So I am Into This Girl.... Vol.Don't Know Each Other

Stop chasing this girl. Just focus on improving on yourself and she'll notice which will lead to her or another attractive young lady chasing you.
Originally Posted by iKryPtoNiTE

To Be Honest, i don't know weather to take that Video seriously or not..

Fact is, they're gettin it done. You are not. So, success is really up to you.
Originally Posted by iKryPtoNiTE

Originally Posted by 360waves

whereare the pics?

Not posting any pics, sorry guys.

Honestly man you need to just forget about her for a while and go talk to other girls, and go out on a couple of dates then come back to her. The reason why you're having such a hard time talking to her is because you've built her up to some sort of deity, so that immediately puts you on the losing end. It's also why the words won't come to you, I'm saying you're in HS in the age of FB, which is the easiest time ever to hook up with ANY girl your age.

The whole self introduction thing is just gonna weird her out especially if she isn't a shy, recluse. Don't go out every day searching for her, life isn't a romantic comedy. If you happen to run into her talk about something that happened that day or that week. Something as simple as Hey, did you hear about ____________ or did you see _____________ or you wouldn't believe what just happened then ____________________. (By the way make sure your actually talk about or tell a story of that thing, kind of like if you was talking to your guy friends) Then you know I've seen you around the lunchroom, (you could add a backhanded compliment here google the word negs to give you an idea) ______ but I've never noticed you have such cute __________ (anything but sexual areas) or have a great vibe about you. I gotta get to class is there a way I could contact you or if you could simply take out your phone and ask her for her #. If she hasn't asked for your name as yet be sure to tell her then and if you get her number txt her right away with something funny or a simple hi :smile: so she gets and knows your #

You should try this template out with other girls first before using it on your "God".
Dude, just DON'T CARE! Once you start speaking to her, those butterflies should subside cuz you're going to realize, "oh, damn, it really isn't that hard." Once that kicks in, your confidence will, too. If you're worried about what to talk to her about, just ask her questions about herself (not in an annoying manner) and when she tells u stuff, just LISTEN and SHOW interest by asking sensible questions pertinent to what she's talking about. Also, don't TELL her how you feel, gradually SHOW her. Slightly make fun of her and that'll let her know that you've got a good sense of humor and you're not putting her on the pedestal. Most importantly, SMILE/SMIRK/GRIN when you're speaking to her and maintain good eye contact. If your humor is vulgar/weird (so is mine), just take it smooth. Save those jokes for later. Girls laugh at the corniest stuff as long as you make it seem funny. Play around with her, like little "love taps" and lightly touch her hands/ arms/ back when important things are said. Also, do not buy her anything.

Act on your feelings quickly without giving yourself time to think about negativity. Make her want YOU!
bro if your ppl know here and you say she knows you exist chances are she know YOU knows your name nd a little about you so there impressions are already there

you just have to knock that shy %+%! out the window and actually say whats up here n there then eventually introduce yourself by saying hi my name is_______ im a 16 year old virgin that doesnt know how to talk to girls but i like you and NT told me to man up so here i am. maybe
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

Damb would it be wrong if i asked for pics?

Alright Guys, so i have seen alot of those girlfriend topics on this forum. So i decided to give this a try, so anyways here is my story. I am currently 16, grade 11..I am into this girl she is grade 10, problem though.. She knows that i exist because when i walk down the hall and i see her, i catch her looking at me. But unfortunately, i am one of those shy kids that are afraid of what they would say  to a girl. My friends are saying don't think of anyone when you are trying to make friends, just think of yourself on how to make the impression because if i care what they think of me. It will make me look like me trying to be their B@$%&. Which is completely understandable, but i just like to keep a good impression on someone. Now here is where i need some help, i need the confidence to get to meet/know this girl. One of her best friends is friends with me, her friends bestfriend' boyfriend's brother is pretty close with me. I have all of these connections to her, but i just can't seem to man up and talk to her. So here is my desperate attempt in trying to see what people would do in my situation, thanks NT!

If you have to ask, then I would assume yes.
I have put in some thought into it, thats the bad thing. I But TOO MUCH thought into it. All my friends say that i overthink it, go up to her and say. Hey, then from there...It should be easy to get to know her. what makes it good, is that i am going on a trip on tuesday. So on tuesday, imma finally get that chance to actually meet this girl.(Tried so hard during the week, but only spotted her once.....Saw her walking while i was on the bus)
Alright Guys, So anyways on my trip tomorrow. Apparently her friends are going there, and i was planning on approaching her when she is alone or in the hall..But not it looks like it will be a bit more difficult know that her friends will be right by her during the trip...What would you guys do in this situation?
Man I hope you talk to her and she talks to you back because you seem like a serial killer in the making.
get on a good bases with her friends
have your friends play wing and distract her friends while you talk to her
lock her in a cage & kill her friends
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Man I hope you talk to her and she talks to you back because you seem like a serial killer in the making.

HAHAHA, naw...thats not me, lol. I can simply move on....
Sorry Guys, it has been A LONG @%! TIME. LOL, sorry bout it. But Great News, but Bad news as well. Things did not work out as i hoped for with this girl. But, i already got me with a new girl, she has interest in me, lol. Thanks to one of my best friends sister, she hooked me up with her(2 Years Younger). Again, sorry for the late update stopped going on NT for a bit and i was just busy with school and family/friends
I am dissapoint

great details OP... sounds like you never even tried

If you were my son I would punish you some way
I'm speaking from experience. She is probably into you, I caught my ex staring at me in the hallways 3-4 times a week during passing period. This was when I was a senior and I was a week from graduating. I had nothing to lose since I was going to graduate so I sent her a facebook request and she added me swiftly. We chat and I asked her to sign my yearbook. After that it was all good
. She was into me all along. At first I thought it was going to take a while but I gave her a good impression during our first chat. I got her phone# that night and proceed to give her my yearbook to sign the next morning. I'm not telling you to wait for the end of the year but just add her on facebook... If you're scared of rejection then facebook is the way to go, she would just deny or not reply to your friend request and that will be the end of that. You'll get your answer. Good luck op, pics? jk
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

I'm speaking from experience. She is probably into you, I caught my ex staring at me in the hallways 3-4 times a week during passing period. This was when I was a senior and I was a week from graduating. I had nothing to lose since I was going to graduate so I sent her a facebook request and she added me swiftly. We chat and I asked her to sign my yearbook. After that it was all good
. She was into me all along. At first I thought it was going to take a while but I gave her a good impression during our first chat. I got her phone# that night and proceed to give her my yearbook to sign the next morning. I'm not telling you to wait for the end of the year but just add her on facebook... If you're scared of rejection then facebook is the way to go, she would just deny or not reply to your friend request and that will be the end of that. You'll get your answer. Good luck op, pics? jk

Lol, i catch this girl looking at me all the time when i see her in the halls. Already got her on Facebook, already been talking as well
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