Siri vs. Google Now... FIGHT!

Well the other phone "IS" powered by "GOOGLE". It would be kind of silly if it didn't find things faster than Siri, through "GOOGLE". That's like comparing Lebron and Michael Vick, and testing both of them to see who throws a football better. They are both exceptional athletes who perform better in different aspects of sports
My friend who is an Apple/Iphone fanboy said this to me and I wanted to smack him; "Apple now and always > Microsoft and Google"
Originally Posted by TreadingLightly

Well the other phone "IS" powered by "GOOGLE". It would be kind of silly if it didn't find things faster than Siri, through "GOOGLE". That's like comparing Lebron and Michael Vick, and testing both of them to see who throws a football better. They are both exceptional athletes who perform better in different aspects of sports

Lol what?
Android phones are great FOR THE FIRST YEAR ONLY. After that, they become trash.

I have the samsung epic. At first it was fast and reliable. I was glad I did not go with IPHONE. Then after the first year, the dam thing began to mess up. Shutting off when it wants to, freezing once or twice a day (have to remove the battery to reset) and even heating up when surfing twitter. Other programs and apps on the phone suck too. How is it that other users have a better software than others? Why cant android send out an update every time there's an update? Thats my main problem. Too many phones for Android.

I really dont care for the big screen, I just want a phone that does not mess up when trying out its limits.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.

The discussion is and always will be ios vs android the tablets and the smartphones both are sharing the same os on both platforms. When the iPhone 5 comes out it will be the best smartphone out just as the 4 was.
Originally Posted by djaward

Android phones are great FOR THE FIRST YEAR ONLY. After that, they become trash.

I have the samsung epic. At first it was fast and reliable. I was glad I did not go with IPHONE. Then after the first year, the dam thing began to mess up. Shutting off when it wants to, freezing once or twice a day (have to remove the battery to reset) and even heating up when surfing twitter. Other programs and apps on the phone suck too. How is it that other users have a better software than others? Why cant android send out an update every time there's an update? Thats my main problem. Too many phones for Android.

I really dont care for the big screen, I just want a phone that does not mess up when trying out its limits.

go back a few pages... its already been covered....

basically. stop coppin base models... #ugetwhatupayfor
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

At this point Android defenders been caught back tracking and flat out just supporting anything anti apple that's there M.O. These the same dudes who defended Flash on mobile devices, same dudes who called expandable storage a necessity, same dudes talking about choices but only buy nexus devices, Siri is a gimmick but lets gloat about googles variant its all sad. I can tell which people read Phandroid and which people read Android Police.
1. papi are you serious? I had to rotate my pics, music and videos back when I had one of those ipod touch. I could only imagine how frustrating it is with an iphone...
2. It is

1. so explain why the latest nexus devices have no expandable storage papi?
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by TreadingLightly

Well the other phone "IS" powered by "GOOGLE". It would be kind of silly if it didn't find things faster than Siri, through "GOOGLE". That's like comparing Lebron and Michael Vick, and testing both of them to see who throws a football better. They are both exceptional athletes who perform better in different aspects of sports

Lol what?
These excuses are catching me off guard.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.

The discussion is and always will be ios vs android the tablets and the smartphones both are sharing the same os on both platforms. When the iPhone 5 comes out it will be the best smartphone out just as the 4 was.

So by that line of reasoning, WP7 should be the best smartphone OS because Windows is the dominant desktop OS, right? Try reading the drivel coming out of your brain for once.
Originally Posted by mp3911

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.

The discussion is and always will be ios vs android the tablets and the smartphones both are sharing the same os on both platforms. When the iPhone 5 comes out it will be the best smartphone out just as the 4 was.

So by that line of reasoning, WP7 should be the best smartphone OS because Windows is the dominant desktop OS, right? Try reading the drivel coming out of your brain for once.

