If you were in the right state of mind you could have put her on the team.

I tell younger dudes this all the time... a chick does you dirty try not to lose your cool and act accordingly to the situation.

Tell her everything is going to be alright and don't burn any bridges, but just from there on out don't put anything into the relationship anymore except for bussing her down.

At this point you can't becaues you've invested a lot of feelings into her so you're to emotional to make it that type of relationship.

I would have continued to have sex with hter and treated her like the **** she is... spit in her mouth and then ram her face back and forth on my **** trying to force it out onto the other end of her skull until she gags or something because that's the type of girl she seems to be by what you're saying.

She's young and just wants to live her life and experience things too... so with that in mind I would have tried to make money off of her and put her on backpage or the causual encounters section on craigslist and rented out a hood hotel room for the day/night and have clients come see her and keep all the money.

If she wasn't down with that then I would have made her my personal pornstar and record as much of it as possible so you can fap to it later on.

I'm saying this because I have no feelings for said girl and I know it's hard not to get emotionally involved with a chick and get your pride hurt.

Just chalk this up as a learning experience and listen to what others have siad work on yourself and time will heal all.

yeah forget what everyone else said. do all of this instead
Watching these dudes on YT just fix everything. They keep my mind off of the situation a lot. Its the Jaboody Dubs guys

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stop caring tbh

everytime she pops into ur head think about the **** you hate about her quit being beta OP
respect yourself or no one will not even your gf (as you can see by letting her slide after cheating twice) you deserved it tbh
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Na but in all seriousness take this as a lesson learned. A girl who admitted to cheating on you 3 times and probably cheated a bunch of other times you don't know about isn't something you need in your life. Its dead weight. If your a good person and treated her right, shes going to realize she screwed up badly but that's her loss not yours.

You have no kids with this girl so there's no need to have the slightest of contact with her. Time and focusing on improving yourself in whatever areas you feel you need improvement in are your 2 best friends.

That said, don't be that sucker dude who falls for her inevitable crocodile tears and cries for you to take her back when it happens. She sees you doing good and enjoying your life shes going to come crawling back. You can either be a man and tell her to kick rocks or a sucker that's like "baby we can work this out" but if you even get tempted to be a simp remember this.

When you were at home getting ready to call her and tell her "baby I can't wait to see you fo lunch tomorrow and rekindle the flame" she had another mans meat in her vag, his kids in her mouth and possible his meat in her pooper and maybe her mout again afterwards and you were going to kiss her the next day. Hell you probably kissed her a few times after a situation like this happened and you didn't know it. Remember this anytime you think about how you miss her and wish she was back in your life. Remember that when you get those soft feelings and you hear you and hers favorite song.

man, hope ive never been cheated on

but i can say getting more girls on the team is the best medicine, unless you the type who likes to be miserable, then do you
I make a well thought plan on some Count of Monte Cristo / Dr Doom type **** and make them pay for their sins against me ...that moment when you know they know you know that they know that you know...
Hey I'm going through it man. Except we was married and have kids. Trust smashing other females isn't going to get rid of those feelings . It takes time and more time after that.
Hey I'm going through it man. Except we was married and have kids. Trust smashing other females isn't going to get rid of those feelings . It takes time and more time after that.

I can relate on that one minus the married part but 6 plus years and a kid involved and things going sour defenitely leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but like you said time is the best healer. Smashing other broads is good short term relief but is a band aid solution, time and improving yourself life wise is the longterm solution.
I have a question OP

when she answered the phone "crying"........ was she crying or moaning???????

But anyways, you just have to let time pass......might take a month, two months, depends how much you loved her........I know that when you are young you think there is only just that one girl, but there are many more outside the pond.........

just tell yourself that she is a *****.
whatever you do, dont take her back brah

imagine dropping shorty off at work and dude is there...and he says something like "so thats him?" and laughs.

u dont want that
whatever you do, dont take her back brah

imagine dropping shorty off at work and dude is there...and he says something like "so thats him?" and laughs.

u dont want that

This, as a man how can you look yourself in the mirror if you took her back knowing she played you like a fiddle. Like I said earlier, you have no children with this woman, there's no reason to have any type of contact with her whatsoever.
Have some ******' pride OP. **** workin' it out. You're gonna end up looking foolish if you do. Just don't let it make you bitter.
I always found that time is the ONLY thing that truly heals wounds

I passed up on a lot of good girls because I wasn't ready but your time to shine will come again OP and you will know when your ready...stay up :smokin
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Word up to what these ppl are saying . Me and my ex have three kids together and she did me hella dirty . Ain't no chance in hell i ever consider working it out. I'm nobody's sucker. I love myself way too much as should you.
I can't believe you said the first 2 times were just making out, you don't need to make any excuses for her. Was this your first true relationship/love?

I'm not in the "females ain't ****" club or whatever but if someone can treat you like that, you're better off without them. It sucks to have it happen and there's nothing wrong with being hurt but the sooner you realize that it's time to move on, then you'll be able to get on with your life. If you were in the relationship any longer, in all likelihood it would've gone on...she's a ****** person to do that to you.

If something like this happens with a friend or if I'm going through something, I always say to take a step back and look at the situation like what advice would you give a friend going through the same thing as you and what would you want to see them do? It's hard to realize how you're not doing yourself any favors when you're going through it, dwelling on it, depressed or whatever but if you look at it from a different perspective, it can sometimes hit home.
Wow, if all of with what you said was true then dambs. You probably had it worse than anyone ever on NT and yes thats a open challenge to everyone. I don't even know how to cope cause that is on some other level. Just get your mind off things by hanging with your friends, thats the best advice I can give. Don't be alone too much or else all you're gonna do is think about it.
When my ex cheated on me, I immediately hit the library, park, and Barnes & Nobles in search for yambs with morals and standards. You'd be surprised at how many better yambs awaits your arrival. Work out or jog and keep moving forward. If you follow my instructions you will be over her by tomorrow. Fall is the season where most women are jogging in the park. Use this as an opportunity to meet/smash any woman you have chemistry with.
When my ex cheated on me, I immediately hit the library, park, and Barnes & Nobles in search for yambs with morals and standards. You'd be surprised at how many better yambs awaits your arrival. Work out or jog and keep moving forward. If you follow my instructions you will be over her by tomorrow. Fall is the season where most women are jogging in the park. Use this as an opportunity to meet/smash any woman you have chemistry with.

Wait is the the ex from your thread last week?
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