SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

So Nas character Sincere in Belly was based on Leon?

How did you find this out?
I saw the first episode of this season live and had to turn it off when Frnaklin was flying planes and dating his mom from christmas past….i should have never turned back. Just watched the tiger episode 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

You have to stick it out, it pays off in the end. It's probably going to be worse binging it though. This was definitely a season that's better week to week, because if I had to binge it I would have stopped.
I don’t want to lose Jerome. And you know it’s not gonna be Franklin that does Jerome, it’s going to be Louie’s cokeheaded **** up former cop turned hitman over jealousy of not getting Louie. And hopefully Franklin does him and does him disrespectfully. That mother ****er is a snake and he deserves to die in pain. I love Jerome because he reminds me of one of my best friends’ dad growing up. Looked the same, built the same, was always happy, was always kind, and always making sure no trouble befell the kids in the neighborhoo.d. He died 5 years back of a heart attack.
incredible interview. I guess you could say this would be “Leon”. He gets DEEP into the CIA/Gov stuff. It really was wicked. A must watch/listen

Singleton dying allowed for some of the tomfoolery. Ill ride it out just to see how they do Franklin doubt its a happy ending that's more unrealistic than the tiger. I listen to After the Snow from time to time where Freeway Rick watches the episodes and gives his thoughts its pretty good except they got low level mics and sounds like mostly done over zoom
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