Sleeping through the night with females UNAPPRECIATION

If you don't respect yourself then why would you expect others to respect you. This really all boils down to communication, and that's a two-way street with both parties at fault. As much as a dude should be communicating that he only wants casual sex before the deed is done, the woman should be saying her true intentions as well, whether that also be casual sex or a relationship.

If a woman made it up front and clear that she wanted a relationship before the sex happened, then would we have as many of these problems? No. So why does this still happen? Where does it go wrong? Excuse me for being small-minded, but I can only come up with a couple of possibilites, maybe someone can help me out.

1) Girl wants it just as much as the guy wants it at the time, and perhaps she knows that if she brings a relationship up it won't happen. Or even maybe the urge for "something more" comes afterwards.
2) She wants to put it on the dude in hopes that once she does he'll automatically want to stay with her.

Perhaps I'm reaching here, but really, if a girl clearly tells you she wants a relationship before you smash, how many of us are going to smash when we're just looking for something casual. I know there's a great deal of grimey $*$%$# on this board but I for sure would not. So why don't girls do this all of the time and then get the majority of the dudes who aren't looking for anything serious out of the way? Why would one want to take such a big step and then assume that that's the way it's going without even properly communicating their feelings? Ask yourself that question. Lack of communication makes it as much the girl's fault as it is the guy's fault.

Also, if you're both agreeing to casual sex then I don't see why the sleeping over thing would be a problem anyways. Anytime I've had mutual casual sex with a girl they left and it wasn't an issue. If they didn't make the move themselves, I'd tell them I wasn't feeling the staying over and they'd understand, same with me when I'm at their place.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

It's not about cuddling, truth be told I dot even cuddle with my wife, my body temperature is too high for that, or even about casual about respect bro, leading a girl on...smashing and then talk about, go to sleep on the couch !%$*+, or get out my house least be subtle, she gave you the box, the least you can do is let her lay in bed till the morning...then again I've never been the type to smash someone I wouldnt take out on a date, never really understood how men can drop their standards so low that they smash ogres or women they know been around the block 20 times.

I'm working on those tickets, would love to see your face when my boys kill your season.

The problem is you keep thinking of the female as the poor defenseless victim while OP is the big bad wolf.
You want to talk about leading somebody on?

Why is that broad spending the night in OPs dorm? Way I see it is if you in a %$+*!% crib after midnight and you dont have intentions of smashing then you are just a cruel cruel woman. If she didnt want to be "victimized" as you make it seem, she couldve chilled with him at a more decent time. Way I see it is why did it take OP damn near 8 hours to smash? Clearly he is not very good at attaining the buns.

Going out on dates? Letting them spend the night?

I thought we werent trying to lead them on bro.

Surely a shorty will be a lot more led on by a dude taking her out on dates and letting her spend the night than by a dude who doesnt do those things.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

If you don't respect yourself then why would you expect others to respect you. This really all boils down to communication, and that's a two-way street with both parties at fault. As much as a dude should be communicating that he only wants casual sex before the deed is done, the woman should be saying her true intentions as well, whether that also be casual sex or a relationship.

If a woman made it up front and clear that she wanted a relationship before the sex happened, then would we have as many of these problems? No. So why does this still happen? Where does it go wrong? Excuse me for being small-minded, but I can only come up with a couple of possibilites, maybe someone can help me out.

1) Girl wants it just as much as the guy wants it at the time, and perhaps she knows that if she brings a relationship up it won't happen. Or even maybe the urge for "something more" comes afterwards.
2) She wants to put it on the dude in hopes that once she does he'll automatically want to stay with her.

Perhaps I'm reaching here, but really, if a girl clearly tells you she wants a relationship before you smash, how many of us are going to smash when we're just looking for something casual. I know there's a great deal of grimey $*$%$# on this board but I for sure would not. So why don't girls do this all of the time and then get the majority of the dudes who aren't looking for anything serious out of the way? Why would one want to take such a big step and then assume that that's the way it's going without even properly communicating their feelings? Ask yourself that question. Lack of communication makes it as much the girl's fault as it is the guy's fault.

