SMH at this guy Tiger VOL Slept with his neighbor's daughter

His neighbors daughter tho

smh? i don't understand why everyone is mad at tiger. he's a man who has found out that he is famous enough to bag chicks with ease, put any man in his position and they would do the same !*!%.
Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

He invited her to play golf and even made a crude joke about her "cleaning his balls," a source told The Enquirer.


 The girl reportedly told friends that Woods did not use a condom and that the sex was "mechanical and unemotional."


That led Tiger to text her: "When are you coming home again? I want to see you. What are you doing right now? Are you touching yourself? I want to f--- you."

Tiger in beast mode.
She's a lot better then most of them tiger girls..
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

this Tiger stuff just needs to die already. At the end of the day he has to work this out with his family and not the public. None of this takes away from his athletic ability.

it probably made him better athletically...
National Enquirer?

Bigfoot and Elvis are living as a gay couple in Montana.
damn tiger is a beast. how the hell did this man do that many women. i just dont understand that
Dude should've skipped marriage. I do respect his ability to pull broads though except for the fact he banged no sistas.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Dude should've skipped marriage. I do respect his ability to pull broads though except for the fact he banged no sistas.

not. a. single. one.

dude seriously hates himself on the inside
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