Simon Sinek Ethers Millennial Parents

Feb 14, 2007
Pretty accurate title, and most will probably ask who this guy is, but a lot of facts in the vid. A pretty good watch.
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Like I said in the other 3 page thread, watched half of the video and as a 22 year old black male I could not relate.

The majority of things dude mentions did not apply, and has not seemed to apply to a majority of the people I was raised around.

How can negroes be entitled when most of us don't have ****?

Bean bag chairs and coffee? Im glad to have a job in which I can pay my bills and my loans off. Im at work in a basic *** swivel chair typing this.

Last hired first fired keeps me from ever getting comfortably lazy. 

Dude talking about shattered self images when faced with adversity 

I knew from the jump when I made it into corporate everything would be an uphill battle. I was correct.

Vid gets a 1.5/5
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How can negroes be entitled when most of us don't have ****?
You would be surprised man. Income and socio-economics don't exactly reflect the level of entitlement a child has.

How often a parent gives a child his/her way is more of an indicator than income
He is talking about a very specific subgroup of millennials

He seems to not place the blame on them.

From watching this video, dude seems to be spelling out how parents and society have failed millennials, and the roadblocks they face. He is not ethering the generation.

More generally:

-Everyone should lay off the mellenial shade. Boomers (once again not all) ****** this country and mortgaged the economic well being of future generations, now the pedal this Diet "pick us self up by your bootstraps" shtick, like that absolves them of the damage the did to the country. And generation X, seems all to willing to pile on sometimes.
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I don't even subscribe to that millennial stigma la la land bs white folk stay trying to pitch. Nearly everybody I've seen complain about entitlement believes the government should subsidize their lifestyle in one way or another. White folk are genuinely hilarious with their nonsense
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What's a millennial?

I'm just the son of third world immigrants who's trying to make $$$, help my family/friends, and enjoy my life.

Exact same scenario for me. Entitled? Acting like all us millennials are trust fund babies and hipsters
i been sayin the youth lacks grit/heart for years now.

in a nutshell thats pretty much all he's sayin...
Nice view on instant VS delayed gratification. He actually ethers the parents of the millennials.
Pretty accurate title, and most will probably ask who this guy is, but a lot of facts in the vid. A pretty good watch.

there's 2 groups of millennials... childhood without da Internet and childhood with da Internet.

these people who had Google in grade school are a different animal than folks who made it outta highschool without a PC.
Pretty accurate title, and most will probably ask who this guy is, but a lot of facts in the vid. A pretty good watch.
there's 2 groups of millennials... childhood without da Internet and childhood with da Internet.

these people who had Google in grade school are a different animal than folks who made it outta highschool without a PC.
Im a Network Technician fam.

Still didn't apply. 
Doesn't really apply to my hue. Parents told us from the get go its going to be hard for us in America. Cool video though. I do agree with some of the uses of social media he mentioned.
Pretty accurate title, and most will probably ask who this guy is, but a lot of facts in the vid. A pretty good watch.
there's 2 groups of millennials... childhood without da Internet and childhood with da Internet.

these people who had Google in grade school are a different animal than folks who made it outta highschool without a PC.
that logic 
never considered myself a "millenial", at least not in mentality

Of course, you wouldn't since the term is almost always used in a negative way.

Most of this talk about young people being entitled is really about how entitled upper middle class white people can be and always have been. America's managerial elite, themselves mostly drawn from upper middle class and upper class families are now having to deal with younger versions of themselves in the work place and they can't seem to handle it.
Nice view on instant VS delayed gratification. He actually ethers the parents of the millennials.

Millennials actions are being validated by their parents. Parents are essentially yes machines, giving their children whatever they want and never requiring them to work for anything. Then the children grow up and still looking for handouts.
I was born in 85 I seemed to get more of this stuff and the pis poor work ethic out of the ones who are about 18 or 19 now. Id say out the last 100 people who have worked for me at my job that have been under 21 MAYBE 3 have stayed. the rest all call in constantly, wont do anything while they are there and seem so akward and out of place the whole time. Some of the older guys call them snow flakes since there so fragile and everything offends them..just one look in there direction and they fall apart.
Nice view on instant VS delayed gratification. He actually ethers the parents of the millennials.

Millennials actions are being validated by their parents. Parents are essentially yes machines, giving their children whatever they want and never requiring them to work for anything. Then the children grow up and still looking for handouts.
Sets them up for hefty reality check later in life. Now how they handle it is another thing.
I was born in 85 I seemed to get more of this stuff and the pis poor work ethic out of the ones who are about 18 or 19 now. Id say out the last 100 people who have worked for me at my job that have been under 21 MAYBE 3 have stayed. the rest all call in constantly, wont do anything while they are there and seem so akward and out of place the whole time. Some of the older guys call them snow flakes since there so fragile and everything offends them..just one look in there direction and they fall apart.
Another downfall of technology. No in person human interaction.
Being able to hold eye contact is crucial in this adult world.
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