Also, if you're both agreeing to casual sex then I don't see why the sleeping over thing would be a problem anyways. Anytime I've had mutual casual sex with a girl they left and it wasn't an issue. If they didn't make the move themselves, I'd tell them I wasn't feeling the staying over and they'd understand, same with me when I'm at their place.

you hit the nail on the head my friend. i always said that same thing. why cant girls, be more upfront about what they want? in doing so theyd avoid so much bs and hurt in the long run
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

All you had to do was cuddle with her OP! SMH what's so hard about that? That's the problem with dudes these days, so damn selfish, always wanting to get the box, then when they finally do, they just up and leave. What part of the game is that?

Show some affection bro... ain't no harm in that! Love her man, hold her tight, run your fingers through her hair! Ain't no deducting Alpha Points from doing that. You still good fambs! Kiss the back of her neck and give her 10 reasons why you love her.

Takes notes breathens... y'all can thank me later!


is simp-troll like a new hybrid breed on NT or what???

Ohhh... I get it. So giving advice on how to make a woman feel loved and happy is trolling now? Stay alone fella.

Never alone cuh, got some box last night.  but we are talking about a j.o in OPs situation not wifey. 

So why would he wanna make her feel happy and loved?  so she can catch feelings and get her position confused? 
I cannot relate. My sleep is much better when there's a woman in my bed next to me. I don't know what it is, but even if we're not smashing or whatever, I fall asleep so quickly. And if she rubs my back for a little bit? It's over.
Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Checks McGee


is simp-troll like a new hybrid breed on NT or what???

Ohhh... I get it. So giving advice on how to make a woman feel loved and happy is trolling now? Stay alone fella.

Never alone cuh, got some box last night.  but we are talking about a j.o in OPs situation not wifey. 

So why would he wanna make her feel happy and loved?  so she can catch feelings and get her position confused? 

Naww fam.. OP even edited and said cuddling is what's up. And this ain't about catching feelings or anything, OP simply vented about smashing and wanting her to leave AFTER talking through the whole damn night

So my dude couldn't just ask her to leave from the get go? He waited until 7am, then smashed, got what he wanted and wanted her to dip? All she wanted to do was get some rest and have somebody cuddle with her, and he made a blog about it?

That's the point i'm trying to make bro... is that dudes spend all their effort and time trying to get in a girl's pants, and when they finally do, it's like that want NOTHING to do with her. That's grimey my dude, and you know it.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by ksteezy

It takes you all night to finally smash in the AM and you have a problem with her staying after?...great going.

Dudes try so hard to be this Alpha character on here, I can bet money you were the one shedding tears and hugging up on this chick.

Be a +#%@#@ man....she gave you P, the least you can do is let her chill...I want a daughter so bad, but I feel I would kill a little +%+*+*+#!@@! for talking wreckless about my daughter like this.
Tell us more about your past broad struggles on the path to simp enlightenment, ksteezy.
Actually, nah, just shut that #%*# up.

Yeah let's throw in NTs favorite word, because I respect women I'm a simp, because I don't or didn't smash women in the past just for the hell of it even if I wasn't attracted to them I'm a simp, grow the *!%+ up, ya need to stop acting like thirsty @%% individuals, like the world is gonna run out of women for you to sleep with, I can't understand even grown @%% men in their 30's with this type of mentality, "I !%%%@% you, hell I even did it raw, but once in 7 minutes when we are done, %!*+ my face..." ya act as if a woman didn't give birth to you, hope ya moms got trains ran on them in college.Explain to me the logic of sleeping with someone you wouldn't be caught in public with, I'll wait.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

It's not about cuddling, truth be told I dot even cuddle with my wife, my body temperature is too high for that, or even about casual about respect bro, leading a girl on...smashing and then talk about, go to sleep on the couch !%$*+, or get out my house least be subtle, she gave you the box, the least you can do is let her lay in bed till the morning...then again I've never been the type to smash someone I wouldnt take out on a date, never really understood how men can drop their standards so low that they smash ogres or women they know been around the block 20 times.

I'm working on those tickets, would love to see your face when my boys kill your season.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Tell us more about your past broad struggles on the path to simp enlightenment, ksteezy.
Actually, nah, just shut that #%*# up.

