So I Went to See 'Good Hair' Last Night

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by Kim1

I've yet to see a Lauryn Hill, India Arie or Erykah Badu appreciation thread

I wasnt talkin that kinda natural

But more or less women should style
their real hair imo.

Word. I don't understand how women wouldn't want a man to be able to touch at least their hair. Or even how they go day to day with fear that he mayfeel their tracks. Poorly done lace fronts are
. Hoodrat wigs, weaves and unkempt braids are just plain nasty. If you can't afford to keep it upproperly, you just shouldn't make an attempt at it.
There are misconceptions on both ends. Women with natural hair are assumed to be "blacker than thou", randomly called "my sistuh". Expectedto go to snappy finger poetry slams and listen to jazz.
Women who straighten their hair are seen by SOME as looking for "acceptance". But that really isn't the case at all. Black hair is just difficultto manage sometimes. And it's not just African Americans, alot of Latinas, Jewish, Italian and Asian women do it too, just for manageability.
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Convince yall women to go natural man.

I can't see how black women torture themselves like that..........

Some say they pay thousands on weaves. Lay-a-way types.
I don't see what the problem is. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why should they go natural[/color]?

You're joking right...?

Originally Posted by Kim1

How do you know why people do what they do?
You can't group everyone into what you think is correct
They do it to look presentable externally yes, but you're saying the reason is to be accepted. Some do and some don't.
Ex. Waxing eyebrows, so you would say all women wax their eyebrows for acceptance?
Why can't some just not wanna wake up with a forest on their foreheads because it is annoying?
No people don't want forest eyebrows because they are UGLY. Again, you can make yourself believe these beautification practices are "foryourself" but if there were no other people on earth there wouldn't be a reason to get your eyebrows done. You are in serious denial. And it islaughable that you would bring up eyebrows because that is easily something done for "acceptance."
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Seriously man, sitting in a chair with acid burning at your scalp just so it can be comparable to Euro standards. Cut it out ladies.
Ive had my hair permed and im a dude. I had an afro back then, and my mother suggested it. So i did it, id have to say ive never been in so much pain in my life. I swear it felt like this lady was pushing rusty nails into my skull. The shower was even worse, my head was as tender as a new born child.
Gilrs do this stuff on the reg, its crazy. My sister has like 20 wigs, they pay stacks for them. My sister lazy and doesnt take care of her har so, thats an easy way to look presentable in public.

Plus side, it did straighten out my hair and it was mad soft. I enjoyed to result, but getting there is torture.
Your MOTHER suggested that YOU (as a male) perform an act that is usually set aside for WOMEN? Come on mothers of the world. I hope you talked toher about it now that you are aware of these things. Let her know how you feel man.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Convince yall women to go natural man.

I can't see how black women torture themselves like that..........

Some say they pay thousands on weaves. Lay-a-way types.
I don't see what the problem is. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why should they go natural[/color]?

You're joking right...?


It's not that easy for a wmn to just "go natural". It actually can be a pretty traumatic process in the beginning. Then after It requires ALOT ofmaintenance and care in order for it not to look jacked up. Alot of females just don't have the time or attention span to do it.
Oh I have definitely been tricked. I never knew Nia Long and NuNu had weaves either. I didn't say weaves are unattractive. BAD weaves are unattractive.

But I just don't understand how women can just put themselves in a situation where they can possibly be embarrased. At any given time, that weave can bepulled out, severely altered, and it can be discovered that it isn't yours (to those that try to hide it.) As Ice T said, the problem is women walk aroundSO CONFIDENCE flaunting something that IS NOT THEIRS.