Wow are you really that dumb? Wp7 and windows 7 aren't even the same operating system Do you even get what the purpose ice cream sandwich? Excuse yourself from the conversation. It's ludicrous to say ios is better on tablets but inferior on smartphones it's pretty much the same thing same with android.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.

Is google paying some of you dudes? It goes both ways. There are more Android fanboys posting in this thread.
Who cares, who uses what. There is no best smartphone on the market with all the different options catered to different people.

#*@* is just lame.

I have a Galaxy S II if it matters.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by mp3911

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

The discussion is and always will be ios vs android the tablets and the smartphones both are sharing the same os on both platforms. When the iPhone 5 comes out it will be the best smartphone out just as the 4 was.

So by that line of reasoning, WP7 should be the best smartphone OS because Windows is the dominant desktop OS, right? Try reading the drivel coming out of your brain for once.

Wow are you really that dumb? Wp7 and windows 7 aren't even the same operating system Do you even get what the purpose ice cream sandwich? Excuse yourself from the conversation. It's ludicrous to say ios is better on tablets but inferior on smartphones it's pretty much the same thing same with android.
But they both run Windows, right? So they have to be the exact same. I'm done, carry on.
Originally Posted by TreadingLightly

Well the other phone "IS" powered by "GOOGLE". It would be kind of silly if it didn't find things faster than Siri, through "GOOGLE". That's like comparing Lebron and Michael Vick, and testing both of them to see who throws a football better. They are both exceptional athletes who perform better in different aspects of sports

LOL.  You know you dudes that are fighting on Apple's behalf are going to have to do a better job.  This simply isn't going to cut it.
^yea, that was a terrible analogy. And Siri was just a "in your face" gimmick towards everyone that didn't have it. They'll do it again with another feature on the iPhone5 and drill commercials into your head until something you thought was pointless becomes something you can't live without. You'd be surprised at how envious those commercials can make people feel.
Have they fixed the battery issues on the android yet? I switched to a 4s because the battery would last me 2-3 hours using pandora, navigation, web browsing one app at the time. With the iphone I can use pandora+tom tom navi+instagram+doodle jump and browse NT all running at the same time (in the background) and give me 5 hours.

Phone gets crazy hot with tom tom tho 

even got this screen once

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.

Is google paying some of you dudes? It goes both ways. There are more Android fanboys posting in this thread.
Who cares, who uses what. There is no best smartphone on the market with all the different options catered to different people.

#*@* is just lame.

I have a Galaxy S II if it matters.

People are just speaking the truth though.

Its the same thing EVERY tech blog is saying. We were comparing apples to apples, then certain dudes fell slighted and throw on their cape to save the entire institution of apple, like the don't have like $50 Billion is cash just chilling...they can handle the critique. No one is saying "Well Google is making glasses and renewable energy...lets see Apple top that!". A large contingency of people gather some type of identity or perceived importance from owning apple products, so when someone criticizes apple, they feel like its a personal attack.

I have no emotional attachment to these companies. I just want the best product and return on my $ and in the smartphone realm Android delivers that right now. I own both Apple and Android products. If the iPhone 5 is hot I might get that too...I like tech gadgets...but miss me with the current rehashed, eye-strainingly small screen running a played out OS that apple is pretending to be revolutionary. Shoot, next year Microsoft might have better products than both competitors and I'll have a Surface, a Lumia phone and some MSFT stock.

One thing for sure, two things for certain, though...Apple stans will be camped out weeks in advance,blindly throwing their money and defending any new product apple sends their way.

That kind of attitude is going to deservedly get some backlash.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

^yea, that was a terrible analogy. And Siri was just a "in your face" gimmick towards everyone that didn't have it. They'll do it again with another feature on the iPhone5 and drill commercials into your head until something you thought was pointless becomes something you can't live without. You'd be surprised at how envious those commercials can make people feel.

Originally Posted by mp3911

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by mp3911

So by that line of reasoning, WP7 should be the best smartphone OS because Windows is the dominant desktop OS, right? Try reading the drivel coming out of your brain for once.

