So I called out my Ex on Facebook and the dude she cheated on me with..UPDATE W/PICS PAGE 7

Men are acting more and more like women everyday.

So Im a woman because I deal with such things by writing every now and then?

Oh my bad. Sorry, it's what some educated people do. I could be like some men and beat their girl, or stalk their ex. That's not my game, man. Think asyou wish.
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

So Im a woman because I deal with such things by writing every now and then?

Oh my bad. Sorry, it's what some educated people do. I could be like some men and beat their girl, or stalk their ex. That's not my game, man. Think as you wish.
no your a woman because your at home making notes about ya girl (probably crying while doing so) while the dude u got replaced with smashing

cry a river build a bridge and get over that @#*+....
I missed the 1st few 11 pgs. anybody tell him to blog yet cause nobody wants to read a vent on NT
Haha, if you only knew the whole story my man. Dude she cheated on me with didnt smash, trust me.

The note was basically a little vent and some satire, but most you guys don't catch on and take it all literally.

Dont hate on me cause while you're sittin at home playin with yourself while Im out gettin underneath some broad.
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Haha, if you only knew the whole story my man. Dude she cheated on me with didnt smash, trust me.

The note was basically a little vent and some satire, but most you guys don't catch on and take it all literally.

Dont hate on me cause while you're sittin at home playin with yourself while Im out gettin underneath some broad.
The kid went to, she ain't get smashed but since you know homegirl and all, you can tell yourself that lmao
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

So Im a woman because I deal with such things by writing every now and then?

Oh my bad. Sorry, it's what some educated people do. I could be like some men and beat their girl, or stalk their ex. That's not my game, man. Think as you wish.
Nah, you're acting like a broad by airing out your business on facebook/nt when you could've just old her this to her face. I mean honeslybro, that whole little diatribe you went on about her, man, you woulda thought the person who wrote it bled once a month.

Nothing wrong w/ writing down your feelings, I know it is something that can relieve your stress. But telling everyone else about it? Attempting to soilsomeone else's image in the process? Straight runner up for Prom Queen status.

lol @ 'It's what some educated people do'

Originally Posted by dreClark

Men are acting more and more like women everyday.

what he said... u a senior in highschool actin like Johnathon Taylor Thomas

OP u were P'WNED... keep it movin... scalliwags r a dime a dozen... and scalliwags the quality of yours... nickel a bushel
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

The kid went to, she ain't get smashed but since you know homegirl and all, you can tell yourself that lmao
she prolly sent him naked pics to fap to.....either way u loose..
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]at the end of the day...ur girl fapped another dude,[/color] ({.})
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Originally Posted by dreClark

Men are acting more and more like women everyday.

what he said... u a senior in highschool actin like Johnathon Taylor Thomas

OP u were P'WNED... keep it movin... scalliwags r a dime a dozen... and scalliwags the quality of yours... nickel a bushel

Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Haha, if you only knew the whole story my man. Dude she cheated on me with didnt smash, trust me.

The note was basically a little vent and some satire, but most you guys don't catch on and take it all literally.

Dont hate on me cause while you're sittin at home playin with yourself while Im out gettin underneath some broad.
OP's Swag is on a Hundred Trillion
That's right OP you tell'em...preach
Do you little man, keep takin pictures of those whips and posting yourstories...I def get a laugh from your threads
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Haha, if you only knew the whole story my man. Dude she cheated on me with didnt smash, trust me.

The note was basically a little vent and some satire, but most you guys don't catch on and take it all literally.

Dont hate on me cause while you're sittin at home playin with yourself while Im out gettin underneath some broad.
I'm sorry, but judging by your pics, you should not betalking reckless like this.

I already see your girl on facebook. It wasn't that hard Mr. Joe Campbell, from Lawrenceville, GA.
Ha, appreciate the love, Inno21. I'm glad somebody understands. I do half of this just for comedy, half my posts go ten plus pages. I pour more fuel on thefire, you guys get your feathers ruffled, and I sit at home and laugh.

Im not a senior in High School either, I'll be a sophomore at UGA...and man those broads there are...well..Ill leave those stories for later.
Lol, go ahead and look all you want at my girl, as well as my page. Its Facebook...and judging by my pics? Please do not try to to put together a confrontationover the internet, fall back.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Haha, if you only knew the whole story my man. Dude she cheated on me with didnt smash, trust me.

The note was basically a little vent and some satire, but most you guys don't catch on and take it all literally.

Dont hate on me cause while you're sittin at home playin with yourself while Im out gettin underneath some broad.
I'm sorry, but judging by your pics, you should not be talking reckless like this.

I already see your girl on facebook. It wasn't that hard Mr. Joe Campbell, from Lawrenceville, GA.

Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Ha, appreciate the love, Inno21. I'm glad somebody understands. I do half of this just for comedy, half my posts go ten plus pages. I pour more fuel on the fire, you guys get your feathers ruffled, and I sit at home and laugh.

Im not a senior in High School either, I'll be a sophomore at UGA...and man those broads there are...well..Ill leave those stories for later.

Plus, you go to Georgia State, not UGA.
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