Sneaker Start-Ups

Jun 25, 2002
Does anyone know of a person(s) who have a start-up shoe store? Whether the venture be successful or terrible, I am just looking for insight. It seems as ifparts of Texas don't really have many independent chains and maybe its just more difficult in the South. Thanks for the help
I think I've heard of this spot. I know DK, Big Mikes, and a few others have done well in Dallas. Houston has probably a few more locations as well.Getting linked with product distributors is the biggest issue and I'll have to do the research on that.
getting product is the not an issue. vendors will sell you anything you are willing to pay for, that fits your shop (boutique or urban). obviously the nikeaccount is the most difficult to get cuz they hold the most market share, they dont need you, you need them. The same is not true for everyone else. thebiggest issue is paying your bills until you turn a profit on all the product you just bought, that doesnt include nike. good luck getting ppl to come to yourplace if you're not selling the hottest nike releases. there's a reason this board is called NIKETALK
I agree wholeheartedly with your assesment of Nike being the 10,000lb. gorilla in the industry. Is there certain criteria Nike has for its retailers? I knowthat I am asking a lot, but the area interests me a lot.
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