Originally Posted by Nako XL
This broad faked the whole thing though
Originally Posted by torgriffith

every vaccine has the virus in it it's fighting against. it's injected in you so your body so you can develop the antibodies to fight it.

No, it doesn't - it only has parts of the virus - that's enough for your body to produce antibodies. You don't actually get infected with the virus - although for some vaccinations that actually happens.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

every vaccine has the virus in it it's fighting against. it's injected in you so your body so you can develop the antibodies to fight it.

No, it doesn't - it only has parts of the virus - that's enough for your body to produce antibodies. You don't actually get infected with the virus - although for some vaccinations that actually happens.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by torgriffith

every vaccine has the virus in it it's fighting against. it's injected in you so your body so you can develop the antibodies to fight it.

No, it doesn't - it only has parts of the virus - that's enough for your body to produce antibodies. You don't actually get infected with the virus - although for some vaccinations that actually happens.
actually some vaccines contain whole attenuated viruses. i n either case you dont have much to worry about, these attenuated viruses or parts or subunits can not cause and harmful effects to you. it just triggers your immune response. now the whole autism and vaccine link can be argued which i dont believe in.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by torgriffith

every vaccine has the virus in it it's fighting against. it's injected in you so your body so you can develop the antibodies to fight it.

No, it doesn't - it only has parts of the virus - that's enough for your body to produce antibodies. You don't actually get infected with the virus - although for some vaccinations that actually happens.
actually some vaccines contain whole attenuated viruses. i n either case you dont have much to worry about, these attenuated viruses or parts or subunits can not cause and harmful effects to you. it just triggers your immune response. now the whole autism and vaccine link can be argued which i dont believe in.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by r33p04s

as best as my memory serves I've never had a flu shot... never understood why people ran out for it every year simple precautions seem to work fairly well and when I have caught the flu/cold it's nothing more than sneezing runny nose and watery eyes for a few days... hit it with some vitamin C and it's all better

the virus gets stronger and immune to those vaccines every year so you're done anyways so why not just suck it up and let you're God given immune system handle it?
A runny nose and watery eyes isn't the flu - you've just had a minor cold which happens to most people a couple of times a year.

I get a flu shot because it costs me about $15 and saves me having a week off work - I'm self employed so wouldn't want that and who wants 3 or 4 days of that terrible chills and fever thing?

The companies who make the vaccine each year spend a lot of time choosing the strain that will be in it - usually 3 strains which they think are going to be the ones that will commonly affect people. You're right that the virus changes over time - but that's why they change the vaccine and why you need a new one each year. The vaccine is only parts of the shell of the virus too so you can't be infected from it - any discomfort is just due to being injected with something.

I've had the shot every year for the last 5 and I haven't had a single bout of flu in that time - before that I had a good bout every couple of years which was just miserable.
even more proof to my stance not to take it... you can't avoid the common cold anyways and I can't remember coming across the flu (fever, chills, night-sweats etc) in about the same amount of time as you and I know I haven't had a flu shot in the last 5yrs for sure... knock on wood... hygiene and general health precautions 
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by r33p04s

as best as my memory serves I've never had a flu shot... never understood why people ran out for it every year simple precautions seem to work fairly well and when I have caught the flu/cold it's nothing more than sneezing runny nose and watery eyes for a few days... hit it with some vitamin C and it's all better

the virus gets stronger and immune to those vaccines every year so you're done anyways so why not just suck it up and let you're God given immune system handle it?
A runny nose and watery eyes isn't the flu - you've just had a minor cold which happens to most people a couple of times a year.

I get a flu shot because it costs me about $15 and saves me having a week off work - I'm self employed so wouldn't want that and who wants 3 or 4 days of that terrible chills and fever thing?

The companies who make the vaccine each year spend a lot of time choosing the strain that will be in it - usually 3 strains which they think are going to be the ones that will commonly affect people. You're right that the virus changes over time - but that's why they change the vaccine and why you need a new one each year. The vaccine is only parts of the shell of the virus too so you can't be infected from it - any discomfort is just due to being injected with something.

