Simps who comment on a hot girls emo status of facebook

I just see this lame dude post this on some girls wall........ Look at you aaaaaallllllllllll hot i think my screen is starting to melt
^post screenshots, keep the thread alive
Son made a good I made it into a status because I be saying the same $%%# all the time.

Stop crying.

Posting screenshots and $%%#...
Not the deep. Would you like for me to reference his NT screen name? +!%% outta here...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Son made a good I made it into a status because I be saying the same $%%# all the time.

Stop crying.

Posting screenshots and $%%#...
Not the deep. Would you like for me to reference his NT screen name? +!%% outta here...

he should actually be flattered...i borrow stuff from NT all the time!
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

let me test this. what should i put as my status?

Put something like 'Why is my life SO hard??! I need a hug.'or 'Will you be there for me??'
MisterP and Rell stay postin %@+% from NT on facebook...i swear i'm gonna make it so them _ dont make it in my mini feed...
i know somebody prob pointed this out.

you understand that you are NO DIFFERENT than those girls youre talking about? youre a hypocrite man. you hate on people who post about things that bother themfor their peers to comment on... by posting smth that bothers you for your peers to comment on.

haha honestly. youre ridiculous. let these ppl be and mind your own biz. jus cuz you aint gettin none dont mean you have ta hate on others
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

^ shut up
Lol don't even pay him any mind bro he is on niketalk looking for attention, I can't even be mad at him, I think his life being so emptythat he has to run to niketalk to get attention is punishment enough.
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