So I called out my Ex on Facebook and the dude she cheated on me with..UPDATE W/PICS PAGE 7

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

the 'now' chick look like a horse, imo
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

now the thing is, Do you think she even cared to read all that?
lol once she sees her name trust me...that chick will continue to read. And she will read it over and over again just cause it's about her.

PS i read it lol (only the part about her)
you were cheating doing your thing so why get mad if she did the same back? its your ex.. let that go...
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

you were cheating doing your thing so why get mad if she did the same back? its your ex.. let that go...

word. what kind of double standard bull
is that?

take the L and keep it pushing
Originally Posted by DarthBunny

I don't understand why you wrote this, since you both cheated... :/
For real I never understood this. If you cheated why you salty that she did the same thing. Y'all both played each other, who cares.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]what kinda man writes a short essay exposing a chick he "doesnt care about anymore"?[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]({})boy[/color]
First off, you are a vag. straight up son.

second.....You are just as bad as her. She cheated and you cheated therefore both of you are idiots.

Third. You are worse because you chose to deal with this in a manner that women deal with it, so what does that make you?

That's right an open gash between a womans thighs.

You need to learn how to deal with women. If one cheats on you then trod on to the next chick. Don't be hung up on someone who clearly doesn't careabout you.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

First off, you are a vag. straight up son.

second.....You are just as bad as her. She cheated and you cheated therefore both of you are idiots.

Third. You are worse because you chose to deal with this in a manner that women deal with it, so what does that make you?

That's right an open gash between a womans thighs.

You need to learn how to deal with women. If one cheats on you then trod on to the next chick. Don't be hung up on someone who clearly doesn't care about you.
harsh but very true
OP about to post another note on facebook

knowing the amount of free time he has, he's probably going to ridicule and insult every person in this thread who thinks he's a lame
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