Slightly raging at this educational system

Originally Posted by Wilroc

Me : 76.6 GPA, 2180 SAT, Rejected by Columbia (this was expected, though)
Person 2 : ~98 GPA, 1730 SAT, Accepted by Columbia with the quickness (unexpected)

I dont believe my SAT score was phenomenal and I dont believe it is the greatest measure of intelligence, but I never believed an Ivy would accept such a mediocre score, no matter how good the average. This is my senior year in HS, I'm a smart person but I didnt do what I had to my first three years so my average is what it is. This year is the first time I'm in classes with the 'valedictorian', 'salutatorian', etc. because I decided to take AP classes for once. I discovered first hand that these people are not that intelligent by any means and have their averages crutched by a 1.1 weighted system for AP classes. I really dont want to sound arrogant or anything, because thats not who I am, but it bothers me a bit knowing people that are not nearly as intelligent as myself are being accepted into universities such as Columbia. I know pure intellect isnt the only thing colleges look at, but still 
. /rant


- Rejected by Ivy league, had good SAT score, mediocre average

- Person accepted had good average, mediocre SAT score

- Realize these kids are not that intelligent and have their averages crutched

- Feelsbadman knowing these kids get into better colleges than me

Anyone have thoughts on how our educational system is at the moment? I feel students and higher ups place more emphasis on grades than on actual learning 
there you have it.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Me : 76.6 GPA, 2180 SAT, Rejected by Columbia (this was expected, though)
Person 2 : ~98 GPA, 1730 SAT, Accepted by Columbia with the quickness (unexpected)

I dont believe my SAT score was phenomenal and I dont believe it is the greatest measure of intelligence, but I never believed an Ivy would accept such a mediocre score, no matter how good the average. This is my senior year in HS, I'm a smart person but I didnt do what I had to my first three years so my average is what it is. This year is the first time I'm in classes with the 'valedictorian', 'salutatorian', etc. because I decided to take AP classes for once. I discovered first hand that these people are not that intelligent by any means and have their averages crutched by a 1.1 weighted system for AP classes. I really dont want to sound arrogant or anything, because thats not who I am, but it bothers me a bit knowing people that are not nearly as intelligent as myself are being accepted into universities such as Columbia. I know pure intellect isnt the only thing colleges look at, but still 
. /rant


- Rejected by Ivy league, had good SAT score, mediocre average

- Person accepted had good average, mediocre SAT score

- Realize these kids are not that intelligent and have their averages crutched

- Feelsbadman knowing these kids get into better colleges than me

Anyone have thoughts on how our educational system is at the moment? I feel students and higher ups place more emphasis on grades than on actual learning 
there you have it.
What is your gpa on your 4.0 scale? I do agree though that the SAT doesnt hold as much weight as it needs to IMO. GPA can easily be skewed.
Originally Posted by proper english

what is your race? and what is the "person's" race?
Both Hispanics coming from an NYC public HS. Doubt that was the issue here though 
Originally Posted by proper english

what is your race? and what is the "person's" race?
Both Hispanics coming from an NYC public HS. Doubt that was the issue here though 
What is your gpa on your 4.0 scale? I do agree though that the SAT doesnt hold as much weight as it needs to IMO. GPA can easily be skewed.
It does seems like having a good GPA is more important than actual intellectual ability. Maybe they are rewarding work ethic more? I guess you need that to be working like a slave for 30 years of your life. 
It does seems like having a good GPA is more important than actual intellectual ability. Maybe they are rewarding work ethic more? I guess you need that to be working like a slave for 30 years of your life. 
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

What is your gpa on your 4.0 scale? I do agree though that the SAT doesnt hold as much weight as it needs to IMO. GPA can easily be skewed.
To be fair, the SAT can be phony as well. A friend at Stuyvesant (top5 HS in NYC) says many people cheat on it. My GPA was a 2.9 when applying to colleges, with these grades I've gotten senior year its been pushed up to around 84-85, doubt any college wants my midyear report though, lol.
if they placed more emphasis than grades than on actual learning, then you would have gotten in.

what kinda gpa system are you going off of there?

I thought standard was a 4.0 system or 5.0 with weighted classes?

I may be wrong (I didnt even apply to any Ivy's myself) but Ivy League schools look at more than just grades. They put weight into the following (in no particular order)

Your background/story
Your interview with the alum/booster
your well roundedness (extra curricular activities, participation in outside groups/organizations, community service, etc... etc..)
whether or not you come from a legacy family
the size of your families endowment to the university
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

What is your gpa on your 4.0 scale? I do agree though that the SAT doesnt hold as much weight as it needs to IMO. GPA can easily be skewed.
To be fair, the SAT can be phony as well. A friend at Stuyvesant (top5 HS in NYC) says many people cheat on it. My GPA was a 2.9 when applying to colleges, with these grades I've gotten senior year its been pushed up to around 84-85, doubt any college wants my midyear report though, lol.
if they placed more emphasis than grades than on actual learning, then you would have gotten in.

what kinda gpa system are you going off of there?

I thought standard was a 4.0 system or 5.0 with weighted classes?

I may be wrong (I didnt even apply to any Ivy's myself) but Ivy League schools look at more than just grades. They put weight into the following (in no particular order)

Your background/story
Your interview with the alum/booster
your well roundedness (extra curricular activities, participation in outside groups/organizations, community service, etc... etc..)
whether or not you come from a legacy family
the size of your families endowment to the university
Its been proven many times that SATs dont mean shh and u stated that and you ended ur rant saying u are smarter?
similar situation... SAT's demonstrate an ability to work, but more an ability to learn quickly.
sadly, folks like us dont take as well to the greater averages of schools like these..

imagine getting in there and taking the same outlook....would kill their numbers, student body gpa etc. and then "shaping up at the right time" would probably not yield either of you much.

not saying thats the case here..just saying its the case for the greater percentage of the time. percentages < your individual case. someone with a better work ethic on paper can at least give them high student gpa rate in next years "best colleges in the USA books/mags"

just a thought.
similar situation... SAT's demonstrate an ability to work, but more an ability to learn quickly.
sadly, folks like us dont take as well to the greater averages of schools like these..

imagine getting in there and taking the same outlook....would kill their numbers, student body gpa etc. and then "shaping up at the right time" would probably not yield either of you much.

not saying thats the case here..just saying its the case for the greater percentage of the time. percentages < your individual case. someone with a better work ethic on paper can at least give them high student gpa rate in next years "best colleges in the USA books/mags"

just a thought.
Its been proven many times that SATs dont mean shh and u stated that and you ended ur rant saying u are smarter?
OP is sooooo butthurt right now

well in retrospect I guess you should have done better in h.s.

you only have yourself to blame...stop making excuses.
OP is sooooo butthurt right now

well in retrospect I guess you should have done better in h.s.

you only have yourself to blame...stop making excuses.
I knew a girl that worked in a college admissions/registrar's office. She told me that one of the first things that gets looked over in your transcript is the progression/regression of your GPA over the 4 years.
I knew a girl that worked in a college admissions/registrar's office. She told me that one of the first things that gets looked over in your transcript is the progression/regression of your GPA over the 4 years.
where you go to college don't matter. homie across from me went to Gtech, he working below me. homie down the way went to Harvard, he working below me. relax and save your money. person accepted to Columbia gonna be hurting in 4 years when those loan checks come back (unless they rich or got enough aid to survive that beating)

college is the biggest hustle.

Gig 'em Aggies! Whoop!!
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