SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

We all knew Alton time was up.
You can't threaten the CIA and think you're going to live.
Episode was "hat "hat
Definitely feels like Cissy was in on it.
Cissy had some junk in the trunk on the way to the market 🔥

Everybody trying leave so I get Franklin reacting this way and they really should be a bit more grateful. He was buggin on this boogie man super villain ****.

The old ppl and the children getting kicked out :rofl:

Alton :rofl: Son gets the silver medal for being crazy. Dude just asking to be killed talking on the radio. Fitting Teddy kills him in Cuba.

Jerome and Louie really do got some nerve. If I was Franklin I'd straight up tell them you can have the club and the speaker store but if you leave me you leaving the entire game behind.

Skully funny announcing himself and then run up inside and shoot up the place. Wild dumb for not immediately shooting in the hospital. None of what Louie said should've mattered. Blood loss must've had him slippin.

Only way Leon probably leaving the game is in a box.

Loved the direction and editing of this ep. The inter-cutting of scenes between Skully with the gun and the standoff with Alton, Teddy, Franklin with Cissy in the middle.

Ep ended great with Mel.
Yup, I thought Jerome and Louie were gonna say they were out. Branching out is not only foul but messy and short sighted.

Still dunno why they got Mel wearing those trash *** wigs.

Glad Frank put Leon in his place, nice little scene.

Whether Skully survived or not, dude had another change of heart. I don't see where they'd go with that character. Better off leaving him in this season.
Calvin had to know he wasn’t going to have a happily ever after :lol: Assata eventually went completely off the grid.
Franklin went full villain this episode , forcing ppl to do whatever he wants n scaring folks...Now yo really feeling himself walking straight again :lol:
Yep he was a villain from the very first brick, now the writers are being less subtle with it. He’s fully leaning in to who he always was.
Franklin was cold with that speech to Mel . "you was effed up on that crack pipe" . They had alton acting like shaft this episode when a few seasons ago bruh was down and out. I wonder if cissy set him up at the end ? Leon trying to pull a cutty from the wire and Franklin straight up told him no.
I get Franklin wants to “keep it in the family” but he really don’t need any of the ppl that wanna leave at this point ...He gotta build his operation back up with new ppl anyway
Franklin is dumb AF
NEXT Season they need to have him step his game up.
Season was kind of cool though.
I’m glad Leon and Franklin are cool again.
They gotta keep Teddy in the fold.
I really have grown to like him.
Franklin Heel turn almost complete. Had feeling Alton was going out in cuba and Cissy would be in on it.

Teddy will be back next season for sure. Lucila storyline is interesting but it’s been so long I need to refresh.

Don’t get Louie and Jerome, id tell them go ahead do it your own way. Glad Franklin told Leon he got no option when he went his Cutty moment, Avon was cool with it and said he a man today, glad that didn’t happen here.

Do wish they had skully just dead after the shootout, Hospitial scene was not needed

overall this was a great season, show is still top notch and I can’t wait for szn 5
Recap/Thoughts/Fav Scenes:

Alton -- "I'll be proud of you, I'll always have your back & I love you" :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Alton said **** this **** & started SINGING on that radio! Hell Nah. :rofl:
Wow. Franklin at the shelter! **** them kids! The cold-blooded dude is BACK. :wow::pimp:
That call with Franklin & Teddy. The tension. The threats. :wow:
SKULLY BACK! Pulled up on them like UberEats. :lol::wow:

Alton/Teddy/Frank/Cissy Standoff? Skully pulled up on Louie?!? :wow:
(The tension,instigating, stress & anxiety in those back to back scenes was best part of the finale)

Skully going out like Night King. He just pass out? Is he still alive? :smh:
Franklin -- Mamaaaaa! The goodbye was great. :frown:
Jerome & Louie said **** you we want out. :lol: (Louie ALWAYS got a plan)
I knew Leon wanted out after last episode's scene when Jerome shot Khadijah but Franklin said you aint going no where Lil' Leon! :rofl::rofl::rofl::pimp:
Franklin losing EVERYTHING. (Cue Will Smith in Columbia AJ11's in the house alone on FP) :frown:
I feel like Cissy definitely set up Alton. A mama ALWAYS gonna ride for her kids first. :smokin

Franklin back to visit Mel! No more cane?!?! Full heel turn/Ultra Instinct Saint has arrived. :wow::wow::wow::wow::wow::wow::wow::wow::wow:

(The scene was important to me. Saint showing everyone he not showing anymore weaknesses to anyone. It's almost like he felt he needed it mentally, since I feel he was probably faking it this whole season & not a recent heal/faking towards the end. etc He turned his back on the person who made him need it in the first place just to let her & the viewers know the past aint gonna change how he move going forward) :pimp:

What's up with this Lucia story? Anyone make sense of all the tidbits during the season? :nerd:

Loved this season. :D
So sad it's over. |l
It's been a pleasure chatting with y'all the past 9 weeks. :nthat:

Leon basically told Franklin it’s not in him anymore and Franklin said nah.

I understand, but at that point I wouldn’t even feel safe/confident with him being the sole person with me. Mans was asking shawty for forgiveness like she ain’t have a bag on the whole crew.

Franklin be looking shaky in the light and when he emerges alive starts talking crazy. In hindsight that whole I’ll take care of everything like I always do was BS. Reed either pulled strings or some dumb **** just happens. He couldn’t even properly post bail.

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