Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Peter Vescey, should have known.

[h2]Ron Artest Doesn't Want Your Mid-Level[/h2]
Posted Jun 22nd 2008 11:20AM by Tom Ziller
Filed under: Lakers, Kings, NBA Rumors, Los Angeles
In Marc Stein's briefing on what the Lakers should/will do next, the ESPN scribe ventures into territory made possible by a certain King's penchant for talking and talking and talking. The not-unexplored land Stein rolls into: Ron Artest as a Laker.

In the past week, several reports have insisted Ron-Ron might act like the card he is, opt out of his $7.4 million contract with Sacramento for 2008-09, and take a mid-level exception (starting at $5.5 million, or thereabouts) with a contender like L.A. or Dallas. Stein confronts the consideration head-on:
Artest followed up our Tuesday interview with an e-mail Thursday in which he said: "Even if I was to opt out, which probably won't happen, I will never accept a mid-level exception. So people trying to figure out possibilities should get that out of their heads."
If Ron-Ron changes course (HOOPSWORLD has reported his camp is considering it), he won't have a choice. The Kings won't be taking back salary which extends past next summer in any sign-and-trade deal. Teams aren't going to mortgage the farm for an enigma like Artest. Philadelphia and Memphis ain't throwing their free agent money at Ron-Ron. And no one else can offer more than the mid-level, barring some impromptu cap-clearing.

If Ron's agent has his wits about him (no comment), he won't let Artest opt out. The best case really is for Artest to get traded (in July or February), rally a team in vicious success, and get an anxiety-ridden long-term deal from that team. If Artest instead opts out and refuses to take anything less than what he thinks he's worth, it's going to be a long, long summer.

[table][tr][td] [h2]Artest 99% sure he's not going to opt out[/h2] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ron Artest - F - SAC - Jun. 18 - 1:38 am et[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Kings forward Ron Artest, attending Tuesday night's Game 6 of the NBA Finals, told that he's "99 percent sure I won't opt out of my contract" this month to become a free agent July 1.
The Kings don't appear to be likely to extend him right away, but it does sound as if Artest will be back with the Kings this season, and will then probably become a free agent after next season. Jun. 18 - 1:38 am et
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Old news fam.
People's minds change & he HAS to say that for leverage. Don't be shocked if he still ends up in purple & gold.... especially with how much helikes Kobe (see interview he did of Kobe)
I don't see the Spurs as a suitor for Ron...if he goes anywhere, it'll be LA
Originally Posted by acidicality

I doubt Chris Paul would want to leave NO, but Deron Williams might. We can offer him Baron's money and also on top of that ask him, "Where would you rather live Deron? Utah or the bay area?" and it would be hard to top that
. I'm not sold on Bibby since he's aging. Kidd is aging, and Iverson isn't a true PG plus aging
. Everyone's aging
Deron in the Bay would be

Anyways, i think Stephen A Smith said the rumor was bogus. Detroit/GSW hasn't even talked

Deron would be
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Peter Vescey, should have known.

[h2]Ron Artest Doesn't Want Your Mid-Level[/h2]
Posted Jun 22nd 2008 11:20AM by Tom Ziller
Filed under: Lakers, Kings, NBA Rumors, Los Angeles
In Marc Stein's briefing on what the Lakers should/will do next, the ESPN scribe ventures into territory made possible by a certain King's penchant for talking and talking and talking. The not-unexplored land Stein rolls into: Ron Artest as a Laker.

In the past week, several reports have insisted Ron-Ron might act like the card he is, opt out of his $7.4 million contract with Sacramento for 2008-09, and take a mid-level exception (starting at $5.5 million, or thereabouts) with a contender like L.A. or Dallas. Stein confronts the consideration head-on:
Artest followed up our Tuesday interview with an e-mail Thursday in which he said: "Even if I was to opt out, which probably won't happen, I will never accept a mid-level exception. So people trying to figure out possibilities should get that out of their heads."
If Ron-Ron changes course (HOOPSWORLD has reported his camp is considering it), he won't have a choice. The Kings won't be taking back salary which extends past next summer in any sign-and-trade deal. Teams aren't going to mortgage the farm for an enigma like Artest. Philadelphia and Memphis ain't throwing their free agent money at Ron-Ron. And no one else can offer more than the mid-level, barring some impromptu cap-clearing.

If Ron's agent has his wits about him (no comment), he won't let Artest opt out. The best case really is for Artest to get traded (in July or February), rally a team in vicious success, and get an anxiety-ridden long-term deal from that team. If Artest instead opts out and refuses to take anything less than what he thinks he's worth, it's going to be a long, long summer.