Yeah let's throw in NTs favorite word, because I respect women I'm a simp, because I don't or didn't smash women in the past just for the hell of it even if I wasn't attracted to them I'm a simp, grow the *!%+ up, ya need to stop acting like thirsty @%% individuals, like the world is gonna run out of women for you to sleep with, I can't understand even grown @%% men in their 30's with this type of mentality, "I !%%%@% you, hell I even did it raw, but once in 7 minutes when we are done, %!*+ my face..." ya act as if a woman didn't give birth to you, hope ya moms got trains ran on them in college.Explain to me the logic of sleeping with someone you wouldn't be caught in public with, I'll wait.

Son sit down, 85% of dudes in this post now have no idea what you're talking about, myself included. When did OP ever say he wasn't attracted to this girl? His post is about not wanting to cuddle after he GOT the buns, so how is he with thirst, my son? The post is about not wanting to cuddle in his tiny %#+ dorm bed, why are you giving me the sociological status of hook-ups in 2011? You hope my moms got a train ran on in college? I hope your future daughter gets raw-dogged by a scrub wearing FUBU. Talking so reckless over the Internet, I hope you use more sense in real life; last I checked J. Crew doesn't use anti-shoulder clapping material 

Originally Posted by goDie

Ayo Steezy, why you mad we aint wifing these birds?
Some dudes aint the type to cuddle after sex...even with their WIFE. Theres even women that dont really care to cuddle after sex. Cant be mad at that.

JOs will be JOs and they will get treated as such. Your favorite rapper Kanye Jesus has done #+%%%% plenty of girls he dont care about, are we going to pull his cards too?

Its all part of the game, man. You dont have to play it, you dont even have to like it but theres plenty of males AND females out there willing to play it and you cant be trying to save every bird when she gets caught up.

It doesnt mean that theres no respect for women. For better or for worse casual sex just isnt as taboo as it once was. These $*%%#% are out there getting more meat than my mouth on Thanksgiving. Just the way it is homie.

Spoiler [+]
We still catching the Jets/Giants game?

Unless it's a girl that I actually like, it's IMPOSSIBLE to sleep while a chick is laying in bed with you. Most of them barely sleep anyway. They'll just be laying there making breathing noises trying to get themselves to sleep, then you get caught up listening in like when is this $##$# going to pass out so I can finally go to sleep in my own damn bed?
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Ohhh... I get it. So giving advice on how to make a woman feel loved and happy is trolling now? Stay alone fella.

Never alone cuh, got some box last night.  but we are talking about a j.o in OPs situation not wifey. 

So why would he wanna make her feel happy and loved?  so she can catch feelings and get her position confused? 

Naww fam.. OP even edited and said cuddling is what's up. And this ain't about catching feelings or anything, OP simply vented about smashing and wanting her to leave AFTER talking through the whole damn night

So my dude couldn't just ask her to leave from the get go? He waited until 7am, then smashed, got what he wanted and wanted her to dip? All she wanted to do was get some rest and have somebody cuddle with her, and he made a blog about it?

That's the point i'm trying to make bro... is that dudes spend all their effort and time trying to get in a girl's pants, and when they finally do, it's like that want NOTHING to do with her. That's grimey my dude, and you know it.
I have to agree with this. You can get it in and still treat women with respect.

And she obviously wasn't a JO if it took him all night to smash. Not every girl that has sex casually is a JO. It's not like OP texted her "come over and let me hit it" and she came over. They kicked it and ended up smashing after hours of talking and chillin. Be a man and deal with your post-smash responsibilities
Originally Posted by ksteezy

It's not about cuddling, truth be told I dot even cuddle with my wife, my body temperature is too high for that, or even about casual about respect bro, leading a girl on...smashing and then talk about, go to sleep on the couch !%$*+, or get out my house least be subtle, she gave you the box, the least you can do is let her lay in bed till the morning...then again I've never been the type to smash someone I wouldnt take out on a date, never really understood how men can drop their standards so low that they smash ogres or women they know been around the block 20 times.

I'm working on those tickets, would love to see your face when my boys kill your season.

In his original post how is he even disrespecting this female? She didn't think about leaving so he allowed her to stay over and the rest of the post goes on talking about how uncomfortable it is sharing a bed with a woman.  Mountains out of molehills, bro.
Originally Posted by youngdoc

And she obviously wasn't a JO if it took him all night to smash.
How does this even make sense? What if that is just her mental protection (to herself) to make herself believe she isn't a @%#. What if she does this to every dude she lets hit? Come on that is some faulty logic there man.
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