so i got a ps3 for an early bday and xmas gift..very dissapointed so far!

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

ps3 blows 360 away

Man that was childish of me.
whatever you do, don't buy your hdmi cables at bestbuy or any other retail giant. MONOPRICE.COM for ALL your cable/wire needs.
i bet you can't even really notice the difference, and just look at 1080i as a bigger number thus better than the 720. Not everybody is fortunate enough toget a ps3, just be thankful... some people these days
Originally Posted by JJGRT5

stop crying, 720p > 1080i. If you really want 1080p do some research and find games that are actually 1080p or get some blu-ray's.
i was bout to say the same damn thing.. i dont think kid realizes 720p is better than 1080i.. he's talkin shhh bout stuff he doesnt even knowit bout.. lol.. im bout 360.. so this is no PRO-PS3 post by any means.. but damn.. get your facts straight before you try and argue with people
ungrateful kid... just be happy u got a FREE ps3 from ur parents.

and 720p > 1080i. progressive resolution is better than interlaced. 1080p > 720p > 1080i

seems like this is turning out to be a anti-ps3 rant. not surprised

i still remember this dudes pics with the cut in designs in his hair and all, he was wearing baggy jeans and Jordans and overnight he was rocking the tightestNudies he could find and throwing up fruity peace signs
Damn, right when I read the thread title I was like

look diva we in recession and you crying about getting a ps3 stop being a fruity pebble
Word. +%#!#, be grateful that you have parents that can afford to dish out money for a brand new TV and a PS3. Don't sit and +%#!# about itnot being good enough, there are so many people in the world who aren't as lucky as you are.

at you and your "step your game up" comment. Behappy that you have what you have and to those who aren't as fortunate, don't undermine them.
some games are only in 720p. im gessing there are games like that for the x box too. you jst have to get a game that's supports 1080p. Since yo jst got aPS3 I reccomend resistance 2.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by DMasta718

Originally Posted by hyphy101

so i guess xbox 360 wins this war console..
Because of your opinion?
No console will win a "console war" because they are both doing great.

BTW, Most games are 720p and upscaled to 1080i if your TV have it. Only a few games on the PS3 are native 1080p.
what are you talking about? 360 has been destroying the ps3 in sales the past 2 months

although the wii is destroying everything

but I still remember when all the ps3 fanboys declared the next gen war over after that CGI trailer of Killzone

where is kill zone 2?

Most of the sales were PS3 for this year. Like I said, if you look at individual sales, both are doing fine. Sony and Microsoft are goingno where and here to stay. And KZ2 is getting praised by critics on the fact that KZ2 looks very close to the CGI trailer.
Originally Posted by hyphy101

So i am so used on my xbox 360 playing in 1080i.... i asked my parents for a early xmas and a late bday gift and i ask for a ps3.. since my parents just bought a brand new tv.. i wanted to upgrade on watching dvd movies into blu ray.... so i rented a game to try the ps3 out and BOOM... this thing only supports 720! hella sucks!!!! i mean im so used to playing in 1080i and i thought having a ps3 will actually switch me to playing into 1080p but nope.. i guess some games is only supported by 720.. im also running my ps3 with a hdmi cable so everything is fine with that department.. anyways thought i might just share this info.. so i guess xbox 360 wins this war console..

hahaha y did you mention 1080i like its something?

720p > 1080i.... PS3 not only plays 1080i but up to 1080P on alot of games... You want to play something in 1080p? go get a game that supports it then!
dont blame ps3 cus the game you have stops at 720p...

does your tv even support 1080p? check the specs on yer "HD" tv and get an HDMI!

i have both systems i would gladly pick the ps3 over the 360, you are crazy.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by DMasta718

Originally Posted by hyphy101

so i guess xbox 360 wins this war console..
Because of your opinion?
No console will win a "console war" because they are both doing great.

BTW, Most games are 720p and upscaled to 1080i if your TV have it. Only a few games on the PS3 are native 1080p.
what are you talking about? 360 has been destroying the ps3 in sales the past 2 months

although the wii is destroying everything

but I still remember when all the ps3 fanboys declared the next gen war over after that CGI trailer of Killzone

where is kill zone 2?
1. At 199.99 it's to be expected. Where were you the first 8 months of the year when the 399.99 PS3 was outselling the 299.99 Xbox 360?

2. Killzone 2 is around the corner, February 2009. Singleplayer and mutliplayer BETA has been playable for the last 6 weeks, but you wouldn't know that.

Watch as this clown comes back with some lame hate and excuses...

:tongue:laces wager:
1. 360 is doing better than ps3
�especially with software sale per console


@ this game being in development for 4 years�

are you still declaring the video game console war over when it releases? you were probably one of the clowns that was tricked/impressed by the cgi
and made that e3 2005 thread explode with all the "
its over" posts
that diva line is one of the best of the year

6 pgs and the 2nd response is still gettin quoted
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