Smokers: Smokers' Cough?

Aug 2, 2006
Cliff Notes:
I've smoked very lightly for a couple years (average less than one cigarette per day)
I wake up coughing every morning
Have you had this? What did you do?

I figured since there are a lot of smokers (of whatever vice) on here, that it would be a fair place to ask this.
I smoke very lightly, but wake up to coughing fits in the mornings. I initially figured it was an issue with allergies since it started a few months back--whenit started to get warmer out and the plants started blooming. So, I take Claritin daily, and I'm not coughing as much, or at all really, during the day anymore (at the beginning I was coughing ALL day long). However, nearly every morning it's back. I have practically quit smoking--maybe two cigarettes perweek at most, and none this week, but it's still going on.

I should probably see a doctor, and I probably will soon, but I'm not looking so much for medical advice (if you can give some, great) as I am forcomparable stories, experiences, and whatnot. Basically, if you've been through this, what happened?

Yes, I did do a quick online search, but NT always seems to have the best answers.
if there's ever a doubt you should see a doctor

but it's also like eating a twinkie everyday and wondering why you're fat
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