So does anyone on here play World of Warcraft

i heard it ruins people's social lives, if not their whole lives. these kids in my dorm spend all of their waking hours playing it.. if you need something to kill time it's probably good, but if you value friends i'd recommend against it.
If anything go and grab those 1-month free trials and see for yourself.
But it does ruin lives dog
At the end of that 1 month period you'll be happy it was only a trial.
I haven't posted in a while cuz Im to lazy to do so but when I saw this post I had to save someones life. ..
Here's my story...

In 8th grade a couple of friends of mine started playing wow. I was like this is cool so I decided to play the free trial... I was hooked. I begged my mom to but me a time card so I can continue to play. It was crazy I remember coming home making something to eat grab a dr pepper and be on the computer from 4pm to 1am. Within 2 months I was able to cath up to my friends who had been playing for 4 months before me.i had the game down to a science. All 8th grade and all of summer leading up to freshman year WoW was my life. My mom even told me to get a life. My social life, my basketball skills were, an my body were slippin. I gained 35 pounds that summer and some noticeable acne. It was aweful. I played my first semester of high school but after that I barely had time for it and the game was getting hard at end game(once you reach level cap and the game really begins i.e. Dungeons, raids , dragons, and so on.) I got in football and that helped me lose a lot of my weight. As for my friends from junior high.. they are seriously scarred socially. I hardly ever hang out with them now I surrounded my self with a healthy group of friends.

Now I'm a junior in hs and my addiction is the shoe game. I work at best buy and when I get customers who are interested I warn them.
There you go man... That's what wow does to you... But if you do play.. Control it if possible but just remember it's crack in the form of a disc.
Its not that serious. I played for about 5 or 6 months, leisurely. It got boring.
Its only as serious as you take it. I played it the last two years roughly. I get on at least once-twice a week to raid. I still get my school work done. I think its a good past time whenver you dont wanna study anymore.
dont do it, it ruins people. i never played cause im not into those kinda games but my best firend did. and HATES the whole sci fi, knights and dragons and world of warcraft mytholgy stuff.. he always made fun of that calling it lame and for nerds. so i have no idea how he ever got into that game. we dont talk anymore
naw dude. play Dota on warcraft 3 frozen throne... its like an addicting WoW minigame that lasts only 20-50minutes long
seriously, don't do it, for your sake and everyone around you.

Unless you know you can discipline yourself to play in moderation...

Dont do it
These stories about it ruining people's lives are interesting. Sort of makes me want to try it out.

yeah i dont know if i really wanted to play the game, it just intrests me kinda.
Im more into fighting and first person shooters,but back in the day i did play Diablo 2
and i was addicted to that game so i better not even try WOW
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

i heard it ruins people's social lives, if not their whole lives. these kids in my dorm spend all of their waking hours playing it.. if you need something to kill time it's probably good, but if you value friends i'd recommend against it.

true i swear never bother to play it cause its addicting and i have a life
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