So Ive been scammed by NT member McPimpster. NT P.I.s help me out

I have no phone number.. The address is real... As previously stated that is the address I sent the MO to and it was SIGNED FOR. AT THAT ADDRESS.
Im sayin...I looked it up.....there is no "Street Ct." that I can find
that address exists but without the "street", and its rightup the way from me
thats like sayin I live at 5555 25th ave st.
its one or the other
truth be told, Im not sure I'd even be willing to actually approach dude, but I'd need a 100% verifiable address to even consider it.
I mean I wouldnt be getting anything out of the deal (would I?) and I'd feel dumb awkward rollin up on the wrong house

more than likely, its "Ct", cause upon further investigation, there is no "street" within those parameters
on my way home tonight, I'll survey the scene and determine if its worth pursuing (on my end) cause I hate to hear about dudes gettin scammed
you got GOT.. no jokes intended...
Hey the address is in fact 131st COURT. NO street. Sorry the the error I figured it out.
damn indian dude stealing people money.... I hate scammer, and yo why is this MrPimpster is not banned???????
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