these tipping dudes seem like terrible, hateful people 
People who express their gratitude by tipping for being waited on at a restaurant are terrible/hateful people and people who choose to stiff an employee after being waited on at a restaurant are not?

Solid logic.
I'm kind of surprised there is souch animosity towards tipping here, I was always brought up to think that is just what you did. With that being said, if the service sucks I will not leave a large tip.

I don't think tipping should be required, but I justify it by factoring it in before I eat, waitors got to eat too man.

They should be paid more to get rid of this problem though .
No one is advocating tipping if the service sucks.  No one.  In fact, I am sure a large majority of us who tip have NOT left a tip before (if the service was bad).

Having the waiters getting paid more will NOT get rid of the problem.  When your $20 steak is now a $26 steak, I fail to see how that solves any problem.
Because as we all know, employee organization has never led to anything. Ever. 

I didn't screw them. They did, when they chose to take a job without a guaranteed wage. There's nothing wrong with expecting a tip, it is customary for one to be left. But if one isn't left, them's the breaks.

Hope next time you go out to eat, waiters riot.

God bless you too
I don't get a dude that is busy focused more on the ppl that don't tip than the service staff getting screwed cuz they won't form a union.

these tipping dudes seem like terrible, hateful people :smh:

People who express their gratitude by tipping for being waited on at a restaurant are terrible/hateful people and people who choose to stiff an employee after being waited on at a restaurant are not?

Solid logic.
I know you playing dumb but so far all of these tipping ppl come off like horrible ppl the more they argue and ask questions of non-tippers.

All sorts of awful **** is getting said by that side cuz they prefer the injustice of the status quo.
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Yet you dudes have time and time again SHAMED a whole working class of waiters for not "demanding" better pay or for "choosing" to work as waiters....

I'm gonna continue SHAMING you fools to oblivion, you don't like it, quit this thread, YOU CHOSE to come in here.
these tipping dudes seem like terrible, hateful people
People who express their gratitude by tipping for being waited on at a restaurant are terrible/hateful people and people who choose to stiff an employee after being waited on at a restaurant are not?

Solid logic.
I know you playing dumb but so far all of these tipping ppl come off like horrible ppl the more they argue and ask questions of non-tippers.

All sorts of awful **** is getting said by that side cuz they prefer the injustice of the status quo.
Actually not playing dumb at all.  I believe that not only is it customary in the country we live in to tip when you are at a restaurant, it is also a sign of respect and gratitude for the service they provided for you.  Has nothing to do with preferring the "injustice of the status quo."   It has to do with the decency to show appreciation for the person who waited on you, like society says we should.  If you dont like it, you shouldnt go out to eat.  Simple.
non tippers in here not caring and not breaking a sweat while these dudes are on a mission to shame fools into oblivion 
I'm kind of surprised there is souch animosity towards tipping here, I was always brought up to think that is just what you did. With that being said, if the service sucks I will not leave a large tip.

I don't think tipping should be required, but I justify it by factoring it in before I eat, waitors got to eat too man.

They should be paid more to get rid of this problem though .
The youre classless cheap brokeboy scum raised by a single mother etc etc etc
I'm kind of surprised there is souch animosity towards tipping here, I was always brought up to think that is just what you did. With that being said, if the service sucks I will not leave a large tip.

I don't think tipping should be required, but I justify it by factoring it in before I eat, waitors got to eat too man.

They should be paid more to get rid of this problem though .
The youre classless cheap brokeboy scum raised by a single mother etc etc etc
Agreed.  Well, except about the single mother part.
Yet you dudes have time and time again SHAMED a whole working class of waiters for not "demanding" better pay or for "choosing" to work as waiters....

I'm gonna continue SHAMING you fools to oblivion, you don't like it, quit this thread, YOU CHOSE to come in here.
:lol: Shamed?

We aint shaming them. You know what that word means?

We simply saying if they don't want to band together and do what's best for them that's on them. That's the direct response to ppl like you saying you should tip to help those ppl out cuz they don't get paid enough.

Who in here is shaming servers? :nerd:

Matter of fact how are you shaming us? By telling us you hope the waiters riot the next time we go out to eat? Nah that's just more evidence of your true scumbag nature being revealed post by post because you have no response to a logical argument when it comes to not tipping.

Only time a server is getting shamed is when they on that scumbag **** that I've seen many on the tipping side advocate.
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[thread="630379"] [/thread]
these tipping dudes seem like terrible, hateful people :smh:

People who express their gratitude by tipping for being waited on at a restaurant are terrible/hateful people and people who choose to stiff an employee after being waited on at a restaurant are not?

Solid logic.
I know you playing dumb but so far all of these tipping ppl come off like horrible ppl the more they argue and ask questions of non-tippers.

All sorts of awful **** is getting said by that side cuz they prefer the injustice of the status quo.

