is mistaken... right now it cost miners about 1000 per oz just to get an oz of gold out the ground, with that being said you cant just make gold out of nothing...

silver is a whole other beast.... its value as a precious metal is priceless.....

I am skeptical of your $1000 dollar figure, maybe for a new project but once the mine is operational the cost per oz depends on the size of the reserves and prices aren't set based on new gold coming out of the earth, it's above ground quantities that are mainly taken into account.  What you are saying is equivalent to me saying it costs money to produce a dollar bill including the lumber and ink costs, a $20 bill might cost more than you think to manufacture.  Metals value right now is due to speculators in the commodity market and it's assumed safe-haven status or hedge against inflation or weak US dollars.  There is no real decrease in supply and there is no real increase in demand aside from speculators looking for yeild. The pricing is therefore unsustainable imo.  Those hedging against weak dollars are going to be disappointed, as I stated earlier, what are you going to do with your gold or silver if the dollar collapses?  There will be no more speculative demand so good luck bartering with it and good luck buying anything with it.  I understand the vast industrial uses of silver but the industrial demand for silver does not warrant the current prices, neither does gold.  If the dollar becomes worthless, which is what I assume you are betting on, industrial uses will dry up quick.  Metals are nothing but a speculative play, and an extremely risky one at these prices.  Someone tell me why I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by DieselG5

That's the whole point... Pretty soon it's going to reach a point where you can't "sell" your gold and silver for money because paper money will be worthless. Precious metals are what real money is. Dollars, Euros, JYP, etc. they're all just fiat money.

So what would you do with it?  You can't take it into the store and buy goods with it.  Are you are betting on silver being implemented as a currency?  If that ever happens, which it never will, silver prices will be set and it won't be anywhere near $250 an oz.  And the silver you are buying now will most likely be illegal while they make that transition.  What makes precious metals any more valuable than dollars or euros, how are metals real money?  What value does metal have?  If it weren't for the historic use of metals as money it would not have any value as money.  Metals have value by decree, just as fiat paper currency.  They are traded as commodities and therefore have speculative value which is overinflated imo. 

devildog1776 wrote:
more contribution than i intially thought....


dude who said gold is fiat is mistaken... right now it cost miners about 1000 per oz just to get an oz of gold out the ground, with that being said you cant just make gold out of nothing...

silver is a whole other beast.... its value as a precious metal is priceless.....

I am skeptical of your $1000 dollar figure, maybe for a new project but once the mine is operational the cost per oz depends on the size of the reserves and prices aren't set based on new gold coming out of the earth, it's above ground quantities that are mainly taken into account.  What you are saying is equivalent to me saying it costs money to produce a dollar bill including the lumber and ink costs, a $20 bill might cost more than you think to manufacture.  Metals value right now is due to speculators in the commodity market and it's assumed safe-haven status or hedge against inflation or weak US dollars.  There is no real decrease in supply and there is no real increase in demand aside from speculators looking for yeild. The pricing is therefore unsustainable imo.  Those hedging against weak dollars are going to be disappointed, as I stated earlier, what are you going to do with your gold or silver if the dollar collapses?  There will be no more speculative demand so good luck bartering with it and good luck buying anything with it.  I understand the vast industrial uses of silver but the industrial demand for silver does not warrant the current prices, neither does gold.  If the dollar becomes worthless, which is what I assume you are betting on, industrial uses will dry up quick.  Metals are nothing but a speculative play, and an extremely risky one at these prices.  Someone tell me why I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Who is this frankmatthews fool? Wow...

Care to argue a point or you just name calling in here?  I stand by everything I said, can you dispute it?

Edit;  Just went through and read some of these comments.  Wow, and not one person offering any relevant info about how/why metals are valued.  I do have a bachelors in finance with a minor in econ so I might just know a thing or two.  Anyone care to factually discuss their price targets?  All I see is people blindly following along, buying in, without having the slightest clue why outside of assuming the economy is gonna tank and that somehow metals will benefit from that. 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Who is this frankmatthews fool? Wow...

Care to argue a point or you just name calling in here?  I stand by everything I said, can you dispute it?

Edit;  Just went through and read some of these comments.  Wow, and not one person offering any relevant info about how/why metals are valued.  I do have a bachelors in finance with a minor in econ so I might just know a thing or two.  Anyone care to factually discuss their price targets?  All I see is people blindly following along, buying in, without having the slightest clue why outside of assuming the economy is gonna tank and that somehow metals will benefit from that. 
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       

Cool story bro, you resell sneakers that's something to be proud about
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       

Cool story bro, you resell sneakers that's something to be proud about
what's the champions league?


you dudes investing in Silver might want to sell pretty soon. the fed annouced today that quantitive easing is going to be stopped, which means the lending rate will likely increase by .25 or so and then, the $ will stablize, and goal/silver bubbles will be popped as the dollar becomes more stable
what's the champions league?


you dudes investing in Silver might want to sell pretty soon. the fed annouced today that quantitive easing is going to be stopped, which means the lending rate will likely increase by .25 or so and then, the $ will stablize, and goal/silver bubbles will be popped as the dollar becomes more stable
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
Thanks man... If you're not being sarcastic. I appreciate it.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Word......dude is clueless

Like 400% in 5 years on a $125 investment will make you the next George Soros or something.
Yeah you're right... I have no clue about anything.

Let me just say this... I started The Champions League in December 2010 with like $2,000 invested... My business is now worth $10,000+ with all the inventory accumilated and I will be opening a storefront/office in a couple months or so. 

Good luck pushing your SILVER tho... NTers and their get rich slow schemes that NEVER work.

I'm done with this thread... I actually should've never entered in the first place. PEACE OUT.       
Thanks man... If you're not being sarcastic. I appreciate it.
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