[table][tr][td] [h2]Artest 99% sure he's not going to opt out[/h2] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ron Artest - F - SAC - Jun. 18 - 1:38 am et[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Kings forward Ron Artest, attending Tuesday night's Game 6 of the NBA Finals, told that he's "99 percent sure I won't opt out of my contract" this month to become a free agent July 1.
The Kings don't appear to be likely to extend him right away, but it does sound as if Artest will be back with the Kings this season, and will then probably become a free agent after next season. Jun. 18 - 1:38 am et
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Old news fam.
People's minds change & he HAS to say that for leverage. Don't be shocked if he still ends up in purple & gold.... especially with how much he likes Kobe (see interview he did of Kobe)


The only source is from the biggest doofus in the NBA media. If it were true that he's opting out, I think there'd be a little more commotion thanhis little article. If he ends up opting out and signs with the Lakers, I'll shut up, but yall will jump on anything.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Lakers fans make me sick, think they can just get whoever is good.

Also, I don't believe that source, it's no where else on the web.

Here we go again with more hate on lakers fans.....

Damn the man posted up something he thought was true and you went out of your way to diss laker fans and prove his rumor was false.

Of course we are never satisfied. Its about titles here in LA and we know he could be what we are missing. No need to diss laker fans over that.
It's not all of you, Truth. It's those that are unrealistic about their team that overflow in masses on the board that get annoying. I meant no harm to"diss," anyone, but I DID go out of my way to try and show that Peter Vescey is a moron, and the rumor holds no weight. I don't see how I dissedanyone, when I said that you guys make me sick, I added the
@ the end, but I guess it wasn't enough.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Dear Mr. Artest,

Come play with your former teammate, Jermaine O'Neal.

We will pay you with lots of blubber, and an igloo that is of most comfort.


The entire Ice mass of Canada.

you know artest and JO don't see eye to eye right?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

It's not all of you, Truth. It's those that are unrealistic about their team that overflow in masses on the board that get annoying. I meant no harm to "diss," anyone, but I DID go out of my way to try and show that Peter Vescey is a moron, and the rumor holds no weight. I don't see how I dissed anyone, when I said that you guys make me sick, I added the
@ the end, but I guess it wasn't enough.

Its what ever. But 90% of NBA rumors no matter where they come from hold no weight. I just don't see a point in going out and finding an AOL blog justto either discredit that fan or Peter "i mkae up things so people will read my stuff" Vescey...
I said the Spurs should go after Artest since Bowen is getting older. Also, Ron said Duncan was one of his favorite player in the L so I can see it working outespecially since there's enough shots to go around on that team.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Lakers fans make me sick, think they can just get whoever is good.

Also, I don't believe that source, it's no where else on the web.

Here we go again with more hate on lakers fans.....

Damn the man posted up something he thought was true and you went out of your way to diss laker fans and prove his rumor was false.

Of course we are never satisfied. Its about titles here in LA and we know he could be what we are missing. No need to diss laker fans over that.

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

It's not all of you, Truth. It's those that are unrealistic about their team that overflow in masses on the board that get annoying. I meant no harm to "diss," anyone, but I DID go out of my way to try and show that Peter Vescey is a moron, and the rumor holds no weight. I don't see how I dissed anyone, when I said that you guys make me sick, I added the
@ the end, but I guess it wasn't enough.

Its what ever. But 90% of NBA rumors no matter where they come from hold no weight. I just don't see a point in going out and finding an AOL blog just to either discredit that fan or Peter "i mkae up things so people will read my stuff" Vescey...

So that people don't go out of reality and start believing things that are rubbish. And the link I provided was a link to someone who actually deliversrumors with some reliability, Marc Stein.

Q: So are the Lakers really going to pursue Ron Artest as part ofthat rebound?

A: I believe so.

Let's face it. The Lakers are suddenly answering to a "soft" label and have undeniable defensive and toughness issues on the perimeter thatPierce repeatedly exploited. Factor in Jackson's proven ability to handle personalities like Artest, Artest's friendship with Bryant and theLakers' known interest in acquiring him before Gasol's arrival and the Sacramento swingman becomes a natural target.

But there are basketball issues involved -- does Artest fit in offensively in Jackson's triangle? -- and bigger obstacles than the X's and O'sto making that move. Artest told earlier this week that he's "99 percent sure" he won't be opting out of the final year of hiscontract by the June 30 deadline. Assuming he doesn't change his mind, Artest would thus be available to the Lakers only via trade, which would thenrequire two old rivals to come together on a deal … with Sacramento likely to insist on holding out for Odom's expiring contract in exchange for Artest andKenny Thomas.

Artest followed up our Tuesday interview with an e-mail Thursday in which he said: "Even if I was to opt out, which probably won't happen, I willnever accept a mid-level exception. So people trying to figure out possibilities should get that out of their heads."

