SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Bruh was Cissy in on it

Ain’t no way it coulda happened without her involvement and the market excuse sounded fishy even without/before Reed popping up.

only thing is, what the hell was the point of all that crying at the meet up if that’s what she was gonna do :lol:

She did it to be able to be with Franklin again?
Why do yall think Cissy set Alton up? The CIA didnt need her help. They were probably watching him from the moment he stepped onto that plane.

She also looked happy as hell on her way to market. As seen throughout this season, she really loved dude.
Two things can happen:

If Teddy kills Alton, next season will be the last season of Snowfall. That will upset Cissy, which will trigger Franklin and will spoil the relationship with Teddy.

Teddy won’t kill Alton. Instead he’ll recruit him to help the US kill Castro.
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This ungrateful MF león tryna abandon Franklin :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Franklin's pops underestimating the U.S. government makes no sense. Him of all people should know they don't f$# around. :smh:
I see two things happening:

If Teddy kills Alton, next season will be the last season of Snowfall. That will upset Cissy, which will trigger Franklin and will spoil the relationship with Teddy.

I thought about this too. I was thinking next season would be Cissy trying to get Frank out but a part of me feels like she might have abandoned that notion.

One of the last things she said in L.A. was that Franklin's grown now and has to make his own decisions.
They did get renewed for season 5 in the middle of the season so I feel like it would've been a fitting ending to things even if they didn't.

Alton is a rat. He deserved it, but a part of me wants to think Teddy didn't kill Alton. Would be a crazy storyline they could set up in S5.

Jerome be hoemotional. I would probably let him and Louie do they own thing. Eventually they'll need Franklin again for something. Whatever they get gon be stepped on and more expensive than Franklin's so if he say no they don't have a choice.

I don't think Stacey is dead either. They said we smoothed things over with Skully. He'll be back in some form or fashion in S5. He was the biggest disappointment of S4. This N did NOTHING the whole season. He supposed to be a crazy dusthead who kill at will. SON DID NOTHING. He might as well have been Mel.

Franklin walking off on Mel was :lol: Still won't give her the satisfaction of knowing. I thought he was walking on Episode 9 or this one at some point without the cane prior. Maybe they were implying he was keeping the cane to throw people off and see him as weak and he's done with that now. Interesting. Dope sendoff as him essentially doing a full heel turn. Which I'm sure they will have to walk back at some point next season.
Overall really good episode but the Skully situation is just straight outta power. Dude Just happens to pop up at Franklins parents crib dolo at the exact time franklin & his pops meet up?

then he gets shot, & Franklin doesn't check to see if the killer with a shotgun is alive or not, then i'm supposed to believe he got shot, walked to the hospital & NOBODY stopped to ask him a question, just bleeding his way directly to Louis :smh:

I'll give them the scene still being suspenseful but it was some bs lol. Like someone said earlier he went out like the nightking same build up, slow motion walk throughs & all :lol:
-leon really is cutty from the wire, sans the respect factor.
-the standoff was tense af, at one point i had no idea who's gun was pointed on who, lol.
-the build up for skully's character was so anticlimactic, he really is the night king.
-i think franklin could walk for quite some time now, he had that little limp & was faking it, he leans into being underestimated.
-between louie on snowfall & marty byrd on ozark, i don't know which one has talked themselves out of death more (thinks back to 1st season of ozark)... most def, marty... but still.
-cissy was movin' that thang ...that thang was thangin' out in cuba. she most def set alton up...
-the lucia storyline is very very interesting, at first i thought teddy's boss was saying to oso that's who was coming to replace teddy, lol.
Not only that, he knocked on the door and annouced himself at the Saint household.

Hey anybody there. Franklin I just wanna talk.

In broad daylight. Like bruh what? :lol:

That was wild

Don't make me huff and puff and blow your house down :rofl:

and he said I'm just here to talk after breaking in to open the door
I thought about this too. I was thinking next season would be Cissy trying to get Frank out but a part of me feels like she might have abandoned that notion.

One of the last things she said in L.A. was that Franklin's grown now and has to make his own decisions.
She also said they were still gon find a way to communicate about the business, she been all in on what Franklin doing for a min she ain’t gon try to stop him
Need help im in Mexico on vacation and Hulu don’t work out here. Someone hit me w a link to a streaming website or something 🙏🏽
Two things can happen:

If Teddy kills Alton, next season will be the last season of Snowfall. That will upset Cissy, which will trigger Franklin and will spoil the relationship with Teddy.

Teddy won’t kill Alton. Instead he’ll recruit him to help the US kill Castro.
I don't think they'll go that far in to fiction.

We not about to get a kill Castro plot :lol:
I think OSO might be portraying Blandon since he will be dealing with Franklin directly.

Season started a lil ehh but a strong finish to the season.

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