Wow are you really that dumb? Wp7 and windows 7 aren't even the same operating system Do you even get what the purpose ice cream sandwich? Excuse yourself from the conversation. It's ludicrous to say ios is better on tablets but inferior on smartphones it's pretty much the same thing same with android.
But they both run Windows, right? So they have to be the exact same. I'm done, carry on.

You still are not making sense. The tablet version of ios is practically the same as the smartphone version of ios, androids tablet version of android is the exact same thing as its smartphone os. Windows phone 7 is not running windows 7 desktop os. When windows 8 tablets come out and run windows 8 we can probably use that analogy but wp7 and windows 7 aren't even comparable on any level.
My sprint android phone, is better than my old nextel flip phone.
I don't care what anyone of ya'll say.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by mp3911

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Wow are you really that dumb? Wp7 and windows 7 aren't even the same operating system Do you even get what the purpose ice cream sandwich? Excuse yourself from the conversation. It's ludicrous to say ios is better on tablets but inferior on smartphones it's pretty much the same thing same with android.
But they both run Windows, right? So they have to be the exact same. I'm done, carry on.

You still are not making sense. The tablet version of ios is practically the same as the smartphone version of ios, androids tablet version of android is the exact same thing as its smartphone os. Windows phone 7 is not running windows 7 desktop os. When windows 8 tablets come out and run windows 8 we can probably use that analogy but wp7 and windows 7 aren't even comparable on any level.
They run the same basic OS, but there are numerous differences that are present in iOS on tablets and iOS on smartphones. Having an iPad 2, I can say that iPads are currently the best tablets on the market due to the amount of good tablet-optimized apps in the App Store. With smartphones, my Galaxy Nexus is just as responsive as my iPad but has a lot more flexibility and has more features than the iPhone. I don't understand why you are blindly loyal to Apple; you're a consumer, you should be objectively and rationally analyzing the pros and cons of each product and go with what is the best. Which is why I run Linux on my laptop, Windows on my desktop, iOS on my tablet, and Android on my phone. Brand loyalty is up there as one of the things that drives me crazy.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I seriously hope Apple is paying some of you dudes, the way you defend that company.

The discussion was about smartphones, now you want to talk about tablets to save face.

Apple currently has the best tablets on the market but not the best smartphones.

Bottom line.

opinion, not fact. it all comes down to personal preference
Originally Posted by mp3911

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by mp3911

But they both run Windows, right? So they have to be the exact same. I'm done, carry on.

You still are not making sense. The tablet version of ios is practically the same as the smartphone version of ios, androids tablet version of android is the exact same thing as its smartphone os. Windows phone 7 is not running windows 7 desktop os. When windows 8 tablets come out and run windows 8 we can probably use that analogy but wp7 and windows 7 aren't even comparable on any level.
They run the same basic OS, but there are numerous differences that are present in iOS on tablets and iOS on smartphones. Having an iPad 2, I can say that iPads are currently the best tablets on the market due to the amount of good tablet-optimized apps in the App Store. With smartphones, my Galaxy Nexus is just as responsive as my iPad but has a lot more flexibility and has more features than the iPhone. I don't understand why you are blindly loyal to Apple; you're a consumer, you should be objectively and rationally analyzing the pros and cons of each product and go with what is the best. Which is why I run Linux on my laptop, Windows on my desktop, iOS on my tablet, and Android on my phone. Brand loyalty is up there as one of the things that drives me crazy.

You make no logical sense though. Why would you be okay to have less "freedom" on a larger device them a smaller one? You basically are saying tablet apps are the only reason the iPad is superior to Android tablets. Simply put these devices realistically can all do the same thing no one is really losing anything buying an iOS vs android it's all personal preference but I don't see how we are writing off the fact that Apple is the best hardware manufacturer. Look at what they did to the pc notebook market.
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