How can a man respect that honestly? It goes into the notion that you aren't happy in your own skin. Yes EVERYONE has some sort of insecurity aboutthemselves, but everyone doesn't go out and buy part of a body part that belongs to someone else for PERSONAL NEEDS. Again, it is to LOOK better. LOOKINGbetter is based on social acceptance.
And I wish I would have a woman ask me to help her pay for her weave. I wish I would. I wish I would. What would give a woman the courage to even ask a mansomething so disrespectful? Nothing clicks in your head that says, "This is MY personal project, why should I even ask him to invest in this." Lackof respect. Maybe women know I am not falling for that mess because I have never been asked that nonsense. Has anyone been asked this? Females, Kim, have youever asked a man this?
yo, when i was a lil one, about 3/4 years old i noticed that all the girls in my class had mad braids, plats, bo-rets, toys and all types of *@!@ in theirhair, and i remembers sittin in class thinkin, man i wonder what all these girls would look like if they just wore their hair natual. all the girls in my classwere black, and at that age i thought a womens natural hair was permed, cuz it was the simplest form of hair that i saw, straight down.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Kim1

How do you know why people do what they do?
You can't group everyone into what you think is correct
They do it to look presentable externally yes, but you're saying the reason is to be accepted. Some do and some don't.
Ex. Waxing eyebrows, so you would say all women wax their eyebrows for acceptance?
Why can't some just not wanna wake up with a forest on their foreheads because it is annoying?
No people don't want forest eyebrows because they are UGLY. Again, you can make yourself believe these beautification practices are "for yourself" but if there were no other people on earth there wouldn't be a reason to get your eyebrows done. You are in serious denial. And it is laughable that you would bring up eyebrows because that is easily something done for "acceptance."

It's not about "acceptance". Its just about being presentable. Not according to anyone else "standards" of beauty. Why to cats groomthemselves, why to reptiles and roosters strut on front of their potential mate. Its dating rituals that human beings do just like anything else on thisplanet. So every time a dude goes for a shape up, he wants to be accepted? NO he wants to be presentable. You have no position to argue this unless you leaveyour house everyday naked and you haven't groomed your head in 15 years.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

I was not familiar with female hair, as all of the girls I've ever been or owe to always had their own hair
., you didn't learn anything, eh?

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Convince yall women to go natural man.

I can't see how black women torture themselves like that..........

Some say they pay thousands on weaves. Lay-a-way types.
I don't see what the problem is. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why should they go natural[/color]?

You're joking right...?


It's not that easy for a wmn to just "go natural". It actually can be a pretty traumatic process in the beginning. Then after It requires ALOT of maintenance and care in order for it not to look jacked up. Alot of females just don't have the time or attention span to do it.

You don't know what you're talking about...

Originally Posted by Kim1

Every single race wears weave, some call it "extensions" to make it sound better
You'd be surprised that all your fave celebs wear weaves
Which leads me to my next point. The person I went to see the movie and I were discussing this point. It is SO funny that "we" get thatstuff in our hair to be more like Euro women. But then THEY turn around and do it as well. I just find it funny, almost like a cat chasing his tail
Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

but that new iish they got that goes
around the hair line is just
. Just looks
extra fake, like the hair is glued on, but
then again it might be poorly done like u

Just never been a fan a weaves. I believe
females look good in their natural state no
matter how long or short the hair, as long
as its properly taken care of.

You're talking about a lace
The bad ones are just poorly done thats all
Not saying you don't mean it are always quick to say "Women should wear their natural hair", yet they lose their minds over the girls with the weaves
Especially on NT where Lauren London, Beyonce, Meagan Good (who all wear weaves) gets worshipped
I've yet to see a Lauryn Hill, India Arie or Erykah Badu appreciation thread

that's cause they're ugly, not cause they rockin fros....


i like "natural hairstyles" moreso than girls with their "hair done", if that makes any sense....

like when yall take braids out and it's all crinkly?


and ftr, ain't nothing wrong with weave except when you're,

a.) trying to sleep and it suffocates you....


b.) you're smashing on top, with hands.....occupied, head next to hers, and it suffocates you...

other than that....if it's fresh, who cares?

i DO feel DC AllAmerican though.....

if you oogly, a weave isn't going to help, and if you fine, natural hair isn't going to hurt...

be proud of yourselves....
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I wish I would have a woman ask me to help her pay for her weave. I wish I would. I wish I would. What would give a woman the courage to even ask a man something so disrespectful? Nothing clicks in your head that says, "This is MY personal project, why should I even ask him to invest in this." Lack of respect. Maybe women know I am not falling for that mess because I have never been asked that nonsense. Has anyone been asked this? Females, Kim, have you ever asked a man this?

