so i got a ps3 for an early bday and xmas gift..very dissapointed so far!

Oct 18, 2006
So i am so used on my xbox 360 playing in 1080i.... i asked my parents for a early xmas and a late bday gift and i ask for a ps3.. since my parents just boughta brand new tv.. i wanted to upgrade on watching dvd movies into blu ray.... so i rented a game to try the ps3 out and BOOM... this thing only supports 720!hella sucks!!!! i mean im so used to playing in 1080i and i thought having a ps3 will actually switch me to playing into 1080p but nope.. i guess some games isonly supported by 720.. im also running my ps3 with a hdmi cable so everything is fine with that department.. anyways thought i might just share this info.. soi guess xbox 360 wins this war console..
Originally Posted by Rightguard

look diva we in recession and you crying about getting a ps3 stop being a fruity pebble
you actually cleared something up for me. I have my cable running through the regular hd and it's 1080i, with my ps3 w/a hdmi cord, it's 720. Ithought with the hdmi it would get a stronger output. Thanks sir.
word u can always spread love if the 720 doesnt make you ps3 would sure put a smile on my face
^^ sorry bout the last comment, but im just saying that ive always wondered why people loves ps3 more than xbox 360... and since i have a ps3.. i thought imight just share the fact that ps3 output is nothing compare to xbox 360 with most games not supporting 1080p..
^^dude.. ps3 is not really all that man.. except for the fact that it has a built in blu ray player.. but playing games.. xbox 360 is the way to go.. ur gamesand pretty much all games has 1080i support no matter what..
^^not really man.. dont get me wrong.. i like the ps3.. but im just very dissapointed about the fact that ps3 supports 1080p but it plays mostly all of thegames with 720
stop crying, 720p > 1080i. If you really want 1080p do some research and find games that are actually 1080p or get some blu-ray's.
Why you crying about it for? *%!*!% is ungrateful. I wish someone would give me a PS3, I worked and bought mine with my own money. Your parents should slapsome sense into you.
Dude, when it comes to video content, ask any expert on the AVS forums. 720p > 1080i.
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