SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Episode was fire. Production and theatre of it all were top notch.

Saint steady looking shaky in the light.

Out goes Cissy, in comes Brianna Barksdake :pimp:

So Peaches just ran off fr?

Louie and Aaron Rodgers gotta go. I’ll take my chances headass. The deterioration of her and Saints relationship sad to see.
Finally a great episode this season:emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:

Damn Avi :emoji_cry::emoji_cry:

Oso cooked… Doggy popped out and bout to get that get back for Oso blowing down his partner a few seasons ago

Lmao at Black Diamond and Dallas asking Franklin if he wanted his mom frisked

How was Franklin up 73 M’s and worried about a neighborhood ***** like Kane?

Damson Idris is one of the greatest actors I’ve ever seen…. Generational talent for real.
I’m not sure it was Teddy that bugged Oso’s crib.

May have been the DEA. Otherwise, they snatching him up out the blue with that one agent that was around for that Asian journalist plot coming back doesn’t make sense.

Oso just naturally thinks it was Teddy cuz he knows he bugged Franklin.

Also Oso out here moving reckless. About to have hundreds of thousands or millions in a storage unit and then pack all of it in his truck and try to leave town. Once he found the bug he should’ve been aware he’s being watched.
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Otherwise, then snatching him up out the blue with that one agent that was around for that Asian journalist plot coming back doesn’t make sense.

You confusing storylines. He wasn't involved with the asian journalist at all.
The dude that said, "Remember me Gustavo?" is Lorena's partner who Gustavo killed a few seasons ago.

They really wrote Franklin into a corner :smh: gonna need some ridiculous theatrics to get out of it

Offshore account info easily accessible right in his crib. At least Avi had a safe :lol:

I asked a few weeks ago exactly how large Franklin’s operation was. Turns out they never showed us because it wasn’t **** to show :lol: My guy moving everything through one distributor that also knows the connect :rofl:

It shocked me when Franklin said she's 90%

I understand he was limiting his exposure, but damn man. He set himself up for that from Louie.
That phone call was with Oso and Teddy was weird. If he did whatever Theodore wanted him to he wouldn't have been there. Did they make the bust because they noticed the chatter on the bug stopped/changed and they saw him doing something outside of his normal routine?

If the DEA was building a case all this time there's no way they wouldn't have info on Teddy or the stash house. Outside of the family man scenes ALL he does is get the product from across the border,make drops with Teddy and do inventory. Teddy's right and left hand men are gonna be MIA and his girlfriend is kidnapped...boss man gonna get in the streets? introduce another character? Not to mention his new distributor was cleaned out and has Kane problems.

I don't recall a show having ever having such and underwhelming season but one of the better episodes of the series as the finale.

I’m pretty sure that dude showed up during that Asian journalist storyline.

She went to him to ask if she was on the right path and he told her to drop it.

Oh yeah, you are right.
I do faintly remember one scene like that. My fault. Totally forgot. Hard to remember everything from 5 seasons. :lol:

These last 2 episodes give me hope, what whole season should of been.

Excited for the final season. The setup and heel turn of Louie been great. She playing too power hungry, being top dawg not always worth it.

Also her bringing in that cop was smart but he a drug addict, so that won’t end well

Sad see my dAwg Avi go & my guy Oso done too

Someone school me; who was Darius miles aka Franklin wife calling again?

Also like someone said Franklin being up 73 m’s and worrying about Kane is funny.

Cissy still makes me mad
The same person that wrote the tiger scene prolly wrote Avi's death scene. That **** was cringe.

Wild finale tho.

I wanted Frank to kidnap Teddy's girl but atleast someone snatched her up. Louie trash so I'm glad they got robbed.

Avi snitchin smh
Oso not lookin out for Frank then gettin caught smh

KGB/Saints vs Teddy.
Louie/Rome vs Kane.
Bout to get even more wild.
Great Season Finale, easily the worst season out of the series.

Franklin bout to go EverybodyK
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