Sneaker Store Associates are the worst VOL " You talking bout dem red white jordans?"

If you don't want a shoe that's been tried on, either stick to release date shoes or call and ask whether they got a shipment in because that's the only way you're guaranteed a completely DS pair. Even if you order online, a store at randomly will probably end up sending you something in their inventory and it still won't be DS (because it's been tried on).
The owner of the store I worked at told us that if you greet someone when they come in and they dont greet you back, the employee should tell the customer that we dont have anything in their size.

He called it addition by subtraction, the shoes sell themslves, and we dont need YOU to buy them
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Y'all are foolish if you buy displays...9/10 if they've been out a week or more there's serious discoloration, dirt, dinginess, etc. Also
at "Wait Minutes"

What part of "damage out" do you not understand? It's the store's fault if they really leave a shoe out that's that messed up
Dog are you missing chromosomes? You keep talking about people trying on shoes, "gross" factors and all this nonsense. No one cares about peoples "gross" hands touching the shoe if the shoe looks fine. With groceries everything that isn't suppose to be cleaned to eaten is packaged. Maybe your store is one in a million, but aside from releases that sell out same day every store does this. The part of "damage out"no one understands is that stores aren't doing that now, and for as long as I remember haven't been doing this. Maybe when there "that messed up" but obviously shoes aren't beat to death from being display models. They are still discolored and dingy looking though, they still don't look like a new shoe like the one in the box that's been tried on by gross feet or whatever the *%+@ you keep talking about. I personally wouldn't spend a penny on a dingy looking sneaker, but that whole "damage out" *+#! you keep repeating is non existent. Sneaker stores are not just tossing kicks, they sit them out their as long as it takes to sell them, mark them down after months, throw them on the clearance rack if they still aint selling. A shoe probably sits out for a year before it's "damaged out" 
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

display shoes deserve discount

everyones finger oils staining the @@+@, its not like food, or macys...cause a display can be picked up about 20 times a day for just a regular shoe, if its a hot shoe everyone who walks in grabs it

you'll have on one dingy shoe and one shiny brand new shoe

And produce doesn't get picked up about 20 times a day???

If a store were to give a discount for every display shoe, that means half the store's inventory would be discounted. You know what happens once the display shoe has been sold? We go to the back, grab another one of the shoe from a box, and put it back on the wall. It's not like a TV where if it's gone, it's gone.
I can also guarantee you that there's a good chance a shoe from the back has also been tried on at least 10 times by 10 different people.
word, we replace display shoes VERY often. We always gotta fill the holes on the wall. Shoes in the back have been tried on many more times than the display.
I'm really knowledgeable when it comes to sneakers and am more than happy to help you choose a pair, unless you're an idiot that asks for 6 shoes and doesn't buy crap. Selling Air Maxes with an insole or some socks
Filling the hole on the wall isn't possible if the shoe doesn't sell. The longer that specific shoe doesn't sell, the longer it sits out their and the more discolored it becomes. Not every shoe that comes out sells out instantly, some take months, and some never sell out period. 
I've dropped this story here a couple of times but i'll give you the cliffs ya go...

Took lil bro for his 14th bday kick shoppin in SoHo. He insisted on going to "Supreme" for a pair of SBs.

Ask for a GR SB in his sz, they bring it out, it fits.

Proceeds to register were the dude was on Youtube and not paying no mind to the 3 ppl waiting to pay.

My turn to pay he says $115. I go "doesn't the price tag on the box say $88?" he goes "That's the "suggested retail" price...what nike suggests we sell them for" he rips off the price tag he says "we can sell them for whatever we want."

