Smh I'm a loner

seriously...take a few, easy college courses at your local community college. great way to meet new people. don't forget to join the study groups
You just gotta be more proactive, if ppl are calling you to come out, don't think about it, just go. It may be awkward at first, but it gets better withtime like everything else.

I kinda know how u feel, fell into a anti-social period for a while .. where I just didn't really do much and didn't want to go out. Just put someeffort into it, you'll be alright.
Humans are designed to function and work off the presence of others.

If someone is depressed or lonely and continues to shy away from social encounters, the loneliness will just continue to grow.

My advice: just try to go clubbing one night or wait until your boys do something else besides clubbing like maybe a house party or get-together or somethingand do that instead.

Either or that or pick up an instrument. You're gonna feel dumb when a few years from now, your only accomplishments are some basketball victories andfinishing video games. At least if you learn to play an instrument you wont feel too bad about yourself.
Im a lonely also. I dont believe in conforming to the status quo of society. Clubbing, parties are just ways to be accepted in society.
*puts on some kud cudi* you'll be straight....I have this weird balance of being an introvert and being social at times....ehhhh.
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by NASTii SWAG 23

no one likes you or your personality son, thats why you have no friends. i think you should off yourself IMO.

Do it again and your account will be suspended.


@nastii swag...jeez lighten up
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