Nope. Never. Not just men I don't ask anyone
I don't ask a man for anything that is for me whether it be weave, clothes, w/e
I can only speak for myself but my hair is very thin so I put in weave to add thickness to it

Whether you wanna call it for acceptance or not, I personally love when my hair is full with volume
Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Kim1

How do you know why people do what they do?
You can't group everyone into what you think is correct
They do it to look presentable externally yes, but you're saying the reason is to be accepted. Some do and some don't.
Ex. Waxing eyebrows, so you would say all women wax their eyebrows for acceptance?
Why can't some just not wanna wake up with a forest on their foreheads because it is annoying?
No people don't want forest eyebrows because they are UGLY. Again, you can make yourself believe these beautification practices are "for yourself" but if there were no other people on earth there wouldn't be a reason to get your eyebrows done. You are in serious denial. And it is laughable that you would bring up eyebrows because that is easily something done for "acceptance."

It's not about "acceptance". Its just about being presentable. Not according to anyone else "standards" of beauty. Why to cats groom themselves, why to reptiles and roosters strut on front of their potential mate. Its dating rituals that human beings do just like anything else on this planet. So every time a dude goes for a shape up, he wants to be accepted? NO he wants to be presentable. You have no position to argue this unless you leave your house everyday naked and you haven't groomed your head in 15 years.

Ok now I'm convinced that you don't know what you're talking about.

"It's not about 'acceptance, it's...about being presentable"...

Dude, do you realize that being or trying to look presentable IS all about being accepted...?

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont think the white, asian, or any race that is known for having naturally long hair people on NT can relate to this movie since i dont really think they know about weave like that,

no offense to anyone who might be offended im just sayin

You cant be serious. Where do you think the hair comes from? Asian people. I own a beauty supply and im not talking about Sally's. Ive been to Bronner Brosevery year for the past 6 years. I cant speak for the caucasians, but you would be suprised at how much asians know about the industry. 90% of the consumersare African-Americans, but 90% of the retailers are asian. I think I can relate to this movie just a lil.
Originally Posted by RenaRene

It's not about "acceptance". Its just about being presentable. Not according to anyone else "standards" of beauty. Why to cats groom themselves, why to reptiles and roosters strut on front of their potential mate. Its dating rituals that human beings do just like anything else on this planet. So every time a dude goes for a shape up, he wants to be accepted? NO he wants to be presentable. You have no position to argue this unless you leave your house everyday naked and you haven't groomed your head in 15 years.
Strip the word PRESENTABLE down and you get acceptance. Acceptance is a simply form is getting praise or the OK from outside parties. I am notunderstanding why you can't see that.

Every dude that gets a shapeup wants to look GOOD, so YES it is acceptance.

I am not saying that it is a bad thing, maybe that is why so many get defensive when the word acceptance is brought into play.

It is the world of COSMETICS. Cosmetics is based on beauty. Beauty is based on PERCEPTION. Perception is based on vision. I am not seeing how you can'tpiece all of this together
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

yo, when i was a lil one, about 3/4 years old i noticed that all the girls in my class had mad braids, plats, bo-rets, toys and all types of *@!@ in their hair, and i remembers sittin in class thinkin, man i wonder what all these girls would look like if they just wore their hair natual. all the girls in my class were black, and at that age i thought a womens natural hair was permed, cuz it was the simplest form of hair that i saw, straight down.

What is the definition of "natural". Any hair that grows our of a woman's head is "natural". It's just that some women decide tochange the texture of their hair and some don't. That's it. There is no philosophical difference. There is no vast differentiation between these typesof women or their self esteem. Just as some caucasian women blow and flat iron their hair straight, and some don't.
You can't say within the African American community that any specific "type" of hair or treatment of hair is natural or not. Because there are somany variations on "natural" texture to begin with. It's like going to an Italian Restaurant and trying to order the "most Italian"dish on the menu. Different dishes, yet all Italian food. You pick what you wanna eat. If you don't like, don't eat.
Originally Posted by RenaRene

It's not about "acceptance". Its just about being presentable. Not according to anyone else "standards" of beauty. Why to cats groom themselves, why to reptiles and roosters strut on front of their potential mate. Its dating rituals that human beings do just like anything else on this planet. So every time a dude goes for a shape up, he wants to be accepted? NO he wants to be presentable. You have no position to argue this unless you leave your house everyday naked and you haven't groomed your head in 15 years.

