So I Was Arguing With My GF

Mar 7, 2007
We were arguing about Batman and Robin came up. I was trying to explain to her why Robin sucks. I really only could come up with " he just does". Help me out with an argument NT.
robin used to suck....not anymore.

your thinking more of the 60's robin and the chris o'donnel robin....not the new robin in the comics, cartoons and the rising in the ranks to a red hood or nightwing.

your g/f is right homey.
robin is a sidekick come on son. he can't lead the pack, he follows orders.

even when he goes on his little solo adventures he's still just a boy in a man's world
bro, there are going to be fights in the future that you NEED to win. this is not one of them...just take the L and save a W for the future...
One Robin became Nightwing
Another became Red Robin
The current Robin is Batman's son and pretty hardcore and has killed people

The Robin that died came back and became the Red Hood and kills people on the regular and is pretty thorough.

Robin in any current version is far from whack.
The best thing you can do is show her Chris O'Donnell's 'Batman and Robin' version and hope she's ignorant to all of his current incarnations.  Sometimes it's not what you know, it's what she doesn't know.
She's going to leave you for a real man sooner than later. She needs somebody to grab her neck while going deep in them yambs not a dude that argues super heroes and barely has an argument with that.
One Robin became Nightwing
Another became Red Robin
The current Robin is Batman's son and pretty hardcore and has killed people
The Robin that died came back and became the Red Hood and kills people on the regular and is pretty thorough.
Robin in any current version is far from whack.

pretty much this
What if Robin is actually a real dude she was refering to?

Ever thought about that OP... Look through her phone and look for a Robin. If there is, then it's wrap!

Just take the L and call it a day. Robin is loosing up her tightness!
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