So I just sent this girl a pic... Vol. Update on Pg. 1

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Normally , it's definitely a good thing .

If it wasn't , I think she would have put "uhmm , ok" ... & gradually slid her +@# off AIM .
Maybe she has some self respect?

Another L for you.

Damn you guys handing this chick Ls every time
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Normally , it's definitely a good thing .

If it wasn't , I think she would have put "uhmm , ok" ... & gradually slid her +@# off AIM .
Maybe she has some self respect?

Another L for you.
Uhm .... no ?

He clearly said they were talking about it & he sent the picture .

Read my dude .

Self-respect ? It's not like he just sent it randomly .
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by r0yalty

Must be a fat boy...

Nah bro, I'm not fat by any means, I've been physically active since I was 3, rocking the 6-pack

Originally Posted by HighRep87

no game having dude
Who are you? Who are you pulling? Lol
and it begins
says the guy trying to stunt on a broad on his computer, you ol' Jason Biggs American Pie computer cam B%$##
Maybe she started fantasizing, lost track of time, then her friend walked in and she quickly logged off the chat.... Or, more likely, it's not a goodthing.
dude why would you send a girl a pic of your goods like that? And you can't assume if its good or bad that she ignored you after that? foolish....
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by r0yalty

Must be a fat boy...

Nah bro, I'm not fat by any means, I've been physically active since I was 3, rocking the 6-pack

Originally Posted by HighRep87

no game having dude
Who are you? Who are you pulling? Lol
and it begins
says the guy trying to stunt on a broad on his computer, you ol' Jason Biggs American Pie computer cam B%$##
You mad bro?!

I still see no pics of girls you bagging....
hey she's pretty cute and since she ignored you , she probably done with you. Time to hand over her myspace and let me handle that
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

that was prolly a bad ":0".. you sound insecure
Nah, I'm just mad confused. I mean, I'm very comfortable with my body just because I work out often and have good genetics
you did say you sent her a pic of your?????what the hell does working out or genetics have to do with THAT
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

that was prolly a bad ":0".. you sound insecure
Nah, I'm just mad confused. I mean, I'm very comfortable with my body just because I work out often and have good genetics
you did say you sent her a pic of your?????what the hell does working out or genetics have to do with THAT

Haha, I'm not even worried about my size, always confident about that, you gotta be

If there's anything I'm slightly insecure about, it'd be the fact that as I get older I have to watch my body more, although it's still damngood, so that's why I wrote that
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