[table][tr][td] [h1]presentable [/h1] [/td] [td]���Also found in: Legal[/td] [td]0.04�sec.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td] �(pr
1. That can be given, displayed, or offered: presentable gifts; presentable attire.

2. Fit for introduction to others: presentable relatives.

, pre·sent

[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RenaRene

It's not about "acceptance". Its just about being presentable. Not according to anyone else "standards" of beauty. Why to cats groom themselves, why to reptiles and roosters strut on front of their potential mate. Its dating rituals that human beings do just like anything else on this planet. So every time a dude goes for a shape up, he wants to be accepted? NO he wants to be presentable. You have no position to argue this unless you leave your house everyday naked and you haven't groomed your head in 15 years.
Strip the word PRESENTABLE down and you get acceptance. Acceptance is a simply form is getting praise or the OK from outside parties. I am not understanding why you can't see that.

Every dude that gets a shapeup wants to look GOOD, so YES it is acceptance.

I am not saying that it is a bad thing, maybe that is why so many get defensive when the word acceptance is brought into play.

It is the world of COSMETICS. Cosmetics is based on beauty. Beauty is based on PERCEPTION. Perception is based on vision. I am not seeing how you can't piece all of this together

You can "strip" anything down and it means acceptance. You pay for tickets for a movie. OK now, that movie theater has "accepted" yourmoney so you can see the movie. So you are now "accepted" by the theater and you're happy? A man gets a shape up to "look good" in HISEYES. He can go out and get "rejected" by anybody he approaches but he would still come home and think he had a good shape up. So it's really notrelated at all.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

erykah badu and lauryn are far from ugly...
, when kim is comparing the hype of beyonce, lauren londonand meghan good, to erykah badu, lauryn hill, and india aire(wonder why you didnt mention her...), yes, brova, they are quite horrible...


i mean, compared to....the entire human population, they're not ugly...

compared to a handful of the baddest celebrity chicks? lets be real.....sir..

and to be perfectly clear, it has NOTHING to do with either party's hair....
Originally Posted by Kim1

How do you know why people do what they do?
You can't group everyone into what you think is correct
They do it to look presentable externally yes, but you're saying the reason is to be accepted. Some do and some don't.
Ex. Waxing eyebrows, so you would say all women wax their eyebrows for acceptance?
Why can't some just not wanna wake up with a forest on their foreheads because it is annoying?

I have to disagree with you kim.
The reason why all these beautifications feel "good" for us (men and women both) is because they are accepted by society.
It gives you confidence to walk in a room with the "right" clothes on and the "right" makeup on. Period because how of other peopleperceive you.
So yes i think women wax for acceptance but because it was annoying. It only becomes annoying because we have to constantly keep up with it but before thewaxing we were little kids not caring about our eyebrows until we grew up and realized thats "what women do"
Originally Posted by RenaRene

You can "strip" anything down and it means acceptance. You pay for tickets for a movie. OK now, that movie theater has "accepted" your money so you can see the movie. So you are now "accepted" by the theater and you're happy? A man gets a shape up to "look good" in HIS EYES. He can go out and get "rejected" by anybody he approaches but he would still come home and think he had a good shape up. So it's really not related at all.
I don't think I can explain it anymore
I don't think you can explain it anymore.

We just won't agree on this topic.
eNPHAN wrote:

i DO feel DC AllAmerican though.....

if you oogly, a weave isn't going to help, and if you fine, natural hair isn't going to hurt...

be proud of yourselves....

This is another thing
Who's to say a woman with a weave isn't proud of herself???
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