this thread is literally going nowhere
Thread's in flames and I'm just stoking em tryna light this blunt
Top 5 DOA, momma we made it 
Well I mean tippers ask a question or a loaded question or set up this bull **** scenario and then non-tippers response.

Could leave it as we don't tip regardless but then that's when tippers rely on name calling. It never fails.

Nah b, you non-tippers not getting away that easy, here in Merica you are a cheap man, don't like the title, move to a different country or exclusively eat at fast food joints, is that simple.

You sit down and get served, have some class and drop a tip.
What you mean get off easy? :lol:

YOU did this exact thing a few pgs ago. I explained something to you thoroughly and all you were left with was calling me cheap cuz you had no logical or reasonable reply.

You're doing it again in this post. That's all you got, name calling.

I know what being cheap is, I know what I'm cheap about but you clearly don't know what this word means either but you'll use it cuz you think you're insulting me because you disagree with WHY I choose not to tip.

If you leading the tipping side then yall just look and sound like a bunch of irrational ppl that really don't have a stance and just want ppl to do things your way without good reason and if they don't you then tell them not to do something at all.

It's pathetic.

Also to be all the way clear, in America we're free. So you can run with that bull **** of if you don't do this you get called names and if you don't like it leave the country. You should say that out loud and reflect on how you sound b.
Now we comparing tipping to racism...

Ya Doing way too much :rofl:

And here comes Zik acting like a damn dictionary, son I know what the word shame means :stoneface: plenty dudes in here talking down on waiters and waitresses talmbout "is their fault they got stuck with a min wage job, with a hand out waiting for free money" dudes practically grouping servers with homeless dudes asking for change on the side of the highway, if that's not shaming, I have no clue what is then, in which case enlighten me thesaurus.
Are you a idiot fam ? He clearly stated you're suppose to tip because it part of American culture as if we have to keep doing everything that's apart of American culture
That's not shaming, that's basically the truth

I said it to you before but imagine you had to rely on tips for your job to get a decent wage instead of your employer paying you according to ya job's value?

Nah nobody is grouping them with the homeless :lol: Servers work for money AND ask for customers to give them more, some homeless just beg for spare change and every now and then you come across a few entitled beggars wanting to be choosers types.

And yeah you do not know what shaming is.

So basically they are worst than beggars because they are taking advantage of you....since they already collect a check from their employer....that's the logic non-tippers use to make themselves feel better...

GOT IT :lol:
Well I mean tippers ask a question or a loaded question or set up this bull **** scenario and then non-tippers response.

Could leave it as we don't tip regardless but then that's when tippers rely on name calling. It never fails.
Nah b, you non-tippers not getting away that easy, here in Merica you are a cheap man, don't like the title, move to a different country or exclusively eat at fast food joints, is that simple.

You sit down and get served, have some class and drop a tip.
What you mean get off easy?

YOU did this exact thing a few pgs ago. I explained something to you thoroughly and all you were left with was calling me cheap cuz you had no logical or reasonable reply.

You're doing it again in this post. That's all you got, name calling.

I know what being cheap is, I know what I'm cheap about but you clearly don't know what this word means either but you'll use it cuz you think you're insulting me because you disagree with WHY I choose not to tip.

If you leading the tipping side then yall just look and sound like a bunch of irrational ppl that really don't have a stance and just want ppl to do things your way without good reason and if they don't you then tell them not to do something at all.

It's pathetic.

Also to be all the way clear, in America we're free. So you can run with that bull **** of if you don't do this you get called names and if you don't like it leave the country. You should say that out loud and reflect on how you sound b.
I wonder how Steezy feels about men of color getting killed by cops. Does he think that if we don't like it then maybe we should leave? 

@DCAllAmerican  can you chime in on this? You appear to know Steezy quite well.
That's not shaming, that's basically the truth

I said it to you before but imagine you had to rely on tips for your job to get a decent wage instead of your employer paying you according to ya job's value?

Nah nobody is grouping them with the homeless :lol: Servers work for money AND ask for customers to give them more, some homeless just beg for spare change and every now and then you come across a few entitled beggars wanting to be choosers types.

And yeah you do not know what shaming is.

So basically they are worst than beggars because they are taking advantage of you....since they already collect a check from their employer....that's the logic non-tippers use to make themselves feel better...

GOT IT :lol:
No. That's just how it is.

I don't need to feel good or better about not tipping. This isn't about feelings b. This is common sense. Which you seem to lack a great deal of.

I mean really now, look at you right now. You're presented with another sound explanation and you don't miss the chance to jump to conclusions with wild assumptions. We were talking about this nonsense of you saying non tippers are shaming servers. Now you're saying this is the reason we have to feel better about not tipping? You all over the place.

Sound ridiculous. Get it together.
Are you a idiot fam ? He clearly stated you're suppose to tip because it part of American culture as if we have to keep doing everything that's apart of American culture

Nah by all means bro, take the cheap route is your choice, this is America!

Still freedom of speech also exists and I'm gonna exercise mines, ya CHEAP...end of story.
Are you a idiot fam ? He clearly stated you're suppose to tip because it part of American culture as if we have to keep doing everything that's apart of American culture

Nah by all means bro, take the cheap route is your choice, this is America!

Still freedom of speech also exists and I'm gonna exercise mines, ya CHEAP...end of story.
You're definitely free to be ignorant, no doubt.
I wonder how Steezy feels about men of color getting killed by cops. Does he think that if we don't like it then maybe we should leave? 

@DCAllAmerican  can you chime in on this? You appear to know Steezy quite well.
He always uses the, "If you don't like it, leave the country card." I have gotten on him about that before.

