Meh idk, what do yall think? Social media pages are public. When I used to work Tier 2 help desk you better believe if they sounded fine on the phone we were looking them up.
Eh, seems wild stalkerish. Mainly cuz he knows where she lives.

I'm wondering how just off a name he got her FB so easily but I've seen NT D's do more with less on here.

The fact he went from FB to LinkedIn is what makes it super suspect.
Thats odd he got all that info from just a name on the app. Theres gotta be more to the story. Whos to say people even put their real name on there
Thats odd he got all that info from just a name on the app. Theres gotta be more to the story. Whos to say people even put their real name on there
Yeah, add that and that means he found all her info just by seeing her face and possibly her profile photo?
Yeah, add that and that means he found all her info just by seeing her face and possibly her profile photo?
Drivers dont even see pics, at least ive never seen anyones picture. Thats why whenever id pick up people from a really busy area (after a game or concert) id have no idea who im picking up. Just a name. Id call and ask where they are or what color shirt they got on, something to look for an identify them.

The thought process of giving someone a fish.

Teaching them to fish would be a painful removal of the American tipping scam by mass groups not tipping and forcing workers to find new jobs until the restaurant industry eventually made tips irrelevant to a well working wage for waiters. Then these employees in this industry become SELF sustaining.

I can’t stand people who are too blind to see that things are a 2 sided coin.

And no, not tipping doesn’t line the pockets of managers any more than you simply eating there. All it does it NOT like the employees pocket, which the person who posted doesn’t like. For obvious reasons.

I also would like an opportunity to discuss the idea of that worker being a “poor sap” because I have friends who are waiters who take homes hundreds or even thousands of dollars in untaxed income all month long.. and they all are realistic enough to know what job they accepted and the pros and cons of accepting it. No one is forcing these employees to work these jobs..

(This ain’t aimed at you, it’s at the person who posted that on Reddit)
Watch out yall, I don know if its some hack or uber taking advantage but if you don't click no tip after an order and just close the app or skip it they'll input it for you or somehow its a hack and they do it. You won't notice until a hour later when tips are locked in and cant be changed

Happened twice to me now.

Of course I just reported it and had it changed. Second time I was tight so I just said I didn't get my food and got a full refund and uber cash.
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The fact they make you put a tip before you receive your order is ridiculous to begin with.

Yeah, I don’t totally like that idea. I’m usually a base 20% guy then go from there but with these apps I modify based on what I order for the reasons I mentioned earlier. Whether my order is $20 or $80, it’s still the same amount of work for the driver to deliver it. Paying the same flat % (which is Uber’s default) is unreasonable to me.

What about tipping Instacart shoppers? Thoughts?

I dont know what eCart services are. He mentioned instacart which is people doing the actual grocery shopping and then delivering it to peoples homes for them. I would tip, provided the service was good (items arent damaged etc). Using these services people are paying for the convenience of not having to actually go to the restaurant/grocery store for whatever reason (busy/sick/lazy). If people feel its too expensive, just dont use it
just my opinion.

I use the grocery shopping services regularly now (AmazonFresh, Whole Foods Market, Instacart) and I have no problem tipping them and think they should absolutely be tipped. Running around the grocery store, finding my items, bagging them and bringing them to my door is a significant undertaking (from a time perspective) that I’m clearly not willing to participate in so they more than deserve their tip for doing it for me. Same applies to ordering meals or eating out IMO.

The logic behind who should and shouldn't get tipped also makes no damn sense at all.

If you are tipping your barber, I'm not sure why you wouldn't also tip roofers, mailman, plumbers or anyone else that is providing services to you.

Help me understand.

I might be in the minority here since this is NT but I actually do tip most of the folks who provide services to me. So I do it “per use” for folks like curbside check-in baggage handlers, bell hops, handymen, bathroom attendants if I use their products, etc. But for folks who provide me services on a routine/more regular basis throughout the year like my dry cleaner, tailor, doormen, etc then I just break them off at Christmas.

The folks who provide the routine/regular services probably get tipped less frequently but it goes such a long way. There have been so many times I’ve needed a quick turnaround, been in a jam or something of that nature and they went out of their way to accommodate me. In general, I’m not sure people realize how far those tips (or even “favors”) can go.
That's just tipping for the sake of tipping.

However, I used to tip my dog's groomer though, but that's because I know how difficult dogs can be.
I got 40 and I'm upset to pay that much. If the cut is 38 you can have the 2. I'm on my way to get cut now havent seen duke in a few months, wont be shocked if raised his prices
Watch out yall, I don know if its some hack or uber taking advantage but if you don't click no tip after an order and just close the app or skip it they'll input it for you or somehow its a hack and they do it. You won't notice until a hout later when tips are locked in and cant be changed

Happened twice to me now.

Of course I just reported it and had it changed. Second time I was tight so I just said I didn't get my food and got a full refund and uber cash.
Master Zik Master Zik is a menace :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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