So I hit the California Lottery....

he will if no one is renting in his property yet and even so if they are late or dont pay he'll need backup. Future repairs also come into play
Exactly, yal are in fairytale land. With no income he won't get approved for a loan , so lets start there.

There is an expected vacancy and cap ex numbers, so again he will need money for the rental.

Also never buy a rental property that you couldn't afford the payments on.

56K is a good chunk of money, but its not something I would jump out there with if I had no job. Just doesn't make sense .
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My advice:
pay off your debts (high interest first)
Set a budget for normal (before this money living) expenses that will leave you comfortable then have that amount aside ready from what you get
Put the rest in something that will yeild you the most interest while being at a level of liquidty you're comfortable with
Wait, weigh your investment options, then decide. Then invest. But dont put all of it on one investment.
Then pay me back that money I lent you lol.
bout to buy some scratch-offs during lunch...

will report after I win 75K.
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Please please please talk to whoever you need to and develop a low risk, detailed plan. Budget out every single penny of that 58k.

It seems like a lot, but its really not. It'll be much easier than you think to blow through that entire amount.

Maybe its the accountant in me but I gotta stress that.

Very happy for you. The odds of that were literally 1 in 1.2 million.

Congrats man :nthat:
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Please please please talk to whoever you need to and develop a low risk, detailed plan. Budget out every single penny of that 58k.

It seems like a lot, but its really not. It'll be much easier than you think to blow through that entire amount.

Maybe its the accountant in me but I gotta stress that.

Very happy for you. The odds of that were literally 1 in 1.2 million.

Congrats man :nthat:
[emoji]128529[/emoji][emoji]128529[/emoji] fugazi

I'm sure you're not the only one who lost some $ on here after seeing this.
yea, I do play scratch offs all the time, but played a littler heavier the last few days [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I got $2 in my pocket atm. Bout to grab a powerball ticket after work and ride this NT wave 8)
Just a little background information about my situation before this popped off... I just lost my job a few months ago. I've been barley getting by with help from a few family members which if you've ever been in my position you know how crushed your pride and manhood is when you have to resort to this. I recently sold my gold chain from Reys (Jewelry thread)
. Sold my ps4 and my iPhone
and was actually going to sell this damn MacBook that I'm typing on this month
x100000 but then this happened. Half a year ago I started and still have been working on fixing up my mother's house everyday after work as a thank you for raising and loving a wild bastard type of gift which definitely stopped me from saving some rainy day money before I lost my job. So I was doing pretty damn bad yo then this happened.... It ain't 1m but it sure as hell is enough money for me to get something going if I invest it smart enough.

Not sure who to thank but I'm just glad I can get back on my feet. Im not religious by any means but i do feel it was once I became selfless and started genuinely doing good for others without expecting anything in return is when someone somewhere if he exists up there decided to send some love my way.

I've been on NT for 15 years so y'all are family to me whether you like it or not and the love I'm reading in these comments are appreciated more than you guys know.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

I'm confident this money won't change who you are -- keep at it, keep pushing, and never forget the lows when you reach your highs.
op drop your mixtape and cashout on a big name publicist. you cant lose.
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