I've had the shot every year for the last 5 and I haven't had a single bout of flu in that time - before that I had a good bout every couple of years which was just miserable.
even more proof to my stance not to take it... you can't avoid the common cold anyways and I can't remember coming across the flu (fever, chills, night-sweats etc) in about the same amount of time as you and I know I haven't had a flu shot in the last 5yrs for sure... knock on wood... hygiene and general health precautions 
The shots are laced with preservatives that are toxic to your body. These shots overtime breakthrough your nervous system causing side effect later on in life or instantly in sum cases. Thermisol and mercury isn't something that belongs in the central nervous system . Please do your research on the ingredients and what that means for yourself and the people around you. Don't think that these shots are in your best Interest. I haven't had a flu shot in over 7 yrs and I've caught the flu like once. wasn't even that serious.

If you take care of your body your body will take care of you.
The shots are laced with preservatives that are toxic to your body. These shots overtime breakthrough your nervous system causing side effect later on in life or instantly in sum cases. Thermisol and mercury isn't something that belongs in the central nervous system . Please do your research on the ingredients and what that means for yourself and the people around you. Don't think that these shots are in your best Interest. I haven't had a flu shot in over 7 yrs and I've caught the flu like once. wasn't even that serious.

If you take care of your body your body will take care of you.
Originally Posted by biff lawson

they gonna talk about it soon...just wait.

Flu shot is required for work and i got the memo last week saying that it now contains H1N1 stuff...not to thrilled
why?  don't you get a flu shot every year for work?.
adding the H1N1 strain isn't an issue.

the problem with last year's H1N1 that worried people was the preservative they were using.
thing is.. the "regular" flu shot has the same preservative. 

I believe though, most single dose shots do not contain it.  Multiple does bottles(see below) usually do.

Originally Posted by biff lawson

they gonna talk about it soon...just wait.

Flu shot is required for work and i got the memo last week saying that it now contains H1N1 stuff...not to thrilled
why?  don't you get a flu shot every year for work?.
adding the H1N1 strain isn't an issue.

the problem with last year's H1N1 that worried people was the preservative they were using.
thing is.. the "regular" flu shot has the same preservative. 

I believe though, most single dose shots do not contain it.  Multiple does bottles(see below) usually do.

Originally Posted by devildog1776

The shots are laced with preservatives that are toxic to your body. These shots overtime breakthrough your nervous system causing side effect later on in life or instantly in sum cases. Thermisol and mercury isn't something that belongs in the central nervous system . Please do your research on the ingredients and what that means for yourself and the people around you. Don't think that these shots are in your best Interest. I haven't had a flu shot in over 7 yrs and I've caught the flu like once. wasn't even that serious.

If you take care of your body your body will take care of you.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

The shots are laced with preservatives that are toxic to your body. These shots overtime breakthrough your nervous system causing side effect later on in life or instantly in sum cases. Thermisol and mercury isn't something that belongs in the central nervous system . Please do your research on the ingredients and what that means for yourself and the people around you. Don't think that these shots are in your best Interest. I haven't had a flu shot in over 7 yrs and I've caught the flu like once. wasn't even that serious.

If you take care of your body your body will take care of you.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by dalilboy



jk you'll be fine. influenza shots contain killed i've been told.
any vaccine contains a small "active" strain of the virus.
vaccines are stupid as !+!%... I can't believe they gave out HIV vaccines.

Oh yea? Explain.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by dalilboy



jk you'll be fine. influenza shots contain killed i've been told.
any vaccine contains a small "active" strain of the virus.
vaccines are stupid as !+!%... I can't believe they gave out HIV vaccines.

Oh yea? Explain.
So far only one disease, smallpox, has been eradicated by vaccines, savingapproximately 5 million lives annually.

Polio could be next. Over 80% of the world's children are now beingimmunized against the polio virus, and the annual number of cases has been cutfrom 400,000 in 1980 to 90,000 in the mid-1990s. If the year 2000 goal oferadicating polio is achieved, the United States will be able to save the $270million a year that is currently spent on polio vaccination. The savings forWestern European countries will amount to about $200 million a year.

Measles, currently killing 1.1 million children a year, is another possiblecandidate for eradication. Once high levels of routine immunization have beenachieved, national immunization days, followed by close monitoring and'blitzing' of any outbreaks, can eliminate the disease.

