Siri vs. Google Now... FIGHT!

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

You make no logical sense though. Why would you be okay to have less "freedom" on a larger device them a smaller one? You basically are saying tablet apps are the only reason the iPad is superior to Android tablets. Simply put these devices realistically can all do the same thing no one is really losing anything buying an iOS vs android it's all personal preference but I don't see how we are writing off the fact that Apple is the best hardware manufacturer. Look at what they did to the pc notebook market.
The freedom I'm talking about is not due to Android's open source nature; it's because Android just has more features and lets more apps talk to each other due to better API's. For example, any app can hook into the picture sharing API, so I can upload it to whatever service I want. I can download Opera Mobile or Firefox and set that as the default browser on my Nexus if I want to, and they aren't gimped versions like the iOS versions are.

Tablet-optimized apps are the only reason I think an iPad is better at this point. I use my iPad as a media consumption device, where it excels. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and many other apps take advantage of the iPad's screen real estate and have different UI elements that make them easier to use on a tablet. The iPad's hardware is fine, but I think the Transformer Prime from Asus and the Nexus 7 both are well-made devices that compare well with the iPad hardware-wise. Apple is a good hardware manufacturer in general, but there are specific cases where they aren't the best; take the HTC One X or Lumia 900, for instance, versus the iPhone 4S.

However, as you said, it all boils down to personal preference. I can see why someone would prefer the ease of use of the iPhone to the flexibility of Android, and why someone would want a solid product that they know will work versus a device that may have better hardware but worse software. To each their own, but I think that everyone should disregard brand loyalty and stick to looking at products objectively. Or else you're just a mindless puppet that has fallen victim to Apple's brilliant marketing scheme.
Makes me want to go back to Android haha.

iPhone battery > Android batter tho.
Right now I have a Macbook (which I love) and a Android (old !#! EVO Shift 4g 
).  Honestly having a Macbook is the ONLY reason I'm considering getting a iPhone 5 tho, I much prefer the customization and setup of the Android OS (if it were on a better phone than what I have)
If I could find a fast, efficient way to sync my Android with my Macbook I'd be set.
The discussion is about Siri vs. Google Now
!&@^ outta here with this tablet talk.

Google Now raped Siris behind.. boohoo, sad story...
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by ItzJono

Iphone >


But in all honesty, this comparison is pretty irrelevant to everyday life and usability of a mobile phone. They are both fast and are both responsive. Google's moves literally 1-1.5 seconds faster than Apple's. Thats nothing to make or break a decision on when buying a phone. 

Because lets be honest, who the %+@$ is going to use this feature anyway? 

Sure its going to be fun and cool at first, but nobody ever really uses a feature like this for long. Its not as practical as Speaker phone or hands free dialing (which I guess this would be the ONLY real long term use for consumers when it comes to this)

And I love how you can't bring up ANYTHING regarding Android and Apple without people going at it and throwing jabs 

I love my iphone, and I highly doubt I will ever change phones until Android shows me something really worth switching for. Just like with my PC, I'm JUST now switching to a Mac because I found a real reason to switch over, not just because of random %@#* that I won't ever use. 

Androids are great phones though. I don't knock anything about them anymore seeing as to how they stepped their game up. 

But you dudes gotta chill out man. Ya'll aren't exomployed by these companies. You aren't winning anything by proving that your phone is better and vice versa 
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

lets wait a year and see witch phone runs better. androids start to lag and run like @@!# very quickly. its happened to every android i have owned, while i have a iphone 3gs that runs just like it did 2 years ago

1) Project Butter
2) Custom Android builds

This argument is like the people that still talk about RROD of X-Box. 
so android fixes their %$@* after all this time and im supposed to go back to them because of project butter

every android i ever have had has been the best at the time and after a few months they are out dated
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

lets wait a year and see witch phone runs better. androids start to lag and run like @@!# very quickly. its happened to every android i have owned, while i have a iphone 3gs that runs just like it did 2 years ago

why you lyin? A buddy of mine has the most recent version of iOS they put on for the 3GS and its beyond slow
don't have that problem. *kanye shrug*
Only reason droid is getting better is because they have to keep trying to out do apple....Apple stays creating new **** and other company's try to make it better , by then apple has created something else new... Lol... Can't wait to see what the iPhone 5 brings
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

lets wait a year and see witch phone runs better. androids start to lag and run like @@!# very quickly. its happened to every android i have owned, while i have a iphone 3gs that runs just like it did 2 years ago

you're copping base model androids brah. #poor
don't make assumptions brah #dumb
Originally Posted by loskickking23

Only reason droid is getting better is because they have to keep trying to out do apple....Apple stays creating new **** and other company's try to make it better , by then apple has created something else new... Lol... Can't wait to see what the iPhone 5 brings

dis, when apple creates the first phone with a 4.3 inch screen watch all these other company's steal their swag n $#@@
I don't why people don't give apple there credit for starting new **** .... It Don't take a mastermind to think of bigger's getting Crazy how big these phones are getting.. Lol..... Jailbroken 4s >>>>>
Originally Posted by loskickking23

I don't why people don't give apple there credit for starting new **** .... It Don't take a mastermind to think of bigger's getting Crazy how big these phones are getting.. Lol..... Jailbroken 4s >>>>>

Until Apple drops a 4.5 inch screen
greatest invention ever.. 
Question, when is the iphone 5 dropping? Both my lines have been eligible for a full upgrade since Jan, but I've been holding out.
^I'll go out on a limb and say october like the 4s. What's another 3 month wait, you'll live. Even if you decide not to go with the iPhone, at least wait until all major players have made their bid for year then decide what best suits your needs. Last thing you want to do is make a premature decision based on impulse only to have buyers remorse shortly thereafter. We've all fallen victim to it.
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