So I Went to See 'Good Hair' Last Night

Originally Posted by Diego

Im interested in what mindset you believe a woman with a weave would have.
EVERYONE is subject to vanity.
Well first of all, I wouldn't GO AT a woman that's hair is so bad that is just MUST need a weave. (again, from what I can detect. Womencan hide these things well).

To me a woman that wears a weave is chasing a certain type of look at will NEVER be caught and will NEVER be theirs to call their own. I don't think Icould connect with someone who can just walk around lying basically. It is a lie.

A less extreme situation of plastic surgery. I would never go that route to deal with a women that has gone under the knife. I just think there is a lack ofself-trust/esteem that is in that woman's mind that I certainly want no parts of.

Now, I am not saying ALL women that get WEAVES are DEPRESSED. I am not saying that. But I do believe they don't trust the tools in which they naturallyhave and they don't mind using someone else's tools and flaunting them as if they belong to them.

It is almost like they are just giving into what beauty is "supposed" to be.
maybe i'm weird or something, but i don't even care that much about hair...

if a chick is cute and dresses nice, her hair has to be pretty ridiculous for it to be a deal breaker anyway....

same with

chicks be having distressed eyebrows, hair grows all weird and %#$...

it's not that serious...

the only people saying "her eyebrows are busted" are chicks...

but then again, the only people saying "DAMN, HIS ALTITUDES ARE FRESH" are

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

imo, i feel that some women have been preconditioned from a young age believing that having long, straight, silky smooth hair is the standard.

men have too. Which is why alot of women do those things. We could all get into to the light skin long hair thing and go 8 more pages of dudes cryingpreference and not conditioning. @Kim it will take a lil less than a year. I just keep it braided until it's grown out only thing I'm worried about isdoing it myself. I hate doing my own hair permed so I. Atural is gonna be work. My hair is KINKY. But I'm excited cuz the fro after I take my braids out is
. If I ever want it straight i can just flat iron it. I'm still not goin near any water tho.
Originally Posted by Apples28

DC so you dont like fake anything or beauty enhancers?
I HATE makeup that I can detect. If I don't see it, then you got me lOL. So for the most part yea man, I am not cool with that stuff. I hatelip stick, eye liner, all of that "good" stuff. Never have been a fan really.

Like I said, it says a lot about a woman that can just present HERSELF to the world without so many forms of assistance (others hair & makeup).
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Diego

Im interested in what mindset you believe a woman with a weave would have.
EVERYONE is subject to vanity.
Well first of all, I wouldn't GO AT a woman that's hair is so bad that is just MUST need a weave. (again, from what I can detect. Women can hide these things well).

To me a woman that wears a weave is chasing a certain type of look at will NEVER be caught and will NEVER be theirs to call their own. I don't think I could connect with someone who can just walk around lying basically. It is a lie.

A less extreme situation of plastic surgery. I would never go that route to deal with a women that has gone under the knife. I just think there is a lack of self-trust/esteem that is in that woman's mind that I certainly want no parts of.

Now, I am not saying ALL women that get WEAVES are DEPRESSED. I am not saying that. But I do believe they don't trust the tools in which they naturally have and they don't mind using someone else's tools and flaunting them as if they belong to them.

It is almost like they are just giving into what beauty is "supposed" to be.

You are not Rick Flair. Does that make YOU a liar??? Do you think that anyone who wears leather jackets is trying to be a cow? lets be for real here. Now youare being as picky as to say if her hair looks "bad". So that means she's "unacceptable" to you right? You can't bash the samejudgmental sociological practice that you practice yourself.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

imo, i feel that some women have been preconditioned from a young age believing that having long, straight, silky smooth hair is the standard.
men have too. Which is why alot of women do those things.
Bingo! The world is bugged with being "Euro." It isn't just blacks. EVERY races borrows from other races.

I always wonder when African Woman first encountered white women how astonished they were with the straightness of their hair. I would pay to see thatreaction.
Originally Posted by RenaRene

You are not Rick Flair. Does that make YOU a liar??? Do you think that anyone who wears leather jackets is trying to be a cow? lets be for real here. Now you are being as picky as to say if her hair looks "bad". So that means she's "unacceptable" to you right? You can't bash the same judgmental sociological practice that you practice yourself.
LOL @ The Flair and Cow comments.

I have the right to be picky when it comes to how any woman I deal with looks.

If she is not up to par physically then YES she is unacceptable to me. What is the issue?

I NEVER bashed any social practice anywhere in this thread. Please retrace my steps throughout. I mentioned the EXISTENCE of it, I NEVER bashed it.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Just don't put down others in the process
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Seriously man, sitting in a chair with acid burning at your scalp just so it can be comparable to Euro standards. Cut it out ladies.
Ive had my hair permed and im a dude. I had an afro back then, and my mother suggested it. So i did it, id have to say ive never been in so much pain in my life. I swear it felt like this lady was pushing rusty nails into my skull. The shower was even worse, my head was as tender as a new born child.
Gilrs do this stuff on the reg, its crazy. My sister has like 20 wigs, they pay stacks for them. My sister lazy and doesnt take care of her har so, thats an easy way to look presentable in public.

