SMH @ Me I'm going to a rave this weekend

R.I.P. my dude.

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by iBlink

My friends wanted to roll out to one of em earlier, but:

a. I have no idea how to get down in a rave. I like the music, but I don't know how/if you're supposed to dance to it
b. I don't plan on popping pills
c. There was no age requirement, so some chicks were young

School me on raves NT. I want to go to one for my 21st birthday.

It's your world, just have fun. That's my number one rule at a rave.

Don't worry about how you look as far as dancing. You will get lost during the rave, but it's hella fun to be on a journey. Just make sure you designate a meet up spot at the beginning of the rave, so you can all leave together or meet up during the course of the rave. My boys and I called the meet up spot, headquarters. The environment is more relaxed, unless you got rival gangmembers there. People are going to bump into you and apologize cause that's how it is at a rave. And you're gonna meet tons of women of all races. Don't get sprung at the rave especially when you're peaking because you'll meet more women as the night goes on. Don't go with your GF, I've seen BFs cheat on their GF and vice versa at a rave, it's all bad once the lights get turned on.

If you don't want to drop that's you, and nobody is forcing you too. But a rave on E is totally different. The music, in this case, truly has an effect on your high and your energy., and sometimes your mood. Do not drop E(I'm sure this goes with every drug), if you're going through problems in your life, it will kill your high once you think about it. Be safe, watch out for your peoples, and have water. Don't sit down by the speakers or most places in the rave either it's hella dirty.
^ perfect description right there.




Here are some pictures i took at ETD POP.
Thats basically a rave in a nut shell. I just don't have any pics of the djs.
I wish i could have got my camera into EDC.
Damn. Son still hasn't checked back in. Must've been one hell of a rave
Raves/the drugs are all cool and all but for me personally it all depends on the music and whose headlining the show.

Trance mixes going 180 BPM are whack as hell. I would rather drink my own vomit before I go to a rave listening to that garbage.

House Music is whats up.

You put Marques Wyatt, Derrick Carter, Heather, Diz, or any of those cats from Chicago between the tables, and I am there
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