So I Met Stickie213 The Other Day

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by stickie213

First of... I never offered the dude money! Never. 
This is how our convo went...

"Could I help you with anything?"

- "A swoosh account would be nice! (Pun intended)"

"Hahaha no can do man"

"Arent you Stickie213?!"

- "Lol yeah man whats good (surprised he knew who i was lol)"

Yes I was asking for a swoosh account, but not in any serious way.

He went to the back, and when he came out, I simply handed him my card and told him to let me know if he could do anything...

This dude is trying to make me look like a fool... Why? Who knows...

And yo, I hope you work today because Im planning to head over there in a few hours! Talk to you like a grown man..

Not to be cocky sir, but get on my level before you try to make me look like an idiot!

If you didnt like me, wanted me to get out of the store, or any of the bs youre making up, why didnt you just say something? Do you really think i need a Swoosh that bad? I get most of the stuff that actually is discounted on there for free!

For everyone talking about the rents being paid, just stop. lol Ive been working up to 40 hours a week at a boutique dont in South Fla called Soles Inc for the past two years.

Have some respect!

See you later today Buddy

Looks like we got a.......

sticky situation
Stickie, instead of buying shoes, you should by clothes.

Your clothing just sucks. Step it up.

I can help you out for a small fee though.

This thread is too much. The post about giving him a wedgie
and then someone saying that the OP is going to get someone to work on that day instead of him

Stickie definitely doesn't look like he is about that life.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by mases apprentice

Originally Posted by scshift

I've never heard of this kid... you're telling me a 12-year old carries business cards with his face on them and tells adults to "get on his level"?


why does it matter of he is 12. You sir.... are a hater. he said he working 40 hours a week. working at a sneaker store. making bread. and dude is hating on him for no reason. you're tight he said something back to OP lol crazyyyy

I'm not hating at all... I just said it was strange. How many kids do you know with business cards? And for the ones you do, how many are as young as 12?

People overuse the word hater way too much

idk i was 18 with a business card. No hate here, but dude has his hustle. who cares how old he is. 
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