So I just sent this girl a pic... Vol. Update on Pg. 1

she didnt want to see your #+$! u dumb #$#%.

@ :0
maybe she was just surprised that you even sent pictures at all. like your were self conscious and looking for approval. hopefully before you weren't likelets "exchange" photos. and you incidentally only had unclothed pictures.
mmm I like I like.. just to clarify thou:

Did you show your *!#* or just your upper body?

Your direct approach suprises me
I would've got shorty over for a movie or some *%% and then crackedy crack crack
Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Just wait

...time is on your side
i told u soo

..but she fronting on you

She just acting young

but looking back now ...

yeah you got her feeling weird

maybe she too nice to tell you to curve
me: Lol ok, so if you could have casual, no strings attached, unwhoreish sex with my body, would you?


If you were really trying to smash then your game is terrible. But if you were going for the "put it all on the table approach" then you sure did,but I still dont think your smashing. Sounds like shes a little weirded out by the way you going about the whole situation.
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