I can say I don't like having to shovel the snow on the sidewalks in front of my house, he will tell me, "Well sell your home." I'm like dude, who said all of that.

That is what he does though. He resorts to name calling and never addresses points.

And more so than anyone else, when EYE am getting to him with solid points, he just uses the, "DC stop trolling" card.

For now on, I will keep a running tally of how often he uses that card
No. That's just how it is.

I don't need to feel good or better about not tipping. This isn't about feelings b. This is common sense. Which you seem to lack a great deal of.

I mean really now, look at you right now. You're presented with another sound explanation and you don't miss the chance to jump to conclusions with wild assumptions. We were talking about this nonsense of you saying non tippers are shaming servers. Now you're saying this is the reason we have to feel better about not tipping? You all over the place.

Sound ridiculous. Get it together.

There is no explanation fam, you and every no-tipper at the end of the day are making a conscious choice to shaft a server, call it an American thing or whatever you want, thing is you NOT tipping isn't going to change a thing, only thing you are doing is screwing over a server, PURPOSELY....of that makes you feel good...don't be upset when people frown upon your decision, because is classless....that **** is a FACT.
Now we comparing tipping to racism...

Ya Doing way too much :rofl:

And here comes Zik acting like a damn dictionary, son I know what the word shame means :stoneface: plenty dudes in here talking down on waiters and waitresses talmbout "is their fault they got stuck with a min wage job, with a hand out waiting for free money" dudes practically grouping servers with homeless dudes asking for change on the side of the highway, if that's not shaming, I have no clue what is then, in which case enlighten me thesaurus.
Are you a idiot fam ? He clearly stated you're suppose to tip because it part of American culture as if we have to keep doing everything that's apart of American culture
Never mind him. He has a strong aversion to sound arguments and logical conclusions.

Dudes are literally relying on you should tip because it's American tradition. You know who else uses arguments like that? :smh:
Never mind him. He has a strong aversion to sound arguments and logical conclusions.

Dudes are literally relying on you should tip because it's American tradition. You know who else uses arguments like that? :smh:

Who else bro? Make the comparison...go ahead
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This thread has turned into trash. Making these comparisons. Goooddd damn yah some CHEAP, CLASSLESS dudes.

One more time
not showing obvious signs of belonging to a particular social class.
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Never mind him. He has a strong aversion to sound arguments and logical conclusions.

Dudes are literally relying on you should tip because it's American tradition. You know who else uses arguments like that? :smh:
Yea I already know his type b they don't call him KKKsteezy for no reason
Now I'm racist because I tip.....


Keep going fellas, I can almost smell the filth of this thread through my phone :lol:
No one said you're a racist because you tip ... You're trolling at this point ...Your reading comprehension might be at a first grade level
No. That's just how it is.

I don't need to feel good or better about not tipping. This isn't about feelings b. This is common sense. Which you seem to lack a great deal of.

I mean really now, look at you right now. You're presented with another sound explanation and you don't miss the chance to jump to conclusions with wild assumptions. We were talking about this nonsense of you saying non tippers are shaming servers. Now you're saying this is the reason we have to feel better about not tipping? You all over the place.

Sound ridiculous. Get it together.

There is no explanation fam
:lol: But I just explained it. You asked and then I explained it.

It's okay if you don't agree but pretending like you weren't presented with an explanation that you read and then tried to flip in to some other assumption is PATHETIC.


You're embarrassing yourself.

Go wash your face and take a breather.

you and every no-tipper at the end of the day are making a conscious choice to shaft a server
It's okay if you see it that way. I don't.

I feel everyday the employer shafts the servers. I feel like servers shaft themselves everyday by not demanding they get paid a working wage or at least minimum wage but hey you want to ignore all that and abide by the status quo which isn't stable income for the servers at all.

call it an American thing or whatever you want
YOU and YOUR side called it that not me. Yall get more ignorant by the post in that regard.

Claiming America but sounding like some tyrannical dictatorship.

thing is you NOT tipping isn't going to change a thing
I never said I don't tip to change things :lol:

But guess what if everybody was like me and didn't tip things would change with the quickness. Servers would go on strike, form unions, and demand proper wages all the sooner.
only thing you are doing is screwing over a server, PURPOSELY
I'm not screwing over anybody. No server is owed my money.

....of that makes you feel good.
Again this has nothing to do with what feels good or your feelings.

This is simple logic of right and wrong.

..don't be upset when people frown upon your decision,
I don't give a ****. They can frown until their faces stay that way. I don't live my life by how other ppl feel about my decisions.

Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind.

because is classless....that **** is a FACT.
It's actually the opposite.

It shows no class AT ALL to be dining at places where the employer can not even provide his employees a proper wage for them to live on but I know you'll ignore those cold hard facts like all the others.

Truth is as much as you want non-tippers to appear one way yall dudes are the ones that are pretty heartless and uneducated on the issue. You gave it no in depth thought, you convinced yourself it's about being nice and gratitude.

You gonna wake up in a NYC to restaurants that will not accept your tip very soon steezy. Hope you get used to it.
Zik thinks he makes a valid point simply because he says so, classic Zik :rofl:

You a
Never mind him. He has a strong aversion to sound arguments and logical conclusions.

Dudes are literally relying on you should tip because it's American tradition. You know who else uses arguments like that? :smh:

Who else bro? Make the comparison...go ahead
You share the same logic with those that believe marriage is only one thing and want to deny the civil rights of other millions of American citizens.

You share the same logic with those that believe abortion should be made illegal and want to deny the civil rights of Americans of an entire sex.

You share the same logic with those that advocate racism, xenophobia, and outright bigotry all in the name of a bull **** argument hiding behind tradition.

Look in a mirror.
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