Simps who comment on a hot girls emo status of facebook

Originally Posted by FreshPrince

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

"Don't worry beautiful, the sun will shine again"

Thats really gay Penny.


smh.gif mad doggy?
Haha, i almost got caught into doing that. Good thing i stopped.
Guys be simpin' hard out here.
personally it sounds like one of these 'simps' got to the facebook status before u could

why do u care? really would u rather have them tell them to jump off a bridge and nobody cares about your problems, i dont got a facebook but are u reallycryin about people tellin a girl nice things on facebook

if u dont like it dont read
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

personally it sounds like one of these 'simps' got to the facebook status before u could

why do u care? really would u rather have them tell them to jump off a bridge and nobody cares about your problems, i dont got a facebook but are u really cryin about people tellin a girl nice things on facebook

if u dont like it dont read
You timothy?
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

You guys know what I'm talking about, a really hot girl writes a depressing status "Omg I'm so stressed and sad, my life sucks" and about 20 simps comment saying "Don't worry beautiful, the sun will shine again" "Your a great person, you have a great personality, you are really nice, and you are truely breathtaking" and one dude actually wrote a poem once....Why do yall do that? Don't you know if she is broadcasting her depressed state she is a attentionw**** looking for...well....attention? What happened to calling a friend or fam memeber when you are having problems..not putting it out on facebook for everyone to see....End rant, I know, I know get a blog.

%$*+#%$ annoying
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