SMH @ Me I'm going to a rave this weekend

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Any raves in michigan???
Yeah, at the GM plant. Mad empty space.
I see what you did there.. Stop it.

Not working for GM FTW tho. Recession proof round here
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

dont get aids poked.

That' not funny at all...cuz that's true. People who have aids go around to raves poking people with needles...they figure that their life sucks sothey want everyone to die with them....which is pretty pathetic. One of my friends got poked. She felt something and didn't know what it was, she gottested and ya. So be careful. Everyone eventually dies so why not leave us AIDS-free people alone. Why should we feel your pain? it has nothing to do withus...??? This sucks too cuz i'm just trying to have some fun with my friends and I already paid for my ticket, paid for the hotel, and other stuff.
I have no pics, it was actually kind of wack, I'm not really into popping pills, and flinging water around.
<<< check avy.

Those were the days. I used to go to one in downtown LA. Got in for free too, cuz some of my friends were security. I remember when people use to battle. Someof these dance moves were crazy. Took me a while to learn it.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AG 47

Who's going to Hard?
ME. Are you? ScottHallWithAPick is going, too. Ain't no reason for all of us to drive.

Yeah, I'm going but I'm rolling with my roommate and I damn sure ain't driving...

We should all wear our NT shirts
Originally Posted by jumpman247

I have no pics, it was actually kind of wack, I'm not really into popping pills, and flinging water around.

Dudes is raving about going to raves and how fun they are and dude comes in mad nonchalant with that #$$% was terrible.
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