So D'Angelo played in Stockholm today..

Yo this is like hearing colors... :smokin Absolutely amazing. Just a sonic paradise.

D really knows who to wrap his listener in a warm embrace sonically.

So many subtleties on this record. Pure artistry. Basquiat for the ears & soul...

Lovin it but I get the feeling this is a transition record to the really really great one.
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Late to the convo, but you pretty much summed up everything I was gonna say.

No need to rehash anything and there isn't a chance in hell that OKB will move his stick in the argument. It's pointless to go back and forth with him.

Anyways, can't wait to get BM later on today.... :pimp: It's been TOO long, but I'll take quality over quantity any day of the week.

Your obsession with whether I agree with people or not is becoming creepy.

I already said I liked D'angelo more and I was reacting more to past conversations about other artists.
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Yo this is like hearing colors...
Absolutely amazing. Just a sonic paradise.

D really knows who to wrap his listener in a warm embrace sonically.

So many subtleties on this record. Pure artistry. Basquiat for the ears & soul...

Lovin it but I get the feeling this is a transition record to the really really great one.
My sentiments, too.

Don't get me wrong--this album is pure awesomeness after 3 solid listens.  I really couldn't ask for anything more after a 14 year layoff.  

But I want more of that "1000 Deaths" funk.  You can see the experimentation with this album, but that familiar sound and feel is still there.  It feels like he wanted to go way left field with it but kinda pulled back, which is totally fine with me.  But I'm really interested to see where he takes his music next.  
album is smooth as silk from front to back :pimp:

I'm gonna have this on repeat till I leave work.
This "Prayer" track though. Filthy.

Joint is haunting and beautiful all at once. I can't get enough of it.
Any news on a hard copy drop :nerd:

Copped off iTunes but I'm gonna need a hard copy if there is one. Till It's Done (Tutu) :smokin
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If Google Play don't drop it by tomorrow, I'll have to resort to other means of acquiring it. Keep hearing nothing but good things about it.
Its not Voodoo, and I'm alright with that. D'angelo took his time with the project and I'm very pleased with the result.
We need a separate thread for this.

A few tracks in so far and my mind is blown. Dude sets the bar so high (no pun) with every album he drops, yet he still finds ways to outdo himself.

D'Angelo is the definition of a musical genius.
^ CDs are up on Amazon, too.

Is it me or is the ghost of Dilla all over this joint? I can't help but hear his influence.
^ CDs are up on Amazon, too.

Is it me or is the ghost of Dilla all over this joint? I can't help but hear his influence.


That Soulquarians sound. You can hear a lot of Dilla influence on both "Voodoo" and Common's "Like Water For Chocolate"
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