I said ok left them at the register walked out with my lil brother catchin a fit and walked to a skate shop were the same pair was on retail bout him that and with the extra money got him a tee. He said he learned his lesson and never shopped there again.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Y'all are foolish if you buy displays...9/10 if they've been out a week or more there's serious discoloration, dirt, dinginess, etc. Also
at "Wait Minutes"

What part of "damage out" do you not understand? It's the store's fault if they really leave a shoe out that's that messed up
Dog are you missing chromosomes? You keep talking about people trying on shoes, "gross" factors and all this nonsense. No one cares about peoples "gross" hands touching the shoe if the shoe looks fine. With groceries everything that isn't suppose to be cleaned to eaten is packaged. Maybe your store is one in a million, but aside from releases that sell out same day every store does this. The part of "damage out"no one understands is that stores aren't doing that now, and for as long as I remember haven't been doing this. Maybe when there "that messed up" but obviously shoes aren't beat to death from being display models. They are still discolored and dingy looking though, they still don't look like a new shoe like the one in the box that's been tried on by gross feet or whatever the %$+% you keep talking about. I personally wouldn't spend a penny on a dingy looking sneaker, but that whole "damage out" @$%% you keep repeating is non existent. Sneaker stores are not just tossing kicks, they sit them out their as long as it takes to sell them, mark them down after months, throw them on the clearance rack if they still aint selling. A shoe probably sits out for a year before it's "damaged out" 

Now you're either talking out your %+* or have no idea what "damage out" means. Damaging out is when a item is well, damaged to the point where the item can't be sold, so it gets sent back to the company. If a shoe is sitting out that long that it's so discolored that a discount is warranted, we send it back to them. That way, the store doesn't lose money from just handing out discounts. Stores don't do this? You obviously don't work in retail. Other NTers who do (particularly shoe stores) can back me up on this. What the hell do we do if we get a shoe that's messed up in shipping? Keep it and sell it? $%!+ no. We got a pair of Shell Toes a week ago that was yellowed on the soles. You know what we did with it? We sent it back to Adidas cuz it was "damaged", hence the term "damaging out."
As for shoes that don't sell, you are ALMOST right, but there's one part you got wrong. If it doesn't sell, we do something similar called RTV it, which stands for Return to Vendor, (self explanatory), and more than likely go to the outlets. The difference is the damaged products we send back to the companies don't hit outlets. Make sense now?
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

display shoes deserve discount

everyones finger oils staining the @@+@, its not like food, or macys...cause a display can be picked up about 20 times a day for just a regular shoe, if its a hot shoe everyone who walks in grabs it

you'll have on one dingy shoe and one shiny brand new shoe

And produce doesn't get picked up about 20 times a day???

If a store were to give a discount for every display shoe, that means half the store's inventory would be discounted. You know what happens once the display shoe has been sold? We go to the back, grab another one of the shoe from a box, and put it back on the wall. It's not like a TV where if it's gone, it's gone.

I can also guarantee you that there's a good chance a shoe from the back has also been tried on at least 10 times by 10 different people.
word, we replace display shoes VERY often. We always gotta fill the holes on the wall. Shoes in the back have been tried on many more times than the display.
I'm really knowledgeable when it comes to sneakers and am more than happy to help you choose a pair, unless you're an idiot that asks for 6 shoes and doesn't buy crap. Selling Air Maxes with an insole or some socks
Filling the hole on the wall isn't possible if the shoe doesn't sell. The longer that specific shoe doesn't sell, the longer it sits out their and the more discolored it becomes. Not every shoe that comes out sells out instantly, some take months, and some never sell out period. 

Are you ******ed? The reason the display shoe gets sold is because it just so happens to be the size of the shoe the customer is buying. The customer wants an Air Max in a size 9, I bring out a size 9 box with one shoe in it. If there's a size 9 in the back with two shoes, I'll bring that, but if it's the only size 9, what choice do I have? The customer says he wants it. Cool. Grab the display shoe, put it in the box, ring it up, go in the back, grab another Air Max of a random size, and put it back on the wall and replace the one I just sold. Rinse and repeat. This happens A LOT. If a store were to give discounts for selling display shoes, they'd never make a profit.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