Plus side, it did straighten out my hair and it was mad soft. I enjoyed to result, but getting there is torture.
Your MOTHER suggested that YOU (as a male) perform an act that is usually set aside for WOMEN? Come on mothers of the world. I hope you talked to her about it now that you are aware of these things. Let her know how you feel man.
Nah, its not that serious. I tried it once no big deal, and theres mad dudes that get there hair permed. Malcolm x used to get his hair permed tolook more presentable until he was educated to what the white man was doing, then theres was that jheri curl phase. It was a cool learning experience, and mymother didnt force it apon me. No parents are perfect, i guess it was one of her quirks from growing up in all white schools. But you are correct, no humanshould be using that product.
Originally Posted by Kim1

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Just don't put down others in the process

Exactly. Women have options. Some do it cuz they are insecure mothers cuz they have the option to do so. I have to say I'm disappointed in alot of blackmen who will play a chick with a warve but then beast in these celebrity chicks that rock one. It's really sad to see. It's even sadder to see thesestandards of beauty pushed on to young girls of all races. I probably won't perm my daughters hair. I'll let her decide when I feel she's oldenough. I remember once when I was younger I said I wished I was white in front of my mother cuz I wanted long hair. She almost flipped out. lol. Now of courseI know better but I wonder what she was thinking.
I just don't believe in all this philosophical mess about varying levels of respect for women. A woman should be judged by her personality, intelligenceand overall attractiveness. IMO Anybody who comes off like they respect "natural" girls more solely based on the fact that a hair follicle isn'taltered in anyway are basically clowns. Because That's just being closed minded.
Nobody is forced to deal with anybody the're not attracted to. Just don't feel the need to press women to "go natural" b/c that reallydoesn't mean anything to anybody.
You can have the tightest natural hair, yet be the dumbest broad on the planet. Where does that leave you..well at least you have natural hair? whateva
A woman should be judged on EVERYTHING, including the external.

And I said from a cosmetic standpoint (just how they have their HAIR) I respect them more.

I didn't say I respect the WHOLE PACKAGE more than any girl that does have a weave. Re-read everything I said please because I already touched on your LASTstatement RenaRene. You clearly aren't reading what is being typed
mytmouse76 wrote:
Kim1 wrote:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Just don't put down others in the process

Exactly. Women have options. Some do it cuz they are insecure mothers cuz they have the option to do so. I have to say I'm disappointed in alot of black men who will play a chick with a warve but then beast in these celebrity chicks that rock one. It's really sad to see. It's even sadder to see these standards of beauty pushed on to young girls of all races. I probably won't perm my daughters hair. I'll let her decide when I feel she's old enough. I remember once when I was younger I said I wished I was white in front of my mother cuz I wanted long hair. She almost flipped out. lol. Now of course I know better but I wonder what she was thinking.
My mom didn't perm my hair and when I was old enough to choose I decided I didn't want to either
But I saw some unbelievable young girls in class growing up with permed hair
Like grade 1 some girls had their hair permed already, I couldn't believe it
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

A woman should be judged on EVERYTHING, including the external.

And I said from a cosmetic standpoint (just how they have their HAIR) I respect them more.

I didn't say I respect the WHOLE PACKAGE more than any girl that does have a weave. Re-read everything I said please because I already touched on your LAST statement RenaRene. You clearly aren't reading what is being typed

I read exactly what you typed. But I don't think you understand what you're saying. A WHOLE PACKAGE is exactly that. A whole package, which wouldINCLUDE cosmetic. So if your respect for a girl goes up cosmetically, that adds to your OVERALL respect for her.
You can't separate it.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

but that new iish they got that goes
around the hair line is just
. Just looks
extra fake, like the hair is glued on, but
then again it might be poorly done like u

Just never been a fan a weaves. I believe
females look good in their natural state no
matter how long or short the hair, as long
as its properly taken care of.

You're talking about a lace
The bad ones are just poorly done thats all
Not saying you don't mean it are always quick to say "Women should wear their natural hair", yet they lose their minds over the girls with the weaves
Especially on NT where Lauren London, Beyonce, Meagan Good (who all wear weaves) gets worshipped
I've yet to see a Lauryn Hill, India Arie or Erykah Badu appreciation thread

that's cause they're ugly, not cause they rockin fros....


i like "natural hairstyles" moreso than girls with their "hair done", if that makes any sense....

like when yall take braids out and it's all crinkly?


and ftr, ain't nothing wrong with weave except when you're,

a.) trying to sleep and it suffocates you....


b.) you're smashing on top, with hands.....occupied, head next to hers, and it suffocates you...

other than that....if it's fresh, who cares?

i DO feel DC AllAmerican though.....

if you oogly, a weave isn't going to help, and if you fine, natural hair isn't going to hurt...

be proud of yourselves....
Laren hill and erykah badu are both very beautiful women.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why you so upset tho? (renarene)

i can see why someone would be upset by this discussion cuz alot of men like to accuse black women of wanting to be white...some dude on here had the nerve tosay black women are ashamed to be black and thats why they perm their hair and wear bothers me when men try to say they know why a woman doessomething...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why you so upset tho? (renarene)

i can see why someone would be upset by this discussion cuz alot of men like to accuse black women of wanting to be white...some dude on here had the nerve to say black women are ashamed to be black and thats why they perm their hair and wear bothers me when men try to say they know why a woman does something...
I could also see where shes coming from.

DC is trying to make himself look like a stand up guy for believing that women should be natural and how any woman who is not is of a certain mindset, but inthe same post he would state that he would let something like bad hair stop him from getting to know a female.

That statement is no less superficial than the girl who is getting a weave.

Aint nothing wrong with being superficial, just dont be afraid to admit it.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why you so upset tho? (renarene)

i can see why someone would be upset by this discussion cuz alot of men like to accuse black women of wanting to be white...some dude on here had the nerve to say black women are ashamed to be black and thats why they perm their hair and wear bothers me when men try to say they know why a woman does something...

why can't you take it as "that's how i percieve the situation" moreso than "you wanna be white!"

when people are talking about conditioning, it's not even something we consciously do...

like i said, i'm not even paying attention to the hair like, im going from %@!, to chest, to face, to kicks, to speaking...

who stops at the hair like "OH HELL NO?"



like i said before, the only people talking about yalls eyebrows and hair are other chicks....
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