So I hit the California Lottery....

Real estate is the way my brudha. I would put the money down on a commercial property (5+ units). Pay a property manager to handle it all for you. Pm me if you have any questions.
Good thing Cali don't have state tax on lotto. Those odds you hit on that ticket, 1 in 1,200,000.... Crazy. Congrats though.
Just a little background information about my situation before this popped off... I just lost my job a few months ago. I've been barley getting by with help from a few family members which if you've ever been in my position you know how crushed your pride and manhood is when you have to resort to this. I recently sold my gold chain from Reys (Jewelry thread) :smh:. Sold my ps4 and my iPhone :smh: and was actually going to sell this damn MacBook that I'm typing on this month :smh: x100000 but then this happened. Half a year ago I started and still have been working on fixing up my mother's house everyday after work as a thank you for raising and loving a wild bastard type of gift which definitely stopped me from saving some rainy day money before I lost my job. So I was doing pretty damn bad yo then this happened.... It ain't 1m but it sure as hell is enough money for me to get something going if I invest it smart enough.

Not sure who to thank but I'm just glad I can get back on my feet. Im not religious by any means but i do feel it was once I became selfless and started genuinely doing good for others without expecting anything in return is when someone somewhere if he exists up there decided to send some love my way.

I've been on NT for 15 years so y'all are family to me whether you like it or not and the love I'm reading in these comments are appreciated more than you guys know.

Good things happen to good people :pimp:
Prolly the best comeup for a NT member in the history of this site

You the real MVP, congrats

invest in the weed business btw
Congrats fam. Crazy how that played out, at your lowest point you win the lottery. :smokin

Best of luck to you..
OP maybe you wanna buy a warehouse or something out there related to the incoming mj industry. Congrats on the come up!
This is cool! Congrats, man! I know if I won, I would have the taxes taken out immediately and the remaining amount to pay off school, debt, and my car loan.
You were broke but gambling away $5 at a time? Gambling is a true addiction and no answer to monetary shortcomings. It's a losing battle people. Other people wanting to start scratch offs? Please don't. The odds are so against the norm. No hate. I may try one every other month.

Unless I am mistaken (never won enough to affect my income status), you should be careful about more taxes being taken out/owed come next years tax season. Since it is a prize, I want to say you will be liable at the highest tax bracket (~40%) when its all said and done. If you only made $30k last year, this lottery win will place you into a way higher tax bracket.

Also be aware if you gift any money to friends, they can be held liable as well.

Now whether they make you show your face and name, it may be wise to hire legal representation. None of your friends or family will see the after tax amount, and only $75k. It's a great come up, but $40k can not buy much imho. Be very very careful.. Personally, I would pay off some debts, and just live stress free for a couple months and then make some of that money work for you through stocks/investments.
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Congrats OP. Like others have said, I would pay some bills, save some and either invest or put a down payment on a home. The way things are going, I would even considering leaving the country. Whatever you do, be smart and be frugal.
OP if you are still unemployed , don't invest just yet .

1. Put 6-12 months of living expenses to the side

2. Pay off any debt

3. Invest remaining
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