In all, vaccines have brought seven major human diseases under some degreeof control - smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, yellow fever, whooping cough, polio,and measles.

So far only one disease, smallpox, has been eradicated by vaccines, savingapproximately 5 million lives annually.

Polio could be next. Over 80% of the world's children are now beingimmunized against the polio virus, and the annual number of cases has been cutfrom 400,000 in 1980 to 90,000 in the mid-1990s. If the year 2000 goal oferadicating polio is achieved, the United States will be able to save the $270million a year that is currently spent on polio vaccination. The savings forWestern European countries will amount to about $200 million a year.

Measles, currently killing 1.1 million children a year, is another possiblecandidate for eradication. Once high levels of routine immunization have beenachieved, national immunization days, followed by close monitoring and'blitzing' of any outbreaks, can eliminate the disease.

In all, vaccines have brought seven major human diseases under some degreeof control - smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, yellow fever, whooping cough, polio,and measles.

LOL @ people who know nothing about vaccines saying vaccines are stupid. It is easy to take them for granted in our generation and not living in a poor third world country without access to vaccines. But these are the type of Ls your great grandparents took and many still go through around the world.

When was the last time you heard about someone getting measles, mumps, rubella, or polio?

HPV vaccine and cervical cancer

Persistent HPV infections are now recognized as the major cause of cervical cancer. In 2007, it was estimated that 11,000 women in the United States would be diagnosed with this type of cancer and nearly 4,000 would die from it. Cervical cancer strikes nearly half a million women each year worldwide, claiming a quarter of a million lives. Studies also suggest that HPVs may play a role in some cancers of the #@!+, vulva, vagina, and penile cancer (cancer of the penis) (2).

Studies have also found that oral HPV infection is a strong risk factor for oropharyngeal cancer (cancer that forms in tissues of the oropharynx, which is the middle part of the throat and includes the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils) (2, 3). Researchers found that an oral HPV infection and past HPV exposure increase the risk of oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer, regardless of tobacco and alcohol use, two other important risk factors for this disease. However, combining HPV exposure and heavy tobacco and alcohol use did not have an additive effect (3).
LOL @ people who know nothing about vaccines saying vaccines are stupid. It is easy to take them for granted in our generation and not living in a poor third world country without access to vaccines. But these are the type of Ls your great grandparents took and many still go through around the world.

When was the last time you heard about someone getting measles, mumps, rubella, or polio?

HPV vaccine and cervical cancer

Persistent HPV infections are now recognized as the major cause of cervical cancer. In 2007, it was estimated that 11,000 women in the United States would be diagnosed with this type of cancer and nearly 4,000 would die from it. Cervical cancer strikes nearly half a million women each year worldwide, claiming a quarter of a million lives. Studies also suggest that HPVs may play a role in some cancers of the #@!+, vulva, vagina, and penile cancer (cancer of the penis) (2).

Studies have also found that oral HPV infection is a strong risk factor for oropharyngeal cancer (cancer that forms in tissues of the oropharynx, which is the middle part of the throat and includes the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils) (2, 3). Researchers found that an oral HPV infection and past HPV exposure increase the risk of oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer, regardless of tobacco and alcohol use, two other important risk factors for this disease. However, combining HPV exposure and heavy tobacco and alcohol use did not have an additive effect (3).
Originally Posted by FedExciter

Why did u come and ask NT instead of asking the doctor while you were there?

The stupid things that people do
the only staff they had at the immunization clinic were the people giving the shots - there weren't any doctors available.

Moms made me take the shot.

Originally Posted by FedExciter

Why did u come and ask NT instead of asking the doctor while you were there?

The stupid things that people do
the only staff they had at the immunization clinic were the people giving the shots - there weren't any doctors available.

Moms made me take the shot.

All of you claiming you never get vaccinated and that vaccines are useless are ridiculous.

When's the last time you came down with a bout of rubella?

Measles?  How bout mumps, small pox, or polio?

All of you claiming you never get vaccinated and that vaccines are useless are ridiculous.

When's the last time you came down with a bout of rubella?

Measles?  How bout mumps, small pox, or polio?

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