<----- Sales associate at Finish Line.
Customers are just as bad.
*brings a customer the last shoe*
*customer tries it on*
Customer: Alright, I'll buy it.
Me: Cool. *grabs them the display shoe*
Customer: Oh, I gotta buy the display shoe?
Me: Yes, it's the last one.
Customer: Do I get a discount?
Me: Um, no...???
Customer: But a buncha people have touched it!
Me: You ever buy produce at a supermarket? A buncha people touch those too, and you have no choice but to buy that! On top of that, you eat that, too.
i dont ever ask for a discount, but i do think that one is warranted for this situation.
if you're buying something at a store, its supposed to be brand new. once you take a shoe out and put it on display, where its probably been for weeks and has collected dust. you cant sell that at full price.
As a sales associates at my local sneaker store, this is FALSE. Just because is the last pair and is on display doesnt mean it should be discounted. So your telling me If I put out a pair of Ugg or Foamposites and one is sitting on display it should ne discounted? Nah chill
Alot of people just dont get that the store doesnt NEED YOUR money. If you dont buy those Griffey's somebody else will. Unless we're talking about some Air Pegasus, in my store you aint gettin a discount. But the difference is, in the store i worked at, if a shoe got that damaged on display, we would make that shoe our permanant display.

For example, we had some white AF1s that were BADLY yellowed from the lights, so we just kept that shoe and left it as our permanent display so we wouldnt have that problem with other shoes.
Originally Posted by DaGrandMarquis

Shoe store sale associates come off arrogant to me most of the time.

Who knows, maybe it's just my experiences.
Nah not always, a lot of the time is the customers bro. If you come in with this rachet attitude then best believe imma treat u like %!$!
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

And produce doesn't get picked up about 20 times a day???

If a store were to give a discount for every display shoe, that means half the store's inventory would be discounted. You know what happens once the display shoe has been sold? We go to the back, grab another one of the shoe from a box, and put it back on the wall. It's not like a TV where if it's gone, it's gone.
I can also guarantee you that there's a good chance a shoe from the back has also been tried on at least 10 times by 10 different people.
word, we replace display shoes VERY often. We always gotta fill the holes on the wall. Shoes in the back have been tried on many more times than the display.
I'm really knowledgeable when it comes to sneakers and am more than happy to help you choose a pair, unless you're an idiot that asks for 6 shoes and doesn't buy crap. Selling Air Maxes with an insole or some socks
Filling the hole on the wall isn't possible if the shoe doesn't sell. The longer that specific shoe doesn't sell, the longer it sits out their and the more discolored it becomes. Not every shoe that comes out sells out instantly, some take months, and some never sell out period. 
^ Very True, and sometimes the shoes even gets transferred out back to the warehouse
Originally Posted by solarius49

Alot of people just dont get that the store doesnt NEED YOUR money. If you dont buy those Griffey's somebody else will.

Exactly. The only reason we'd wanna sell something that day is to make our day or daily sales goal. You don't buy it, whatever, we'll sell it eventually. Making day is really our primary concern. If we already made it, we don't give a +!%% if you don't buy it. You can leave if you don't like the display shoe so much.
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Originally Posted by DaGrandMarquis

Shoe store sale associates come off arrogant to me most of the time.

Who knows, maybe it's just my experiences.
Nah not always, a lot of the time is the customers bro. If you come in with this rachet attitude then best believe imma treat u like %!$!

Understandable, but I never treat people like $%@ when I shop. Always please and thank you's coming out of my mouth lol.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

<----- Sales associate at Finish Line.
Customers are just as bad.
*brings a customer the last shoe*
*customer tries it on*
Customer: Alright, I'll buy it.
Me: Cool. *grabs them the display shoe*
Customer: Oh, I gotta buy the display shoe?
Me: Yes, it's the last one.
Customer: Do I get a discount?
Me: Um, no...???
Customer: But a buncha people have touched it!
Me: You ever buy produce at a supermarket? A buncha people touch those too, and you have no choice but to buy that! On top of that, you eat that, too.
i dont ever ask for a discount, but i do think that one is warranted for this situation.
if you're buying something at a store, its supposed to be brand new. once you take a shoe out and put it on display, where its probably been for weeks and has collected dust. you cant sell that at full price.
That's not completely true though. Sometimes a display might be a shoes that JUST got put out. 

yea its pretty bad here in the DMV.
i love when me and my girl are the only ones in the place and they yell from the register: "can i help u?"   you really cant walk 20 steps to a potential customer?
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

Pentagon City

where dis ?

