So do all the white people hate Beyoncé now?

Naw...but it's obvious your truths come from Bill oreilly or Fox News, black on black crime is a fallacy. Every damn race kills each other, the term black on black crime was created to take away from the injustices that we deal with. **** boy

Yep. The term was introduced in the 70's and began being used to describe "urban" crime in the 80's.

Is she an annoying c*** ? Yes. But she does have a couple points. As does Charlamagne.  The black community is clearly capable of putting together a movement but only when it involves issues with white people. Black on black violence is literally out of f*****g control but yet i don't see people acknowledging it. If there should be a movement for anything it's that.
How do you feel about white on white crime?
As a white guy, I have no opinion either way on the issue because frankly I don't know enough about it nor have I experienced anything personally that would make any opinion I had on it valid.  [larrydavid]Having said that[/larrydavid], I respect the **** out of her doing it.
Black on black crime is just crime. People commit crimes on those who are closest to them and guess what in this country white pole live around white people and black people live around black people they actually percentages of your to separate them by race are virtually the same black on black crime does not happen at a higher rate than white on white crime it is an absolute fallacy that black on black crime is out of control compared to other races crime rates.
Shorty's deflection game is at a hunnet thousand :lol: She's lucky that it was Charlamagne and not somebody who's more politically aware/correct than he is, but then again, CTG handled his business and proved the point.

The best thing to do with people like her is to ask them questions where they can't dance around and deflect em. Use their words against them.

They love harping MLK but don't realize what he was saying closer to his death
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Always get a good chuckle out of black on black crime :lol: ...the solutions for stopping crime/violence have very little if any to do with race
Shorty's deflection game is at a hunnet thousand :lol: She's lucky that it was Charlamagne and not somebody who's more politically aware/correct than he is, but then again, CTG handled his business and proved the point.

The best thing to do with people like her is to ask them questions where they can't dance around and deflect em. Use their words against them.

They love harping MLK but don't realize what he was saying closer to his death

Ole Girl needs to have Louis Farrakahn on her show and talk about this topic. I will have my popcorn ready :lol:
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Ok now seems like a good time to say this.

Breh, Bey aint direct that video. Hell, none of this is probably her idea.

My sister said something about her firing her "team" and hiring a new shortly before the release of this song?

Beyonce is not our saviour, she just a performer.
[quote name="Magic1978"

Does black on black crime exist in Canada :stoneface: [/quote]

Nope. No black people here. Just polar bears and igloos.
This "Black on Black crime" fallacy narrative needs to stop. ASAP. People that live near each other kill people. Period. You then add institutionized racism, designed poverty, introduction of drugs into said community by US government, mass incarceration and generations of systematic oppression....and you have a powder keg.

A lot of Crime is a byproduct of poverty and lack of opportunity. And why is there poverty and lack of opportunity in poor black communities..... Because of white supremacy and institutionalized racism.

That's the truth that hurts.
Ok now seems like a good time to say this.

Breh, Bey aint direct that video. Hell, none of this is probably her idea.

My sister said something about her firing her "team" and hiring a new shortly before the release of this song?

Beyonce is not our saviour, she just a performer.

Say what you want about her intentions.,,,but the message in that video and performance is important...especially coming from someone with that influence and platform.

Already seeing a few chicks I know embracing their blackness more. Even if its's a start and a spark.
This "Black on Black crime" fallacy narrative needs to stop. ASAP. People that live near each other kill people. Period. You then add institutionized racism, designed poverty, introduction of drugs into said community by US government, mass incarceration and generations of systematic oppression....and you have a powder keg.

A lot of Crime is a byproduct of poverty and lack of opportunity. And why is there poverty and lack of opportunity in poor black communities..... Because of white supremacy and institutionalized racism.

That's the truth that hurts.
Please don't tell me you think blacks were the only race to be oppressed. You have to be smarter than that. 
Please don't tell me you think blacks were the only race to be oppressed. You have to be smarter than that. 

And you have to be smarter than this.....

Is she an annoying c*** ? Yes. But she does have a couple points. As does Charlamagne.  The black community is clearly capable of putting together a movement but only when it involves issues with white people. Black on black violence is literally out of f*****g control but yet i don't see people acknowledging it. If there should be a movement for anything it's that.
The ****?! He didn't even say that in that post
Please don't tell me you think blacks were the only race to be oppressed. You have to be smarter than that. 
Not sure how you came to that conclusion from that post.

You have to be smarter than that.
I was trying to figure out the same thing 
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It's clear Ca-basehead is a victim Fox News broadcasting, he's using all their basic *** talking points
No i barely ever watch Fox news. I mostly watch CNN. Just my opinion. Don't cry.
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The ****?! He didn't even say that in that post
Please don't tell me you think blacks were the only race to be oppressed. You have to be smarter than that. 
Not sure how you came to that conclusion from that post.

You have to be smarter than that.
I was trying to figure out the same thing 
"Generations of systematic oppression"

Time for glasses buddy.
The **** are you on about dude I read what you said perfectly fine 
  @WavyCrockett   did mention generations of systematic oppression but whats the point of quoting that and telling me I need glasses I read the exchange 
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Don't get trolled and riled up again fellas :lol: ...every now and then a new one pops up talking bout the same old bs
Don't get trolled and riled up again fellas
...every now and then a new one pops up talking bout the same old bs
What are you talking about ? I'm not trying to troll anyone. Just making some points. We can agree to disagree. 
Always get a good chuckle out of black on black crime :lol: ...the solutions for stopping crime/violence have very little if any to do with race

The crazy part is that the whole "well what about black on black crime?" argument comes in to play is when people think a racially motivated crime (with no one being held accountablehappens) happens otherwise you don't hear anyone making a issue out of it [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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