so i got a ps3 for an early bday and xmas gift..very dissapointed so far!

^^how can a game that clearly states in the back of their box that its only supported by 720 output be upscaled to 1080p? does it mean that 720 is the highestthat could go besides 1080i or 1080p? and my tv does support 1080p we got a samsung 52 inch.. forgot what type of samsung but i doubled check the box and itsays full 1080p
I was gonna go in on dude but...
Originally Posted by Rightguard

look diva we in recession and you crying about getting a ps3 stop being a fruity pebble

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by DMasta718

Originally Posted by hyphy101

so i guess xbox 360 wins this war console..
Because of your opinion?
No console will win a "console war" because they are both doing great.

BTW, Most games are 720p and upscaled to 1080i if your TV have it. Only a few games on the PS3 are native 1080p.
what are you talking about? 360 has been destroying the ps3 in sales the past 2 months

although the wii is destroying everything

but I still remember when all the ps3 fanboys declared the next gen war over after that CGI trailer of Killzone

where is kill zone 2?
1. At 199.99 it's to be expected. Where were you the first 8 months of the year when the 399.99 PS3 was outselling the 299.99 Xbox 360?

2. Killzone 2 is around the corner, February 2009. Singleplayer and mutliplayer BETA has been playable for the last 6weeks, but you wouldn't know that.

Watch as this clown comes back with some lame hate and excuses...

:tongue:laces wager:
at dudes still crying over gaming systems.
Xbox = Better Gaming System
PS3 = Better overall system
If I had to choose one, I'd probably get a PS3 even though I prefer 360.
son their are little girls starving in africa and your complaining because your $250+ dollar PS3 only holds 720 whatever the hell that is.
I can't believe that a comment about a game system would bring the female out of so many dudes
I hope Sony & Microsoft is lining yall pockets the way yall defending them
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Ps3 does 720p 1080i 1080p it all depends on the Game. Do research before u come here complaining. Does your TV even support 1080p? Is it full HD. Maybe your TV sucks. SonY XBR4 Ftw. You won't get 1080p on a Tv that doesn't support it. Lol nubs. Get Metal Gear Solid 4 and tell me if the Graphics suck.
my boy brought his PS3 over to my t.v and i gotta say i really wasnt to impressed... the blu ray movies though are SICK
gaming and technology, you're doing it wrong...

720p is better then 1080i

most sporting events are done in 720P btw.
Originally Posted by hyphy101

^^not really man.. dont get me wrong.. i like the ps3.. but im just very dissapointed about the fact that ps3 supports 1080p but it plays mostly all of the games with 720

1. did you buy the upgrade wires? to 1080i or p? GO TO BESTBUY AND ASK THEM..... 2. Go to your settings menu and select display options.... select the newlybought wires(should be like a red, blue, green plug) and it will run the test and SHOULD UPGRADE your display.
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by hyphy101

^^not really man.. dont get me wrong.. i like the ps3.. but im just very dissapointed about the fact that ps3 supports 1080p but it plays mostly all of the games with 720

1. did you buy the upgrade wires? to 1080i or p? GO TO BESTBUY AND ASK THEM..... 2. Go to your settings menu and select display options.... select the newly bought wires(should be like a red, blue, green plug) and it will run the test and SHOULD UPGRADE your display.
i thought dude said he had a HDMI cable???
Now that I have GOW2, the only use for the PS3 is playing blu ray movies. I should have bought Madden09, NBA2k9 for the 360 damn it!
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