Translation: Artest is strongly against opting out largely because he knows that the Lakers (and any other interested party) likely would offer him afree-agent contract starting at no higher than the mid-level, which was $5.4 million this season. He'd rather play next season at $7.4 million forSacramento or whomever -- knowing that the Kings are virtually certain to get various trade offers if he elects to play out the final year of his contract --then see what kind of deal he can command on the 2009 free-agent market.

"Next summer can be a bigger [free-agent] summer for me if the Kings win big," Artest said, "which is … anything else is a failure."


The full article pertaining to Ron Artest which I took a snippet of. Well, all of this opting out drama will be over within a week anyways, so it's notlike we'll be teased all season.
Artest is a fool...

If he really thinks he will get more money next off season because the kings will have a better season he is dumb. The kings will get no better then what theywere last year. He better jump on a contender soon. I don't think he fits with the lakers. I could see him in texas...

I just wonder if he fits in better with the spurs or mavs...
Artest would be the perfect type of player for Dallas... Capable scorer. Tough, physical defender. Established relationship with Rick Carlisle. A little bit ofcrazy in him... He'd probably play more minutes and a bigger role in Dallas than either San Antonio/Los Angeles...

Still probably not good enough, though.
I think he'll be more effective in Dallas instead of San Antonio...

Timmy's down low, Ginobili and Parker slashes... and where is Artest really needed? They already have an offensive system in place. He's not that goodof an outside shooter. IMO, San Antonio needs an outside shooter more than they need Artest (that JR Smith rumor would fit San Antonio more).

Now I'll agree that Artest would help tremendously on the defensive end, but yeah, on offense I think he'll be lost.
All I know is, if the Lakers do get Artest, they better give up Odom at the very least, or else it won't be fair at all. I know the Lakers are used towinning championships and all that, but Fisher/Kobe/Artest/Odom/Gasol with Bynum, Farmar, Vujacic, etc. etc. off the bench just isn't fair.
That's afreaking Big 4 man.
That's 4 all-star caliber players, including oneof the best players in the NBA.
I know you can say Boston's Big 3 thing compiled last year was sort of the same thing, but after they robbed Memphis of Gasol, I'm going to be realpissed off if they get Artest for peanuts.

And I agree, he seems to fit better in Dallas rather than the Spurs...not that the Spurs aren't mentally tough because they definitely are, but Dallasneeds that physical defender more than they do and he could add that mental toughness to Dallas. And you could say the Lakers could use him too, although theyhave a good defender in Kobe. Well, a lot of teams could use him.
Artest is really not thinking straight if he believes someone is gonna offer him 12 mil or something next summer if he stays w/ the Kings, what he should do isopt out sign for the MLE w/ LA in which LA could include some incentives for achieving certain goals during the season such as making the WCF and Finals, andhell he'll end up making the same amount he would have by staying in Sac-Town this year. And IF the Lakers make the Finals next year, his stock actuallyWILL rise for the following offseason, he just needs to wise up.
Uhh... his agent said today he wasn't opting out... So unless things changed (like someone from any NY paper posting something intelligent about RonArtest) than he'll still be a King until his opt out day. (or if god willing he's traded) And don't forget, the Maloofs are not going to let Artesttake a walk down I-5 for nothing.
[h1]Mavericks Trying To Get Diop Back To Dallas?[/h1]

Jun 26, 2008 2:56 AM EST

The Dallas Mavericks are planning on offer their full mid-level exception to Nets free agent DeSagana Diop, the Dallas Morning News is reporting.

Diop was with the Mavs for the last three seasons before being shipped out to New Jersey in the Jason Kidd trade.

Teams cannot negotiate with free agents until July 1, and contracts cannot be signed until July 8.
Via Dallas Morning News
Artest would rejuvinate San Antionio. That would be a nightmare for other teams. He's like Bruce Bowen on crack. They're already superb on D withouthim; opponents would be averaging 70 if he put on a Spurs uniform.

He would also be a good fit in Dallas.

Lakers? I think it's a little far-fetched. But he does bring the mentally tough (or unstable?) quality that they need.

But please, don't stay in Sacramento. The Kings are a wasteland, and even though he says winning will attract the big free agent to make them good, the keyis winning, and he's kidding himself if he thinks that's happening. It's a waste of his golden years.
if i were the lakers dont trade odom for artest they should first see how odom/gasol/bynum work out if their not clicking then during the trade deadline tradehim but if artest opts out lakers should and need to persue him.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

[h1]Mavericks Trying To Get Diop Back To Dallas?[/h1]

Jun 26, 2008 2:56 AM EST

The Dallas Mavericks are planning on offer their full mid-level exception to Nets free agent DeSagana Diop, the Dallas Morning News is reporting.

Diop was with the Mavs for the last three seasons before being shipped out to New Jersey in the Jason Kidd trade.

Teams cannot negotiate with free agents until July 1, and contracts cannot be signed until July 8.
Via Dallas Morning News
Damn, dude is about to get paid, all things considered.
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