Arlington, VA.

@ Who dis...

reminds me of the receptionist at my dentist office

*I'm calling up to schedule a cleaning

ring ring

Her:  Heh-low

Me:  Is this ____ ____ dentist office?  (Not sure if I dialed the right # because of how she answered)

Her:  Yea

Me:  Can I make an appointment for a cleaning?

Her:  Yea

and this goes on and the office, but the receptionist is RIDICUOUSLY unprofessional
  No decorum on the phone what so ever

The one that gets me is if I ask "Do you have a size 12 in these? If not 11.5?" Guy comes back: we got a size 10 only, want to try them on?

Other than that I just walk in and act politely, and it goes rather well.

Being a Good Customer... Generally = Getting good service.
Originally Posted by bigsupa

I've dropped this story here a couple of times but i'll give you the cliffs ya go...

Took lil bro for his 14th bday kick shoppin in SoHo. He insisted on going to "Supreme" for a pair of SBs.

Ask for a GR SB in his sz, they bring it out, it fits.

Proceeds to register were the dude was on Youtube and not paying no mind to the 3 ppl waiting to pay.

My turn to pay he says $115. I go "doesn't the price tag on the box say $88?" he goes "That's the "suggested retail" price...what nike suggests we sell them for" he rips off the price tag he says "we can sell them for whatever we want."

I said ok left them at the register walked out with my lil brother catchin a fit and walked to a skate shop were the same pair was on retail bout him that and with the extra money got him a tee. He said he learned his lesson and never shopped there again.

Not calling you a liar, but I have honestly never seen Supreme over price SB's. Back when I was heavy into Nike SB, almost always they had them for the MSRP. I had a story similar to yours but reversed, I went to Premium Laces, bought a pair of SB highs (forgot which ones) and later went to Supreme where they had them for MSRP. Difference wasnt very much, I believe it was around $20, so I didnt bother returning em to PL since I was acquainted with a few people there.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

And produce doesn't get picked up about 20 times a day???

If a store were to give a discount for every display shoe, that means half the store's inventory would be discounted. You know what happens once the display shoe has been sold? We go to the back, grab another one of the shoe from a box, and put it back on the wall. It's not like a TV where if it's gone, it's gone.
I can also guarantee you that there's a good chance a shoe from the back has also been tried on at least 10 times by 10 different people.
word, we replace display shoes VERY often. We always gotta fill the holes on the wall. Shoes in the back have been tried on many more times than the display.
I'm really knowledgeable when it comes to sneakers and am more than happy to help you choose a pair, unless you're an idiot that asks for 6 shoes and doesn't buy crap. Selling Air Maxes with an insole or some socks
Filling the hole on the wall isn't possible if the shoe doesn't sell. The longer that specific shoe doesn't sell, the longer it sits out their and the more discolored it becomes. Not every shoe that comes out sells out instantly, some take months, and some never sell out period. 
most shoes do sell, believe it or not, from the And 1's to ugly JB stuff you guys wouldn't buy. Remember, the majority of people walking through the door aren't shoe heads like ya'll. "Ugly" retros, running shoes sell. If not at full price than at a sale price. The only thing that not even god could help sell is the JB shirts, but 6th grade kids like those too.

If theres a shoe that has defects or problems than yes we eill give a dico, but only when its very noticeable. The other day some dude asked for some all white Air Max 90's that we had in the back for a very long time (Box was still orange) they were yellowed on the plastic heel tab and the plastic by the laces. gave em the dico and he bought some ring leader lows and an Airr insole

Back in maybe 2006? Mom and pop store had the Obsidian 12 lows. My size, I asked for the last pair and without even asking, dude gave me a discount cause one shoe was yellowed and the other wasnt. Nice of him.
I manage a retail store and let me tell you, the average customer is MUCH dumber/ more clueless than the average store associate.

People who work retail tend to get jaded pretty quickly, especially considered how we're treated. I have horror stories for DAYS about working retail in Oakland
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