Actually not playing dumb at all.  I believe that not only is it customary in the country we live in to tip when you are at a restaurant, it is also a sign of respect and gratitude for the service they provided for you.  Has nothing to do with preferring the "injustice of the status quo."   It has to do with the decency to show appreciation for the person who waited on you, like society says we should.  If you dont like it, you shouldnt go out to eat.  Simple.
Playing dumb by being sarcastic which you clearly were in that post. You want to ignore what's been said in this thread to take that stance? Fine but that's ignorance.

You can believe tipping in this country is respect and gratitude but aint nothing about it is mandatory. If anything not tipping makes things clearer. There is no gratitude or respect for you doing a job you chose to do and there aint anything customary about tipping other than it's initial intent.

Yall dudes want to lie and revise history to pretend tipping was about something else and give your own bull **** meaning to tipping. Go ahead but claiming it's about decency and claiming that's what society says what should be done rings completely hollow. Which is why when you say we shouldn't go out if we don't like it we just ignore you ppl, keep going out and keep not tipping.

Nothing about what you believe tipping is about is a fact. It's just poorly crafted well wishing and faking da funk.

And even if you were right and that's what tipping is about just look at those who are advocating it and what they've said in this thread. They aren't decent, they show no respect or seem to be deserving of any, and don't seem like they know what gratitude is. Just a bunch of fake authorities.
non tippers in here not caring and not breaking a sweat while these dudes are on a mission to shame fools into oblivion :rofl:
**** don't even make sense :lol:

Like somebody on any internet forum shaming someone is gonna defeat sound logic.

This aint the dark ages where superstition and nonsensical beliefs rule the day.
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It's not about having the ability to pay the servers higher wages, it's that tipping is something that's part of American culture. That's how it is.
So because it's part of American culture keep doing it ??? WHAT...this gotta be some of the dumbest **** I've ever heard... Racism is also apart of American culture we should keep that going too huh ?
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non tippers in here not caring and not breaking a sweat while these dudes are on a mission to shame fools into oblivion :rofl:

For "not caring" non tippers have a funny way of showing it.
Well I mean tippers ask a question or a loaded question or set up this bull **** scenario and then non-tippers response.

Could leave it as we don't tip regardless but then that's when tippers rely on name calling. It never fails.
Now we comparing tipping to racism...

Ya Doing way too much :rofl:

And here comes Zik acting like a damn dictionary, son I know what the word shame means :stoneface: plenty dudes in here talking down on waiters and waitresses talmbout "is their fault they got stuck with a min wage job, with a hand out waiting for free money" dudes practically grouping servers with homeless dudes asking for change on the side of the highway, if that's not shaming, I have no clue what is then, in which case enlighten me thesaurus.
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Well I mean tippers ask a question or a loaded question or set up this bull **** scenario and then non-tippers response.

Could leave it as we don't tip regardless but then that's when tippers rely on name calling. It never fails.

Nah b, you non-tippers not getting away that easy, here in Merica you are a cheap man, don't like the title, move to a different country or exclusively eat at fast food joints, is that simple.

You sit down and get served, have some class and drop a tip.
Didn't read the thread.

i typically tip with others and tip well if we are rowdy.

I typically dont (or tip very minimally) by myself, unless the server was really trying to earn that tip. 

Because everyone thinks tipping is a given, the waiters think they are working for the restaurant rather than serving me.

The restaurant pays you to bring my food and take my order. If thats all you did. You got your pay.

When you fill my drinks excessively. check my satisfaction and possibly correct any dissatisfaction. compliment my ugly shirt... etc. we are getting into tip territory because you are serving me.
Yo ya reeeeek of douchery :rofl:

Talmbout buff my shoes, pull my chair and hold my D on bathroom breaks, then you've earned your 5$ :rofl:
Talmbout buff my shoes, pull my chair and hold my D on bathroom breaks, then you've earned your 5$ 
precisely. glad we see eye to eye.

if they changed all the SERVER titles to SERVANT, then i could understand why tipping would be mandatory.
Now we comparing tipping to racism...

Ya Doing way too much :rofl:

And here comes Zik acting like a damn dictionary, son I know what the word shame means :stoneface: plenty dudes in here talking down on waiters and waitresses talmbout "is their fault they got stuck with a min wage job, with a hand out waiting for free money" dudes practically grouping servers with homeless dudes asking for change on the side of the highway, if that's not shaming, I have no clue what is then, in which case enlighten me thesaurus.
That's not shaming, that's basically the truth

I said it to you before but imagine you had to rely on tips for your job to get a decent wage instead of your employer paying you according to ya job's value?

Nah nobody is grouping them with the homeless :lol: Servers work for money AND ask for customers to give them more, some homeless just beg for spare change and every now and then you come across a few entitled beggars wanting to be choosers types.

And yeah you do not know what shaming is.
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