SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Also I almost want to say something went on behind the scenes cuz Peaches exit from the show was odd as ****.

All yall speculating HIV and mans was covertly hiding he was a junkie. Tells his betrayal plan to his junkie friends and successfully flees to Burma?

Something is up.
Jerome gettin all emotional, proposin and ****. Look like he may die soon in typical tv fashion. Probably at the hands of Louise

People close to Franklin who tries to cross him ends up dead. Louise tryna flex and become a boss and she gon pay for it somehow.

Feels like a lock that his demise will come via Buckley & Co.
Yeah as the episode went on I was like yeah Jerome finna die this season.

I usually don’t agree with Louie but I agree with her view on the Kane situation. Y’all already fumble by not looking out for his fam off GP after the Kev situation. Even though that was his fault that’s their OG, now y’all basically gonna make him work for what he thinks he should’ve been getting regardless seems kind of naive to me.

I don’t agree with her just not telling them she still gonna pack buddy up though.
Also I almost want to say something went on behind the scenes cuz Peaches exit from the show was odd as ****.

All yall speculating HIV and mans was covertly hiding he was a junkie. Tells his betrayal plan to his junkie friends and successfully flees to Burma?

Something is up.

I guessing the actor playing him probably has other projects he'll like to focus on. To be honest Peaches didn't offer much, just a quiet soldier. He probably wanted to do something requiring more talent/skill.
They’re dumbing Franklin down crazy :lol:

He leaves his office at the real-estate company to go to the re-up & thinks that nobody can make the connection. And then he gets angry at Teddy’s reaction :rofl:
Rinsing the money is one part of it, becoming completely insulated from the day-to-day is something completely different.

Kane probably feels like they owe him a lump sum or a stipend or nothing at all & he just wants blood after all this time, but instead they offer him a job :lol:


:rofl: I hope he makes it to the end of the series man
You know that's Deray Davis?
I don't know his history, I'm only saying it's possible he wanted to do other things and expand his repertoire. Because this storyline seems abrupt, and not well thought out. A junkie steals 5 mill and plans to go to Burma? Not only that, he tells other junkies about it and doesn't pay them anything to keep their mouths shut? He won't even make it to the airport. He'll OD before then. If he didn't have other projects, they wasted a storyline just to get rid of him. Why not have him killed doing what he does best, and not turn him into a backstabbing junkie? :lol:
They’re dumbing Franklin down crazy :lol:

He leaves his office at the real-estate company to go to the re-up & thinks that nobody can make the connection. And then he gets angry at Teddy’s reaction :rofl:
Rinsing the money is one part of it, becoming completely insulated from the day-to-day is something completely different.

Kane probably feels like they owe him a lump sum or a stipend or nothing at all & he just wants blood after all this time, but instead they offer him a job :lol:


:rofl: I hope he makes it to the end of the series man

There's so much that just has zero logic in it whatsoever.

They went and had a face to face w/ the man and he told them it was personal. So they regroup and Leon's bright idea is "let me talk to him and offer him something or else"...when they could have proposed that right there in his face and avoided a whole chain of events :lol::smh:

And from Kane's POV...what happened to it being personal? Franklin literally asked him what do you want and he told him it wasn't fixable. He could have asked that ***** for a million dollars right there if he wanted :lol:
Stealing money and moving to *** Burma is still a weak story line. It's not sitting right. The whole clinic scene doesn't make sense. You don't go to the clinic for drugs, finding out he had HIV at the clinic was more believable. But I guess he could be a junkie too with the way they were focusing on on the people in the house using syringes. Could be both. They got to many writers this season the stories are all over the place. Give us one more season after this or bring The real Ricky Ross in iron out the details that he could provide get back on track with some legit writers and give us a series ending movie next year ala Ray Donovan and call it a wrap.

Teddy explaining why he left
Not Looking Forward To Jerome Getting Killed Off.

But It’s Def Coming :smh:

This Peaches Story Line Is Lazy. He’s Been A Flat Character This Entire Shows Run

And Now He’s A Junkie Running Off With Franklin Money? How Sway?!?
Did they announce this is the last season? If not I don’t think they kill off a main character
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